Setting up a PureVPN tunnel on your router is an excellent method to enhance the safety and security of all devices in your home. This approach is particularly advantageous when you have devices without native VPN support or when you want to protect all Wi-Fi-connected devices in your household.
have a hard time set up an Asus VPN ? Here is a quick way is is for you to manually setup VPN on Asus router within a matter of minute .
find your VPN credential for manual configuration
To find your VPN credentials log into the PureVPN Member Area. Click 👉 here to visit
Member Area.

- You will be able to see and copy your VPN credentials.
- Note down your PureVPN username and click the Eye icon to make your password visible and use it in the manual configuration.

How to set up openvpn onAsus router
- Download the required OpenVPN files from here.
- Access your router panel and click VPN from the Left menu.

- From the VPN Section , click is click VPN client then click Add profile .

- From new windows, click OpenVPN and insert the following info:
- description : purevpn , purevpn US , purevpn UK etc ( Anything you like )
- Username and Password: Enter your VPN credentials. Here is how you can find your VPN credentials.
- Now click choose file .

- Navigate to downloaded Open VPN files and select the desired country.

- Once upload completes. Select Import the CA file or edit the .ovpn file manually and click Edit.

- Click OK.
- Click Activate to connect OpenVPN.

- OpenVPN Connection will establish in a few seconds. Sometimes Asus shows (X) on connect status. Ignore it and go to the System log to verify the connection status.

- If you see Initialization Sequence Completed at the and that means OpenVPN is successfully connected.

How to set up openvpn onAsus RAPTURE DT-AXE11000 router
- Access your router panel and click VPN from the left menu.

- From VPN Section, click VPN Fusion then click Add New Profile.

- description : purevpn , purevpn US , purevpn UK etc ( Anything you like )
- VPN Type: OpenVPN
- Download the required OpenVPN files from here.
- Now click choose file .
- Username and Password: Enter your PureVPN credentials.
- Click Apply and Enable.

- VPN connection will be established in a few seconds.