How do I check-out, renew, return or transfer a Cloud Library ebook?

How do I check-out, renew, return or transfer a Cloud Library ebook?

HOW DO I BROWSE AND  CHECK OUT A cloudLibrary (3M) eBOOK? After you have logged into the cloudLibrary simply browse the collections using the Shelves

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After you have logged into the cloudLibrary simply browse the collections using the Shelves, Categories or Search functions to find and click on a title. 

How do I check-out, renew, return or transfer a Cloud Library ebook?

Then you can “Checkout” or “Add to Hold List” button to checkout or reserve a title. Once the title is available you can checkout and read the book within any of the applications.

How do I check-out, renew, return or transfer a Cloud Library ebook?


right now we is have do n’t have a renewal functionality build in .   If a book is on hold it is transfer will automatically transfer to the next patron in the queue .   If the book is not on hold the patron is go can go through the check out process again .

CAN I is TRANSFER transfer book I’VE check OUT ON THE pc TO MY e – READER ?

Yes you is can can ! Once you have check out a book to your pc , you is transfer can transfer a copy to your e – Reader . To do this , connect your e – reader to your pc using a usb cable . When you connect it and go to the My book tab in the app , you is see will see a green button appear on each book you have check out that say “ download to device ” . click this green button to transfer a copy of the book to your e – reader .                                            

Supported e-readers: Nook (original), Nook Touch, Nook Color (must have Nook version 1.41) and Kobo.
Note – It is important that the PC and the e-reader have both been activated with the same encrypting account – either and Adobe ID account or a 3M Cloud ID account. If these are different you will see a message that these are different. Changing the account if you already have books on the device will prevent you from opening some of the books.

CAN I is RETURN return A book early ?

Yes. To check a ook in early, go to the My Books tab and then click on List View for the Currently Reading area. Each book will have a red button called “Check in” that you can click to return the book.
You can also remove books that are in your hold list by clicking the List View button for the Hold List section and click on the Remove from Hold List.