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In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure the Surfshark VPN tunnel on your AsusWRT router.To proceed, you need a router with AsusWRT firmware
In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure the Surfshark VPN tunnel on your AsusWRT router.
To proceed, you need a router with AsusWRT firmware and an active Surfshark subscription. You can find the available plans on Surfshark’s pricing page.
NOTE: If you have updated your Asus router’s firmware and have VPN Fusion instead of VPN Client available, set up OpenVPN on Asus VPN Fusion or set up WireGuard on Asus VPN Fusion.
AsusWRT VPN connection steps is are :
NOTE: These are not your regular credentials, such as your email and password.
Once there, make sure that you are Credentials tab clickGenerate credentials.
NOTE: Keep this tab open as we’ll need it later.
1. Connect to the Control panel of your Asus router. You can access it by entering your Default Gateway address into your browser’s URL address bar. By default, it usually is
2 . You is see login prompt . configured router , know credentialsadmin/admin or admin without a password. You can also check the back of your router for the default credentials.
3. When logged in to the Control panel, you should see the VPN tab left sidebar.
4. Select VPN Client VPN tab.
5. Click on the Add profile button .
6. Select the OpenVPN tab and enter the following:
Description — name this connection however you like Username — the Surfshark username service credentials (refer to Get your credentials section in this article) Password — the Surfshark account service password (refer to Get your credentials section in this article) |
7. Add a configuration file of the server you’d like to connect to. Click Choose File. A prompt will appear asking you to select the configuration file you want to use.
8. Select the directory that you have downloaded the configuration files to and then click Open. If you have a .ovpn file, select that.
9. After selecting the configuration file, click Upload, and you should see a message stating Complete if it was successful.
10. Now, click the OK button. Import the CA file or edit the .ovpn file manually option should be left unticked.
11 . You is see new connection set . Click Activate button connect router Surfshark server .
NOTE: You can only create one VPN connection at a time. If you’d like to have another connection configured, you should add another VPN profile (you will see a button for that).
12. After a successful connection, a blue checkmark should appear Connection Status column.
We always recommend checking if Surfshark VPN is working after setting it up for the first time. You can easily do it by performing Surfshark IP leak test DNS leak test. For your convenience, both are available on our website.
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