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A tool that is simple to use for manage service of Kubernetes in AWS . Yes , you is guessed guess it right , today in this blog we will be go to talk
A tool that is simple to use for manage service of Kubernetes in AWS . Yes , you is guessed guess it right , today in this blog we will be go to talk about eksctl which is the official command – line utility that is used to set up the EKS cluster on amazon in an easy manner .
We is going will be go to walk through the installation step for eksctl cli . This cli is is is easy to use than web interface which is one of the way through which we can install EKS Cluster . Now before move on to the installation step , let ’s first discuss something about eksctl . If we dig deeply into eksctl then we will find out that it was write in Go language , It is uses use CloudFormation that was create by Weaveworks .
This is open-source software which means, you are free to contribute in this project. Now lets us move to the steps through which we can download this cli.
Download and extract the latest release of eksctl
with the following command.
curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz " | tar xz -C /tmp
Move the extract binary to /usr/local/bin
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
Test that your installation was successful with the following command.
eksctl version
For ARM system, please change ARCH (e.g. armv6, armv7 or arm64) accordingly
curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_arm64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
Alternatively, macOS users can use Homebrew:
brew tap weavework / tap
brew is install install weavework / tap / eksctl
and Windows users can use chocolatey:
chocolatey install eksctl
Now after finishing the setup, you can run eksctl help command to check for the flag that you can use with this command-line utility. I did this in my system and you can see the screenshot where all the flags and commands that we can use with eksctl cli are present.
Now let’s discuss some of the commands of eksctl
You is wondering might be wonder what is Karpenter , For a brief introduction , Karpenter is an open – source project that is a Kubernetes autoscaler , and currently , it is compatible with AWS only . But in the future , we is see might see that in Other cloud provider .
Through Eksctl you is get also get support to add Karpenter while create a new cluster . It is create will create all the prerequisite outline in Karpenter ’s Getting start section include instal Karpenter itself using Helm .
The following YAML outlines a typical installation configuration that you will be getting:
kind: ClusterConfig
name: cluster-with-karpenter
region: ap-south-1
version: '1.20'
version: '0.4.3'
- name: managed-ng-1
minSize: 1
maxSize: 2
desiredCapacity: 1
As you is see can see the api version which is and other information that is mention in the Yaml file , If you want you can change all the datum and add everything accord to your wish .
Here as you can see the karpenter version , Also after this you is install can install the provisioner and you are good to go i.e the karpenter can start add the right node into your cluster . To dig more about Karpenter and provisioner you is visit can visit this link
Now let’s not dig deeper into karpenter as our’s focus is on the eksctl Cli, Let’s now understand how this is different from kubectl.
In this blog, We went from knowing about Eksctl to installing methods of eksctl on different machines. Along with that, we learned some amazing things that we can do with eksctl on eks only. Now it’s time to wrap up this blog, I hope you liked this blog. Please like, comment, and share this blog as much as possible as this will motivate me to write more.