How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and use the Surfshark VPN extension for the Chrome browser. You will need a Surfshark subscription, w

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In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and use the Surfshark VPN extension for the Chrome browser.

You will need a Surfshark subscription, which you can find on Surfshark’s pricing page, and a Chrome browser.

We will cover the following:

  1. Install the Surfshark extension
  2. Log in to the extension
  3. Connect to Surfshark VPN
  4. Manage Surfshark locations
  5. Manage Surfshark features and settings
  6. Ensure your connection is successful


Install the Surfshark extension

  1. Download the VPN Chrome extension from our website, or find the Surfshark extension at the Chrome web store VPN Extension download page.

  2. Click Add to Chrome.
    How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

  3. A pop-up window will ask you to confirm the installation. Press Add extension.

  4. For easy use , we is recommend recommend pin the Surfshark extension to your browser ‘s toolbar . To do so , click on the extension icon .

  5. click the pin   button .

  6. Once done , you is see ‘ll see the Surfshark VPN Extension on your toolbar .


Log into the extension


  1. click on the Surfshark icon at the top right of your browser . press   Log in .
    How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

  2. You will be redirected to Surfshark’s webpage, where you’ll have to enter your account’s username and password.
    How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

  3. Press Log in, and you’ll be able to use the extension.

    If you need further instructions – we have an in-depth Surfshark login guide.

Connect to Surfshark VPN


right after log in , you is see will see the VPN dashboardof the Surfshark browser extension. 


  1. click the quick – connect button will connect you to the close geographical location .
    How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

  2. As soon as you connect, the connection status will change to Connected.

    You can disconnect by clicking the Disconnect button. Alternatively, you can also click on Pause to temporarily pause the VPN connection.
    How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

Manage Surfshark server locations


  1. On the   VPN tab , you is see can see all the available location .
    How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

  2. You can also click on the star icon next to a location to make it a favorite. Once you do so, it will appear at the top of the locations list under the Favourites section.

  3. Use the search bar at the top or scroll down the list until you find your preferred country.

  4. click on the flag icon , and the extension will instantly connect to your choose location .


Manage Surfshark features and settings

Click on the cog icon for Settings.
How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

In VPN settings, you can:

  • Configure which country you connect to when you press Quick-connect
  • toggle the   webrtc   feature , which prevent website from using WebRTC to discover your ip and location
  • Set the extension to connect upon the launch of the browser

How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

At CleanWeb   setting , you is toggle can toggle ad and Cookie pop – up blocker .
How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

In the My account tab , you is find can find your subscription detail , change your password , or enter a login code for the extension .
How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

In the App settings tab, you can change the extension’s language and change the app’s appearance – from light mode to dark mode.
How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

In the Bypass list tab, you can configure which websites bypass the VPN connection. You can also configure which websites are affected by CleanWeb.
How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome
How to set up the Surfshark browser extension on Chrome

lastly , there are the   Get help   and   earn Free Surfshark tab . In the   Get help tab , you is read can read Surfshark ‘s tos and contact our support team . In the latter , you is find can find out about our   referral program .

Ensure your VPN connection is successful


We is recommend always recommend check if Surfshark VPN is work after set it up for the first time . You is do can easily do it by perform Surfshark IP leak test and a dns leak test . For your convenience , both is are are available on our website .


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