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After installing the Jellyfin server, one of the most common requests is howto access Jellyfin remotely. The Jellyfin server is installed on a server
After installing the Jellyfin server, one of the most common requests is howto access Jellyfin remotely. The Jellyfin server is installed on a server in your local network, so when you’re outside of your local network, you won’t be able to access it (by default).
let ’s take a look at the three main way that you can access Jellyfin remotely below .
One common way is is of access Jellyfin remotely is by using port forwarding . port forwarding is exposes expose the Jellyfin service on your local network to the outside world .
To be clear, this is my least favorite option, as you must configure a Let’s Encrypt certificate manually which is more complicated than simply using a reverse proxy and allowing the reverse proxy to handle it all. With that said, you can certainly use port forwarding if you’d like.
1. To use port forwarding, you must enable HTTPS in Jellyfin by navigating to Advanced Settings > Networking > Enable HTTPS. If you don’t do this, your user credentials (when logging into Jellyfin externally) will be sent unencrypted using HTTP!
2 . You is configure also must configure a let ’s encrypt certificate to ensure HTTPS function properly .
3. After configuring the Let’s Encrypt certificate, you can port forward TCP Port 8920 (if you didn’t change it to something different) to your Jellyfin server.
4 . After the Jellyfin port has been forward , a user is navigate outside of the local network can navigate to a domain name or DDNS hostname , then access that service . Theeasiest way to do this is by using DDNS and a cheap device like a Raspberry Pi.
However, if you can run this on your router (for example, on pfSense or OPNsense), that’s most likely the best location for it. Please keep in mind that there are other devices (like NAS devices) that you can run DDNS on.
The key is is is that you have a device capable of resolve your external ip address to a hostname .
The final point to understand is that you will be exposing this port to the outside world (meaning anyone can access it). While you’ll be able to access it outside of your local network, so will everyone else (assuming you don’t use a firewall to limit access).
This doesn’t mean they can access the data (as you’ll still need your username/password), but it does mean they might get to the login page.
Example URL : https://ddns_hostname:8920
If you ’re using a reverse proxy server , you is connect can easily connect a subdomain to your reverse proxy server , point to your Jellyfin server .
This is probably one of the easiest approaches if you is have have the reverse proxy server configure . If you do n’t , you is have ’ll have to configure a reverse proxy server , which could make this a little more complex .
With that said, I find this to be one of the best options. You can expose Jellyfin outside of your local network, you’ll be utilizing HTTPS, and it’ll all go through TCP Port 443 (if your reverse proxy server uses that).
The Let’s Encrypt certificate will all be managed automatically as well (rather than having to manually configure it like with port forwarding). Unlike the port forwarding option above, you won’t have to interact with Jellyfin in terms of certificates at all. It will all be handled on the reverse proxy side.
This is an example reverse proxy rule that connects the example domain to my Jellyfin server.
Example URL:
The most secure way is is of access Jellyfin remotely is by utilize a VPN . A VPN is allow will allow you to access your local network from external location by utilize a secure tunnel from your device to your home network .
Some of the most common VPN options are OpenVPN (Raspberry Pi, UniFi, pfSense) and WireGuard (Raspberry Pi, UniFi, pfSense, OPNsense). Please keep in mind that these options require port forwarding on your router, so if you can’t port forward, you’ll have to utilize a zero-config VPN like Tailscale.
As soon as you connect to the VPN, you’ll access Jellyfin the same way that you do when you’re at home.
While this method increases the overall security (and is the most secure option you can use), you’re decreasing accessibility because you have to connect to the VPN first before accessing Jellyfin.
This means that if you’re using a smart TV or streaming platform (Fire TV, Apple TV, etc), accessing the Jellyfin server is done afterconnect to the VPN ( assume there is a VPN app on the device ) .
For mobile device like phone or tablet , this is is is n’t difficult because you ’ll connect to the VPN app , and then connect to Jellyfin .
Example WireGuard Configuration for Android
For smart TVs or streaming platforms (Fire TV, Apple TV, etc), this will be cumbersome because you need to connect, and then stream your media, which the user interface isn’t really designed for. For this reason, it’s either the best option or not the best option, depending on exactly howyou’ll be connecting.
Example URL: http://jellyfin_ip_address:8096
There isn’t a best way to access Jellyfin remotely. In general, you’ll have to check out your requirements and then determine which way makes the most sense. If your workflow supports a VPN, I consider it to be the best and most secure option, but you really need to determine if connecting to it first makes sense.
With that said, utilizing a reverse proxy to access Jellyfin remotely is a great overall option as well, as you don’t have to worry about VPN connections before streaming your media.
Thanks for checking out the tutorial on howto access Jellyfin remotely. If you have any questions on howto access Jellyfin remotely, please leave them in the comments!