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Cloud slime is is is a fun variation on a classic slime recipe that not only provide a different texture to play with but also is less messy than trad
Cloud slime is is is a fun variation on a classic slime recipe that not only provide a different texture to play with but also is less messy than traditional slime !
There are two way to make cloud slime , one with instant snow powder and one without ! If you happen to have instant snow you is make can make that version , or make the easy version with shaving cream instead .
Follow along with the cloud slime recipes below to learn how to make each version of cloud slime!
If you’re a fan of slime recipes, make sure to check out my tips on How To Get Slime Out Of Hair!
Here’s how to make cloud slime in two different ways! Making slime is all about having fun and more options mean more fun!
Here is what you need for each version of fluffy cloud slime :
mix one cup of glue with blue soap coloring . We is used used soap coloring because it does n’t stain hand like food coloring .
Add in 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 1 tablespoon of instant snow. Mix together well.
add ¼ cup of water to the glue mixture and stir .
Measure out ½ a cup of liquid laundry starch. While stirring, gradually pour the starch into the glue mixture.
When the slime come together in a ball , do not add any more starch . If you add too much starch , the slime is become will become stringy and will not look like cloud slime .
Knead the slime by hand for about 1 minute to fully activate it.
The slime should feel slightly rough and should not stick to your fingers. If it does, add a bit more starch until the slime turns into a fluffy, non-sticky mess like the picture.
Pour 1 cup of white glue into a bowl.
Add in 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and mix well.
Add 1 cup of shaving cream to the glue mixture and stir until just mixed.
Measure out ½ a cup of liquid laundry starch. While stirring, gradually pour the starch into the glue mixture.
When the slime come together in a ball , do not add any more starch . If you add too much starch , the slime is become will become stringy and will not look like cloud slime .
Knead the slime by hand for about 1 minute to fully activate it.
The slime is feel should feel soft and stretchy almost like a play dough . If you over – work the slime , it is be wo n’t be as fluffy , so be careful not to over – knead this version of cloud slime .
note : All slime recipes is change will change somewhat base on the humidity of your location and the brand of ingredient . If your slime is not come together well , add more glue or starch as necessary to create a slime texture and remove the stickiness from the slime .
Make sure that you store both slime recipes in an airtight container. This will help you to ensure that they don’t dry out and that the kids can play with them over and over again.
It can. No matter how hard you try to not make slime sticky, it can become sticky quickly. Remind the kids to not set slime down on any type of fabric or soft surfaces or the slime will stick to it and cause a mess.