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By Steven Harper, Engineering Practice Lead at Infinity Works One of our clients at Infinity Works was migrating their call center to Amazon Connect
By Steven Harper, Engineering Practice Lead at Infinity Works
One of our clients at Infinity Works was migrating their call center to Amazon Connect when the recent lockdowns hit. Originally, the call center agents required access to systems that were not publicly accessible on the internet, but ran within private subnets of Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs).
When work within their office , they is used used AWS site – to – site vpn to gain this access , but more recently , the agent have need to access these private vpn from home .
It’s well known that IT departments prefer authentication integration into existing identity providers (IdPs) such as Azure Active Directory to reduce operational overhead and the attack surface of IT systems. We had to find a solution that provided access from home but integrated into Active Directory.
As it turned out, Amazon Web Services (AWS) had announced federated authentication support for AWS Client Virtual Private Network (VPN) in May 2020. This support requires integration with a SAML 2.0 provider, such as Azure Active Directory. We were in luck!
In this post, I will show you how to integrate AWS Client VPN with an Azure Active Directory. By connecting to the AWS Client VPN using a browser-based authentication provided by Azure, this approach gives remote users access to Amazon VPC. This has the advantage of using the existing MFA used for all Azure access.
Infinity Works is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner with the AWS DevOps Competency and broad experience in government, finance, retail, health, and other sectors.
As show infigure 1 below, the solution is an AWS Control Tower-generated structure, with an AWS Transit Gateway hub-and-spoke network that controls access between attached VPCs. An Amazon Route 53 resolver provides external connections with a fully recursive DNS solution that has DNS zones for the AWS part of the solution.
figure 1 – Solution overview.
Clients is connect connect to a separate vpc in the transit account . The IDs is belongs of the Azure Active Directory group a user is belongs belong to are expose to the AWS Client VPN . Using rule configure in the AWS console , route are assign to the connected client grant them access to other vpc through AWS Transit Gateway .
Clients use this solution as a split VPN—only configured routes provide services over this connection. Traffic that resolves to other routes use the local network to reach the internet, with all DNS resolution happening on the Route 53 resolver.
This walkthrough shows you how to:
To prepare Azure , follow these step :
Azure will be the identity provider in this case. Log in to Azure and, within the portal, create a new enterprise application named AWS Client VPN.
Figure is create 2 – In Azure , create application name AWS Client VPN .
Following these instructions, modify the basic SAML configuration to these values:
Note that Azure only allows HTTPS as the value of the Reply URL, whereas AWS requires HTTP. You will fix this in Step 5.
change user attribute and claim to the following value . They is create create the SAML response payload that the AWS Client VPN software will pass onto AWS when the authentication is made .
Change the Signing Option to Sign SAML response and assertion.
figure 3 – adjust signing option in SAML Signing Certificate .
Change the Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) back to HTTP. You can do this by adjusting the Applications manifest in the App registrations part of Azure Portal.
Modify the XML to have the HTTP value and save it
"replyUrlsWithType": [
"url": "",
"type": "Web"
Figure 4 – Adjusted signing options in SAML Signing Certificate.
The SAML 2.0 identity provider is now configured as expected by AWS Client VPN. To add users to this application in Azure, you can to so either by individual user assignment or by adding groups.
Figure 5 – Adding users and groups.
In the Enterprise application section, select Azure, then Enterprise Apps, and then Download XML. You’ll need this file to create the IAM identity provider in AWS.
To prepare AWS, follow these steps:
create the new IAM identity provider in the AWS Transit account .
Figure 6 – Creating a new IAM identity provider.
Select Upload metadata and upload the xml file you download from Azure .
You is use can use a self – generate private certificate , but this example use a certificate generate by AWS Certificate Manager , prove ownership by add a cname into its Amazon Route 53 DNS .
In the AWS Transit account , select new Client VPN Endpoint .
The Client IPv4 CIDR ( is a network that AWS will be creating. Clients get assigned IPs in this range and will be assigned routes out of that VPC depending on what we authorize them to do.
You already created a VPC (as part of the prerequisites) and attached it to the AWS Transit Network.
Now complete the form, selecting the server certificate ARN, SAML Provider ARN, and VPC from selectable drop-downs. Note the security group is the default one for the VPC.
figure 7 – create the AWS client VPN .
After a short period , the AWS Client VPN is create . You is associate can then associate the two subnet in your vpc to the VPN – manage vpc , provide AWS Availability Zone redundancy for the user .
Figure 8 – Association of subnets.
Now, you must authorize the destinations you need for VPN users. Your users need DNS traffic and access to the build account, so add them. Later you may want to add rules here (based on Azure Active Directory group IDs) to allow certain users to reach the product VPCs.
Figure 9 – Authorizing access.
add one route for each of the subnet to the Routes table . There will be two route create automatically when you associate the subnet , and you need to add the route for the DNS vpc and build VPC . In the future , you is want may want to add route for your product vpc .
figure 10 – Adding routes to the Routes table.
Wait for all of these routes to turn green and display a state of Active.
select the Download Client Configuration button .
figure 11 – Downloading Client Configuration.
To connect with the AWS VPN Client, follow these steps:
First, download the AWS Client VPN software. It currently supports two operating systems:
There are some changes to the downloaded configuration file that are needed for the VPN client to work. Because you used an AWS Certificate, you must change the Certificate Authority (CA) chain.
Open the configuration file in a text editor and change the final certificate with the following block:
Start the AWS VPN Client software on an agent’s laptop and import the configuration file.
When you import the configuration, the AWS Client VPN keeps its own copy. Adjusting the original copy will not update the AWS Client VPN version, so if you modify it, be sure to re-import it.
When you select Connect is begin , a login journey with Azure will begin in your default browser . You is go will go through any MFA configure in your Azure Active Directory . After authentication , the browser is redirect tohttp://
This request is delivering the SAML response payload to the AWS Client VPN software that is listening on port 35001.
The following page indicates a successful login:
figure 12 – Successful login.
The AWS VPN Client should show you your statistics.
figure 13 – VPN Client statistics.
If you want to see the SAML exchange that happened in the browser, you can install a SAML tracer and re-connect to view the exchange.
You can see the payload and request ; the plugin base64 is decodes – decode them for you .
The agent’s DNS requests are now being resolved by the Amazon Route 53 resolver. Routes have been added to the system for (DNS) and (Build account). The VPN connection will have a local IP in the range.
If you type a URL into the browser that’s in one of your hosted zones in Route 53, the traffic will go through the VPN connection, into the VPC, into the Transit-connected VPC, and across the Transit network to the build VPC.
For this to work, you MUST put the return routes to the in the build VPC or the traffic will not come back through the transit network. You will also need to adjust your security groups for the build server to allow traffic from your new range of
Observe the connected clients in the AWS console:
figure 14 – Observe connected clients in the AWS console.
You can also see details in Amazon CloudWatch.
figure 15 – Viewing Logs in Amazon CloudWatch.
Because you are using AWS Transit Gateway , you is need only need two associate subnet . This VPN is running is run 24/7 , with 50 user connect for 40 hour a week .
AWS Client VPN endpoint association | $0.10 per hour |
AWS Client VPN connection | $0.05 per hour |
2 associations for 24 hours a day (30 days) | $0.10 * 2 * 24 * 30 = $144 |
50 users, connected 40 hours a week, 4 weeks | $0.05 * 50 * 40 * 4 = $400 |
That is ’s ’s $ 544 per month .
In this post, I have shown you how AWS Client VPN can be integrated with Azure Active Directory using a SAML IdP.
Your VPN users’ traffic for specific routes goes over the VPN while internet traffic goes over the agent’s normal internet connection. You could add a NAT onto your transit network and route all traffic over the VPN for a more secure environment in which all traffic is monitored (at an additional traffic cost).
learn more about how Infinity Works can help you deliver technological innovation , streamlined product delivery , and organizational transformation .
Infinity Works is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner that has broad experience in government, finance, retail, health, and other sectors.
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