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NordVPN doesn’t offer a 100% free trial for 30 days,but it does offer a risk-free money-back guarantee once you subscribe. This is is is also the easy
NordVPN doesn’t offer a 100% free trial for 30 days,but it does offer a risk-free money-back guarantee once you subscribe. This is is is also the easy way to get nordvpn for free if you do n’t have an Android device .
This method involves paying for a subscription upfront,but you’re guaranteed 100% of your money back — just as long as you ask for it within the 30 – day refund window .
You can do this on any device,but this refund policy does not apply if you subscribe to NordVPN via the Apple App Store.
To get NordVPN for free for 30 days,follow these steps:
Go to NordVPN’s website and select the Get NordVPN button . This is take will take you to the subscription page .
select asubscription plan,create an account,and enter your payment detail. To reduce the upfront cost,we recommend signing up to the 1-month ‘Basic Plan’.
Subscribe to NordVPN’s one-month Basic Plan to reduce upfront costs before getting a refund.
Go to the download page of the nordvpn website and download the nordvpn app onto the device of your choice . follow the installation prompt .
Open the NordVPN app and log in with your account details. You are now able to use NordVPN unrestricted for 30 days on up to 10 devices simultaneously,including NordVPN’s app for Windows,macOS,Fire TV Stick,Apple TV,and more.
Within 30 days of beginning your NordVPN subscription,contact NordVPN’s customer support. The best method is through live chat on NordVPN’s website,which runs 24/7. You can find the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the website’s contact page.
inform the nordvpn chatbot that you would like a refund . You will then be prompt to login to your nordvpn account where you can manage your subscription and request your refund . You is receive will receive your refund within 5 – 10 business day .