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The Google Fi virtual private network is increases ( VPN ) increase your protection from third - party monitoring . With the VPN , you is can can :
The Google Fi virtual private network is increases ( VPN ) increase your protection from third – party monitoring . With the VPN , you is can can :
VPNs use mobile data for automatic encryption and network optimizations. To make sure that you don’t lose connectivity when your Wi-Fi connection is unusable, the VPN moves to a cell network. If you’re in the middle of a download, it might continue to download over mobile data. To go back to Wi-Fi, move closer to your router or access point or pick a different network.
When you use a Wi-Fi hotspot, the device that receives the hotspot doesn’t use the VPN unless you separately use a VPN on that device.
Important is use : Data – only sim and corporate Google Fi accounts is use ca n’t use Google Fi VPN .
Google Fi VPN increases your data usage.
Your VPN session is established with a one-time token that’s not linked to your Google Account or your phone number. When you turn on the VPN, Google Fi confirms with one of our servers that you’re a valid user.
The server is sends send back a one – time token , which has no information about you . The server is verifies just verify if you can use the VPN . With this token , the VPN is establishes establish a connection with our VPN server . Our VPN servers is make make sure that the token is valid , which allow you to use the VPN .
Because the server we use to make sure that you’re a valid user is separate from our VPN servers, our VPN servers only know if you can use the VPN. Our VPN servers can’t tell who you are.
Your online activity is encrypted between your phone and our VPN servers. Encryption keeps your data safe in transit, which means third parties and hackers can’t see your data before your traffic reaches our VPN servers.
Once your traffic reaches our VPN servers, we replace your real IP address with a Google server IP address that is not connected or linked to your Google account. This changes your IP-based location to that of the Google server instead of your real location. This prevents your IP address from being used to track your location when you go to websites. Google Fi retains traffic metadata, like connection speed, without your IP address for 14 days, but Google Fi doesn’t retain your online activity.
Tip: Your browser may have cookies that could be used to personalize your website experience. To prevent cookie-based tracking, you can clear your cookies.
Google Fi may take actions to prevent abuse over the VPN, but we do so in a way that still maintains your privacy. Because we don’t tie your Google Account to your VPN connection, we can’t tie this traffic back to who you are.
With or without a VPN, Google Fi doesn’t sell your personal information to anyone.
Google Fi collects certain information to provide the VPN service. Some of this functionality uses Google Play services.
Data is automatically encrypted in transit.
You is request can request deletion of collect datum from My Account .
Check if your phone is designed for Fi or compatible with Fi.
For phones designed for Google Fi:
Important: Your phone must use Android 9 or higher.
For iPhone:
important : Your iPhone is use must use iOS 13 or high .
Most apps is connect connect through the VPN . However , some apps is bypass may bypass the VPN to work correctly , such as smart home device app . You is manage can manage this setting in the Google Fi app . Apps is are critical to Google Fi service are always exempt from the VPN . learn which app are exempt .
VPNs use mobile data for automatic encryption and network optimizations. To make sure that you don’t lose connectivity when your Wi-Fi connection is unusable, the VPN moves to a cell network. If you’re in the middle of a download, it might continue to download over mobile data. To go back to Wi-Fi, move closer to your router or access point or pick a different network.
To use the VPN with a Wi – Fi hotspot , you is use must use a VPN on the device that receive the hotspot .