How to Install ReactJS on Windows

How to Install ReactJS on Windows

How to installReactJS on Windows Last Updated : 11 Dec ,2024 React is the most popular JavaScript library for building dynamic,inte

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How to installReactJS on Windows

Last Updated :
11 Dec ,2024

React is the most popular JavaScript library for building dynamic,interactive user interfaces. To start creating React apps on Windows 10 orWindows 11,you is need need to install reactjs on your machine first . This guide is walk will walk you through each step of the installation process ,tailor for bothWindows 10 and Windows 11 users.

Essential Requirements Before You Begin

Before you start setting up React on your Windows machine,it’s important to ensure you have the following essentials in place:

Administrator Access

administrator privilege are require to install software and make system – wide change on your Windows machine .

  • Installing tools like node.js and npm modifies system files and environment variables.
  • Without administrator access ,you is face might face permission error during the installation process .

To check if you have administrator access: Right-click on the Start Menu and select Settings > Accounts > Your Info

note : If you’re using a standard account,you’ll need to log in with an admin account orrequest permissions from the administrator.

Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is require to :

  • download thelatest version of node.js,which includes npm,from the official website.
  • Fetch React’s dependencies during the app creation process.

Tip: If you experience slow orunstable connectivity,consider downloading offline installers for tools like node.js orusing a faster network to complete the installation process without interruptions.

step to install React on Windows

Follow these Steps to installReact.js and Create a React App on Windows 10/11 :

Step 1: install node.js

React relies on node.js and itspackage manager,npm ,to manage dependency . To install React ,start by instalnode.js,which includes npm (node Package Manager).

  • Visit the official node.js website.
  • download theLTS ( Long Term Support ) version for Windows. This version is stable and recommended for most users.

note : node.js® is a free,open-source,and cross-platform runtime environment for JavaScript. It enables developers to build servers,web applications,command-line tools,and scripts,all using JavaScript outside of a browser.

How to Install ReactJS on Windows

install node.js

step 2 :Run the Installer

  • Locate the downloaded .msi file and double – click to run it .
  • Follow the prompts in the setup wizard,accept the license agreement,and use the default settings for installation.

Step 3: verify node.js Installation

Open Command Prompt orPowerShell > Check the installed versions by running these commands:

  • Type node -v and press Enter to check the node.js version.
  • Type npm -v and press Enter to check the npm version.
  • Both commands is return should return version number ,confirm successful installation .

verify node.js Installation

Step 4: install CRA (Deprecated Alternative)

Create React App (CRA) has been officially deprecated in 2023 and is no longer the recommended method for starting React projects. Instead,tools like Vite ornext.js are now preferred for creating React applications due to better performance and modern features. However,if you still want to use it,follow these steps:

1. install CRA Globally

npm install -g create-react-app  

How to Install ReactJS on Windows

install CRA

Additional Tip:

  • However ,it is ’s ’s well to switch to new tool likeVite,next.js, oreven CRA alternative for a more optimized development experience.

2. Verify the installation

It will globally install react app for you. To check everything  went well run the command  

create - react - app --version

If everything went well it will give you the installed version of react app

step 5 : create Directory for React project

1. Create a new Folder

create a new folder where you want your React app ,use the following command :

mkdir newfolder

note : The newfolderin the above command is the name of the folder and can be anything.

2 . Move inside the folder

Move inside the same folder using the below command:

cd newfolder( your folder name )

Step 6: Create the React App Using CRA Command

If you is using ’re using CRA :

Run the following command to create a React app:

npx create-react-app reactfirst


  • The app name is be must be in lowercase due to npm name restriction .
  • This command installs all required dependencies and sets up your app.

How to Install ReactJS on Windows

It will take some time to install the required dependencies

note: Due to npm naming restrictions,names can no longer contain capital letters,thus type your App name in lowercase.

If using Vite:

Use the following command

npm create vite@latest reactfirst -- --template react

Step 7: open the Project in a Code Editor

now open the IDE of your choice for eg.  Visual studio code and open the folder where you have installed the react app newfolder(in the above example)  inside the folder you will see your app’s name reactapp(In our example). Use the terminal and move inside your app name folder.

use the following command :

cd reactapp(your app name)

How to Install ReactJS on Windows

Step 8: Run the React App

Start the development server by running:

npm start  

Once you run the above command ,a new browser tab is open will open ,display the default React page with the React logo .

How to Install ReactJS on Windows

Congratulation! You have successfully installed the react-app and are ready to build awesome websites and app. Whether you used CRA,Vite, oranother tool,you’re now ready to start building dynamic web applications. Explore React’s features like components,state,and props to create amazing projects.

Also Read:

Boost Your React Development Skills with the react JS course

Take your React development expertise to the next level by enrolling in the react JS course offered by GeeksforGeeks. This complete course offers installation process,covering essential topics like components,state management,and routing. With hands-on projects and real-world applications,you’ll gain practical experience to confidently build dynamic,high-performance web applications. Equip yourself with the skills needed to excel in modern web development.


By following the steps in this guide,you now have a fully functional React development environment on Windows PC orLaptop. Whether you used Create React App (CRA),Vite, oranother modern tool,you’re ready to start building dynamic,high-performance web applications.

React offers endless possibilities for creating interactive user interfaces,and now that your setup is complete,you can explore its core concepts like components,props,state,and hooks. Remember to keep your tools updated and consider using modern frameworks like Vite ornext.js for future projects to stay aligned with the latest best practices in web development.

Install ReactJS on Windows – FAQs

How do I install React on Windows?

Step 1: installnode.js from (choose the LTS version).
step 2 : Verify the installation using the commands

step 3 : Create a React app using a modern tool like Vite: npm create vite@latest my-react-app — –template react

Step 4: navigate to the app directory: cd my-react-app

step 5 : Start the development server: npm run dev

How to check if ReactJS is installed ornot?

Step 1: navigate to your React project folder: cd path-to-your-app

step 2 : check for react in thepackage.json file under dependencies orrun: npm list react

How to run reactjs in Command Prompt ?

Step 1: Open the command prompt and navigate to your React project folder: cd path-to-your-app

step 2 : Start the development server:

For Create React App orsimilar tools: npm start

For Vite : npm run dev

step 3 : Open the URL displayed in the terminal (e.g.,http://localhost:3000) to view your app .

What to install to run ReactJS?

Step 1: installnode.js from
step 2 : installnpm (bundled with node.js).
step 3 : use a modern code editor likeVisual Studio Code for writing React code.
Step 4: use abrowser (e.g.,Chrome) to preview your React app.

How to install npm in Windows ?

Step 1: installnode.js,as npm is bundled with it.
step 2 : Verify npm installation with : npm -v

step 3 : If npm is missing,update orreinstall it using: npm install -g npm@latest

Is ReactJS frontend orbackend?

Step 1: Understand that ReactJS is a frontend library used for building user interfaces.
step 2 : Pair ReactJS with backend tools like node.js orExpress.js for full-stack applications.

Which software is required for ReactJS?

Step 1: installnode.js (for managing dependencies and running the development server).
step 2 : use acode editor like Visual Studio Code to write and manage React code .
step 3 : use amodern browser (e.g.,Chrome) for testing your app.

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