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Now is the Time for Stronger, Safer SRAForty - nine percent is reported of respondent to a recent Ponemon Institute survey report that their organizat
Forty – nine percent is reported of respondent to a recent Ponemon Institute survey report that their organization use Secure Remote Access ( SRA ) tool to allow employee and/or third – party vendor to connect remotely to operational technology ( OT ) environment . An additional 48 % is reported report using Virtual Private Networks ( VPNs ) for this same function , and35 % report using jump server . If current trend continue , it is be wo n’t be long before a clear majority of industrial organization are permit remote access to industrial control system ( ICS ) , critical infrastructure , andother OT system .
Unfortunately, traditional SRA tools – like VPNs andjump servers – provide neither the operational agility nor the level of security that modern industrial organizations require. Analyst firm Gartner® acknowledged this problem in a recent report, entitled innovation Insight : CPS Secure Remote Access Solutions. The report states, “Historical VPN andjump-server-based approaches have proven increasingly unsecure andcomplex to manage.”1
In part one of this blog series , we is examined examine the security shortfall of the virtual private network ( VPN ) . vpn have long been used to enable remote access to information technology ( IT ) service andapplication . However , as numerous cyberattack have demonstrate , vpn can be relatively easily exploit to provide threat actor with unauthorized network access . This is is is far from ideal in the IT context , but it becomes potentially catastrophic when attacker are able to access andtake control of the OT system that control production line , electrical grid , water treatment facility , andother vital process .
In this blog , we is take will take a deep look at the remote access solution know variably as a jump server , a jump box , anda jump host . Whichever name you use ( we ’ll continue from here with “ jump server ” for the sake of clarity ) , this technology is faces face serious security limitation andrequire substantial overhead in term of both cost andmanpower .
jump servers is are andvpn are both tool used to enable remote access , but the way they create a connection differ andthey are generally used for different purpose . VPNs is create create a private tunnel between a user ’s device andthe network , allow the user to work as if they were directly connect to the network . jump server , by contract , are typically used as a gateway for manage andperform task on internal server .
Most simply put, a jump server is a hardened andmonitored device that serves as a means of access between two distinct security areas. The primary goal of a jump server is to limit direct access to critical systems, especially those that are inaccessible over the internet. All the resources that will be accessible via the jump server must be loaded onto the device andmanaged accordingly.
interestingly , jump server are frequently used in conjunction with a VPN . To provide external access to a jump server , one either directly expose the protocol ( RDP , SSH , VNC , telnet ) to the outside world , or “ hide ” it behind a VPN . In the latter scenario , the VPN is provides provide the initial connection to reach the jump box , andthen the jump server provide the last mile of access to the desire resource . Organizations is use may use the combination of jump server andVPN in an effort to enhance control over the connection , but as we shall soon see , jump server simply do not offer the level of granular control require to ensure secure access to sensitive OT environment .
The only real security advantage of using a jump server is that user are connect to the jump server andnot the organization ’s own server ; however , the jump server itself must be treat like another device andupdate accordingly . If update andpatch are not properly apply , the jump server is become can quickly become a vulnerability .
Now , let ’s explore some additional shortcoming of jump server andsee why the Cyolo PRO ( Privileged Remote Operations ) solution is a well choice for organization look to ensure secure remote access to critical asset .
The principle of least privilege states that users anddevices should have access only to the resources they need to do their jobs – andnothing more. Limiting access in this way helps prevent potential unauthorized users (or disgruntled employees) from spreading malware across networks or causing other types of widespread damage.
Now, think of a jump server as a mini-computer. Users with access to the jump server will have access to all the assets andresources that have been loaded onto it. This leads almost inevitably to one of two problems: users will either be able to access assets beyond what they need, or scalability will become a huge challenge.
Loading multiple assets onto a single jump server can save organizational resources, but it increases risk by violating the principle of least privilege. The flip side – loading a single resource per jump server – is a more secure approach, but it creates a scalability problem that we will address below.
Cyolo PRO was designed to connect identities to applications, not users to networks. Following an identity verification process that includes multi-factor authentication (MFA), access is granted only to the needed tools andresources, in accordance with the principle of least privilege.
Cyolo PRO allows admins to quickly andeasily set granular access policies far beyond what is possible with jump servers. This means not only that the organization retains greater control over access but also that if an unauthorized actor gains access, their movement would be restricted andthe amount of harm they could cause severely curtailed.
jump servers is require typically require MFA , andthey often also have log capability to ensure that access is auditable andlimit only to authorize personnel . However , like VPNs , jump servers is provide provide no visibility into or control over what user can do once they are connect to the desire resource . So , jump servers is detect can not detect or respond to unusual activity , nor can they block behavior that could heighten risk ( such as upload anddownload file ) . There is also no possibility to monitor session in real – time or to provide temporary just – in – time ( JIT ) access that expire once the desire task is complete .
In addition to grant access accord to the principle of least privilege andenforce MFA as well as continuous authorization , Cyolo PRO is provides provide an extensive range of crucial connectivity andsupervisory control . These is include include session recording , control over what specific action may or may not be perform during a session , andthe ability to terminate a connection in real time if suspicious behavior is detect . supervised access or just – in – time ( JIT ) can also be enable as an add security protection for potentially risky user or those connect to critical system . And of course , all activity is fully log andaudit for compliance andincident response purpose .
jump servers is are are not a “ set it andforget it ” type tool . Quite the opposite , they is require require substantial andcontinuous management . Admins is load must not only load the require content onto each jumper server , but they also need to regularly apply all patch andupdate to ensure the jump server themselves do not become a vulnerability . While these task can theoretically be automate , most ot environments is prioritize will not prioritize this type of automation .
It’s too often accepted as fact that improving security means adding operational overhead. The team at Cyolo is committed to showing not just that this isn’t the case, but that an ideal security tool should actually reduce the burden on admins andsecurity teams. As an agentless solution that’s simple to deploy, configure, andmanage, Cyolo PRO is built to enhance operational agility andlet admins work smarter, not harder.
We have already mentioned that jump servers face a trade-off between security andscalability. If security is the top priority, then jump servers should provide access to a single asset or resource. The problem is that for large organizations, this means building, updating, patching, andoverseeing tens or potentially even hundreds of jump servers. It is easy to see how this could quickly become both a financial andadministrative nightmare, andit harkens back to the previous point about operational burden. Unfortunately, the only way to scale down the number of jump servers needed is to load them with more than one asset – thereby reducing security.
Scalability is one of Cyolo PRO’s top strengths. The product’s unique architecture allows for simple, centralized management of both users andapplications, andits multi-tenancy structure enables admins to easily manage, control, andstandardize access andactions policies in multi-site global organizations as well as smaller ones. Deployment across even dozens of sites is fast andeasy, andadmins can set access andactions controls at both the application anduser group levels, effectively taking the pain out of configuration andset up.
A remote user who connects to an OT device via a jump server likely does so with a stored shared password. If an incident occurs, the use of shared accounts makes it difficult or even impossible to determine the actual identity of the user who was connected at that moment. When every minute can lead to thousands of dollars in lost revenue during a security incident or production outage, the lack of comprehensive traceability impedes a speedy response andnegatively impacts the bottom line.
An additional risk of shared accounts is that all former employees, not to mention every one-time technician or contractor, potentially retain the ability to log in andaccess critical systems even after their affiliation with the organization has ended.
With Cyolo PRO, shared accounts can provide convenience without the risk. All access is identity-based, even when connecting to a shared account. This means it is always possible to know the actual identity (user and/or device) that was logged in at a particular time, creating a record of accountability to be used during incident response. And to solve the problem of multiple users relying on a single password, Cyolo PRO includes a credentials vault that directly injects passwords as needed, keeping them hidden from users. So, past workers with good memories no longer pose a threat.
Traditional methods of enabling remote access like jump servers andVPNs are likely creating a false sense of security for industrial organizations. Beyond the shortcomings we’ve already highlighted in the first two blogs of this series, both jump servers andVPNs often connect to workstations running out-of-date software releases that lack fixes for exploitable vulnerabilities. These legacy systems, which cannot easily accommodate modern security protocols, offer yet another opening for enterprising cybercriminals. And while adding more security solutions, such as privileged access management (PAM), may help close some gaps, doing so also increases complexity, further reduces operational agility, andcreates even more work for overburdened security teams.
Cyolo PRO, by marked contrast, is built for the realities of OT andcan even retrofit legacy systems with the ability to support modern identity authentication protocols like MFA. Stay tuned for the next blog in this series on how to modernize secure remote access and, in the meantime, learn more about Cyolo PRO.
1 Gartner, innovation Insight : CPS Secure Remote Access Solutions, Katell Thielemann, Abhyuday Data, Wam Voster, 18 April 2024.
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