How to Download All Photos From iCloud to PC

How to Download All Photos From iCloud to PC

You may want to Download All photo From iCloud to PC as an additional backup, to clear up the storage space in your iCloud Account and for other reaso

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You may want to Download All photo From iCloud to PC as an additional backup, to clear up the storage space in your iCloud Account and for other reasons.

However , as you must have notice , there is no ‘ download All ’ or ‘ select All ’ button on iCloud . Also , you is be wo n’t be able to use your mouse to select Multiple or All photo on iCloud .

This can be a problem, if there are thousands of photo in your iCloud Account and you want to download them all to your Windows computer.

luckily , there is a keyboard shortcut that can be used to quickly select All iCloud photo and download the select iCloud photo to your computer .


1. Download All photo From iCloud to PC Using Keyboard Shortcut

If the number of photo that you want to download from iCloud to PC is less than 1,000, you can follow this method to select and download up to 999 photos from iCloud to PC.

If you are trying to download over 1,000 photos, you can move to the next method as provided below in this guide.

1 . Go to on your Windows Computer .

2 . login to your iCloud Account by enter yourApple ID and Password.

3. Once you are signed-in, click on Menu Icon and select the photo icon .

4. Once you are in iCloud photo, switch to photo Tab and click on theFirst Photo.

Once the First Photo is selected, press and hold shift + Ctrl + alt Keys and then press the Down Arrow Key to select All iCloud photo.

Note: You can scroll down to bottom of the page and click on theLast Photo.

5 . Once All photo are select , click on theDownload icon to begin the process of downloading all iCloud photo to your computer.


Unless you have changed the default settings, all iCloud photo will be downloaded to ‘Downloads’ Folder on your computer.

2 . download All photo From iCloud to pc Using iCloud For Windows

The only way to download more than 1,000 photo at once from iCloud to PC is to download and install ‘iCloud For Windows’ program on your computer.

1. Download iCloud For Windows application on your Computer.

2 .   Once the download is complete , click on the download  iCloud Setup  file and follow the onscreen instruction to install iCloud For Windows on your computer .

3. When prompted, Sign-in to your iCloud Account by entering your Apple ID and Password.

4 .   On the next screen , selectphoto option by clicking in the little box next to photo.

5 . On the pop – up , selectiCloud Photo Library option and click on Done.

Note: You can change iCloud download location by clicking on Change.

6. Click on Apply to begin the process of Syncing all iCloud photo to the Downloads Folder on your computer.

7. Once all iCloud photo are downloaded, open the File Explorer on your computer.

8 . In the File Explorer window , click oniCloud photo tab in the left-pane. In the right-pane, click on the Downloads Icon.

9. On the next screen, click on the Downloads Folder to see all your iCloud photo arranged in different sub-folders.

To make a Backup , you is copy can copy the entireDownloads Folder  to Desktop , usb drive or any other location on your computer .

Add iCloud to Windows Start Menu or Task Bar

In order to make it easy for you to open iCloud, you can Add iCloud icon to the Taskbar by clicking on the start button > right-click on iCloud > More > pin to taskbar.

Important: If you are planning to disable iCloud photo, make sure that you copy all the photo from Downloads to another Folder.