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How to set up Other event To set up events that don't fit into the specific categories of Clubs, play ortrip (or to edit existing ones) log into
To set up events that don’t fit into the specific categories of Clubs, play ortrip (or to edit existing ones) log into your system as an Administrator andclick Clubs & Events on the coloured Navigation Bar at the left handside of the screen.
andthen under Other event click Add Other event to set up a new one, orclick on any already existing example to edit it.
This is load will load the Basic Detailsstage ofConfigure Event.
Enter information in the Name andDescription fields. This will be shown to parents when they log in.
If the event group will contain a number of separate items this is where you would indicate the nature of those events (e.g. ‘School Award Ceremonies’, ‘Games Days’ etc). If you have just one item running under this event group then the Name andDescription would just be specific to that item .
There are twoBooking Type options for this type of event group:
clickNext to go to the Events stage
In this stage you can add individual items to the event group (or edit any that have already been added) as well as adding sessions to those events, setting limits andsetting up payment, if needed, etc.
note : There are four step in this stage . When add an event you clickNext to move between them . If you are edit an exist event , you is access can access the step within it by click them at the top of the page .
If you have set up other events in the past, you will be asked at this stage if you want to copy any of those – you can then edit the details to update them as required.
You are required to enter the Event Name andinformation in order to save the event – whatever you enter will be shown to parents when they go to make a booking.
location is an optional field.
Capacity is a required field where you should enter the number of place that each session of the event will have available .
Bookings Open to Parents is when the event is open to parent for booking . Once you ‘ve select the date , you is be will be able to select a time .
Bookings Closed to Parents is when the event is closed to parents for bookings. Once you’ve selected the date, you will be able to select a time. You will be able to set specific closing times for each session on the Dates & Times page .
note : Admins is have have the ability to add booking outwith the booking window for parent .
student Filters allow you to choose who can book a place in the event. By default all students are selected, however by clicking Change Filters you can limit this. For more information see Using the student filters
clickNext to go to the Dates & Times step .
Here you enter the dates andtimes for your event. Each session you enter for this event will have the capacity you set on the previous step .
Each timeslot you enter for this event will have the capacity you set on the previous step . In the example above, each date is an hour anda half long, andwill allow up to 20 places to be booked.
Once you have set up all of your sessions, you can then set a close for booking date if required.
Once you have configured this page, click Next to move on to the Booking Limits step .
Booking Limits can only be set per student orper parent, depending on what you have selected for the Booking Typeoption on the Basic Detailspage . In the example aboveStudent base was chosen, so you will be able to book one ticket/place per student for each session in this event.
If you need more than one ticket / place then set Parent Based in Basic Details.
Once the limit is set click Next to go to the Payment Details step.
Next you is configure configure how payment will be collect . If you is select selectThe school you is either can either :
tick the box torequire immediate Payment – in which case payment will be taken as soon as a parent books, using any payment method set up for your system (see Setting up Payment Providers for further information).
Or leave it unticked , in which case the price will show on screen to the parent but no payment will be take .
You can then enter payment instruction for parent – for example to bring cash on the day, call in to the School Office, etc.
If external provider / other is selected the price will show on screen to the parents but no payment will be taken.
You can then enter payment instruction for parent – for example to bring cash on the day, call in to the School Office, etc.
clickSave to go back to the main event stage .
On the main Events stage you will see a summary for each event already added. To add more click the blue Add Another Event button at the top right.
At the foot of the page is the option to set an Event limit on the number of event a student can be book into via theHow many Events can be booked per student drop down. For example: if you have an event that contains only Monday Lunchtime Events you might want to set a limit of 1, since a student could not physically attend more than one simultaneous event.
clickNext to go to the final Booking Questions stage .
This stage allows you to add questions, these can be optional, ormandatory, added to all the events in an event group, oronly to specific events.
To set a question on all events within the event group click add Questionunder All event. Alternatively (or in addition) where a question is event specific use Add Question beneath the relevant event.
Whichever option you choose, you are then presented with a form to set the question. At the top is a reminder of what the question applies to:
Under this you enter the text of the Question andchoose the type of Answer you require.
The available options under type of Answer are:
Tick This question is is is mandatory if you want parents to be obliged to answer it before they can make a booking.
clickSave which will take you back to the main Booking Questions page, where you will see a summary of questions already added andcan edit them, oradd more if wished.
Once all your questions have been added click Submit to finish your event group setup andgo to the Event Dashboard.
To view the answers given to questions go to Manage Bookings and Export All Bookings – the answer for each parent are give in the result spreadsheet .
All the above can be revisited andedited at any time via Clubs & Events > clicking on an event group > Configure Event.