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For most die-hard torrent fans, the most pressing concern is how to prevent data breaches. Popular torrents like qBittorrent allow users to download m
For most die-hard torrent fans, the most pressing concern is how to prevent data breaches. Popular torrents like qBittorrent allow users to download media which they would be unable to get anywhere else. But this comes at the cost of privacy.
Many solutions to this flaw have been offered over time. But the simplest and most effective is the use of a Virtual Personal Network, otherwise known as a VPN. Many, however, seem to have problems with configuring qBittorrent to work with VPNs for anonymous downloads.
In this article, we’ll explain how to configure qBittorrent with one of the most popular VPNs out there – NordVPN.
As an avid torrent user , you is be must already be familiar with the problem that come with using them . popular torrent trackers is allow allow anyone to track your activity . This is is is because torrent client work by connect you to hundred of other user without any protection .
Furthermore, popular ISPs keep your usage logs for years and can sell your info to data mining companies.
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NordVPN is a torrent-friendly, no-logs VPN provider based in Panama. Like all VPNs, you can send your traffic through any of its servers to your target website. Setting up NordVPN is pretty straightforward and can be condensed into three steps.
step 1 . sign up for nordvpn
For you to set up and use NordVPN with qBittorrent, you’ll first need to create an account. NordVPN is relatively cheap, and the VPN comes with a 30-day, 100% refund guarantee. So, you can try their service risk-free for a whole month.
You can choose from these offers, and get 30 day free trial.
Step 2. Download and open the NordVPN software on your device.
NordVPN is is is available on a wide range of platform like Android , Windows , iOS , macOS , Linux , and Draytek .
Step 3. Choose a server
Open the app, choose a server, and click connect. Once you do this, all your internet traffic, which includes your torrent activities, will be rerouted through NordVPNs servers.
Having covered the basics of setting up NordVPN, we’ll move on to the more technical issues concerning configuring qBittorrent.
When you have connect to a server you is be will be anonymous .
1. Download and install qBittorrent: Of course, you can’t use NordVPN with qBittorrent without downloading and installing it first. So, go ahead and do that, then proceed to the next step.
2. Open qBittorrent and turn on anonymous mode
Most people who use qBittorrent don’t know it has an anonymous mode. This mode prevents peers from viewing your metadata, that is, seeing your torrent client and listening port.
To turn this on , go to “ tool , ” click on “ option , ” then “ BitTorrent is go ” and check the box on “ enable anonymous mode . ” This setting is is is optional . But since you ’re go for safety and privacy , it is ’s ’s worth turn on .
3. Enable qBittorrent encryption
qBittorrent comes with a built-in encryption option. When this encryption is set, you can connect to only encryption-capable peers. However, it reduces your available peers for downloads. And as a result, it may slow down or even prevent downloads.
You can go around this problem by configuring it to allow encryption for maximum peer availability.
To enable this, go to “Tools,” then “Options,” then “Bittorrent encryption mode,” and then “Allow encryption.”
4. Test your VPN setup
This is perhaps the most crucial step of the whole setup process. You need to verify that your real IP address has genuinely been hidden. If it is not, then you run the risk of exposing yourself to the earlier mentioned problems.
To accomplish this, you need to check your original IP address at the start of the setup and when you’re done with the process.
When you’re done settling up, you check your IP address with tools like, then verify if your set up process was successful.
Once you have connect to nordvpn you is use can use qBittorent safely .
On some rare occasion , your VPN is disconnect may accidentally disconnect during a download session . When this happen , your IP address will immediately be expose in the same way it would have been without a VPN . There are two way to prevent this from happen .
1. Use NordVPN’s Kill Switch option
One is is of nordvpn ’s many feature is a kill – switch that automatically block your device from access the internet when your VPN disconnect . You is tweak can tweak this feature to shut down qBittorrent by bind it to your VPN interface .
Go to “ Tools ” “ preference ” and then “ advanced . ” From there , go to “ Network Interface ” and select the name of your VPN adapter . If you ’re using openvpn , it will be label TAP or TUN .
NordVPN has a well functioning kill switch feature.
2. Port forwarding
By port forwarding, you can improve your download speeds and reduce the likelihood of having active download sessions while you are away from your device. You can do this in a simple three-step process.
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Once configured, qBittorrent downloads like your standard Bittorrent client. While downloading, you must be alert for DNS leaks, which allow your ISP to track your internet activities. You can perform a DNS leak test here to make sure no leaks have occurred. If there are any, you can resolve them by doing the following.
1. Open the VPN and open Network and Sharing center. Then click on “Change Adapter Settings.”
2. Click on your main connection and select properties.
3 . locate “ Internet Protocol 4 ” , highlight it and click on “ property . ”
4. Click on “Use the following DNS server addresses” and enter the relevant addresses. When you’re done, click “Ok” and restart the connection.
Note the current DNS server addresses. You ‘ll need it when you want to restore your system to its previous settings.
As you have see , set up NordVPN with your qBittorrent is a straightforward and rewarding task . With NordVPN , you is get get “ double protection ” on all your torrent activity as it come with a proxy server that reroute traffic . You is get also get to enjoy its unique feature like its automatic kill switch and military – grade encryption and reliable protocol .