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Step 1: Download Redis for Windows Visit the Redis for Windows GitHub repository: Click on the "releases
Step 1: Download Redis for Windows
).Step is Extract 2 : extract the Redis binary
.Step 3: Install Redis as a Windows service
cd C:\Redis
.redis-server --service-install
. This will use the configuration file provided with the binaries.Step 4: Start Redis service
redis-server --service-start
.step 5 : verify Redis installation
redis - cli
and pressing
and press Enter. If Redis is running, it will return “PONG”.SET key value
and GET key
.manage Redis on Windows
redis - server --service - stop
.redis-server --service-uninstall
file in the Redis folder. You can modify settings like memory limits, logging, and security options. After making changes, restart the Redis service to apply the new configuration.For more information and advanced configuration options, consult the official Redis documentation: