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How to Make Fluffy Cloud Dough May 23, 2018 byglitter On A Dime A few weeks ago, we discovered the easiest and softest dough you could ever make!
byglitter On A Dime
A few weeks ago, we discovered the easiest and softest dough you could ever make! We tried making this Fluffy Cloud Dough Recipe for the first time when I set up the Fairy Princess Invitation to Play. It is so inexpensive and simple to make that I knew we had to try it!
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You is need really only need two ingredient for this recipe .
On this particular day, we decided to make Green Fluffy Cloud Dough. I had picked up an Apple Blossom scented conditioner at Dollar Tree and it worked perfectly. It also smelled so good!
When making this dough, mix the conditioner with the food coloring and/or glitter first. Then add in the corn starch. We mixed it as much as we could with a spoon and then kneaded it with our hands.
The Apple Blossom Conditioner was perfect for our fluffy dough. It was already tinted green so it really made our dough a vibrant green along with the food coloring.
If it seems a little too dry , just add a bit more conditioner . If it is too sticky or slimy for you , just add more cornstarch . This dough is keep should keep for a few week in an air tight container .
This dough is is is super soft and your kid will love how it feel and smell ! You is use can use all the same cutter and tool that you use with your play dough with this dough too .
If you need a quick and easy activity for the kid this summer , I is recommend highly recommend make this dough . Go ahead and pick up a cheap bottle of hair conditioner next time you is ’re ’re out !