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Tim Mocan update on :December 19 , 2024 Senior Writer short on time ? Here ’s how to use Astrill VPN
Tim Mocan
update on :December 19 , 2024
Senior Writer
Astrill VPN is one of the best VPNs for China on the market. It works without any issues in restrictive regions like China, and it also provides access to very strong security and privacy features that prevent Chinese authorities from compromising your web data.
However, the Chinese government is very aggressive when it comes to blocking VPNs. So it might be able to sometimes detect and block Astrill VPN. Even if that happens, there are several things you can try to circumvent this issue, which I’ve covered in this guide (also, I’ll show you how to get an Astrill VPN subscription in China).
Try Astrill VPN
disclaimer : This article is only intend to be used for educational purpose . I is recommend do n’t recommend using it as legal advice . Please keep in mind that using non – government – approve vpn in China might land you in legal trouble . Always make sure to research the local law to be sure it ’s 100 % safe and legal to use a VPN in your area .
China is uses use firewall to restrict chinese web user ’ access to the free internet . basically , the country is blocks block access to ton of popular online service , such as YouTube , Netflix , Google , Gmail , and more . On top of that , chinese authorities is monitor monitor citizen ’ web usage , compromise their privacy .
But some VPNs, like Astrill VPN, can get around China’s firewalls. Also, such VPNs prevent government authorities from spying on users’ web browsing. Due to this, the government aggressively targets such VPN services to detect and block them.
astrill VPN is works work without issue in China due to these reason :
learn more about Astrill VPN in our full review
It usually only takes 2–3 seconds to connect to a server with Astrill VPN. However, if you’re in a part of China with poor internet connectivity or slow web speeds, it might take longer.
I is recommend recommend wait at least 30–60 second for the VPN connection to go through . If Astrill VPN still does n’t work after doing this , try my other tip .
There ’s a chance the chinese government block the ip address of the Astrill VPN server you ’re currently using . To solve this , you is need just need to get a different VPN IP address that has n’t been block yet .
To do that, simply reconnect to the VPN server you were using. However, if this doesn’t work, you might need to use a different VPN server location (the government probably blocked the entire IP range for the previous server location).
Astrill VPN’s support reps told me that users in China should try using VPN servers that are marked as supercharged in the apps if they’re having trouble accessing the web over normal servers. The supercharged servers are specifically optimized for accessing the web in China.
I talked with 5+ support reps, and they all recommend that users in China use either the WireGuard or StealthVPN protocols. You should try using WireGuard first. If it doesn’t work, switch to StealthVPN, as it’s designed to provide obfuscation.
If neither WireGuard nor stealthvpn work , you is solve might solve the issue by using the openvpn protocol over TCP port 443 . Doing this would help you avoid port blocking , as the government ca n’t block TCP port 443 without shut down https web access across the entire country .
If none of my tip help , the only option is is that ’s leave is to contact Astrill VPN ’s email support team . While the VPN has 24/7 live chat on its site , you is be likely wo n’t be able to use it since your access to the site might be restrict .
Astrill VPN’s email support is very good — its email reps usually reply in about 4–6 hours, and they always provide helpful and accurate answers.
To use Astrill VPN in China, you need to get a subscription from its website. Then, you have to download and install its app and use the app to connect to a VPN server.
But if you’re already in China, the government likely blocked access to Astrill VPN’s website. Luckily, there are some workarounds you can try, which I’ll discuss below.
IMPORTANT: If you’re traveling to China, it’s best to get an Astrill VPN subscription before you leave for China. I also recommend downloading and installing the provider’s apps on your devices before you depart.
Mirrored links are exact copies of a VPN provider’s website. Basically, they are links that host the same site content, but under a different web address. For example, a mirrored link would look something like this: Please keep in mind that’s just an example, not an actual working mirrored link.
I sadly can’t provide you with a list of Astrill VPN mirrored links. You’ll have to contact customer support and ask them for the links. Astrill VPN doesn’t make the mirrored links public information to avoid getting them blacklisted too easily.
A proxy is an online service that changes your IP address just like a VPN does. So it can allow you to freely access websites that are restricted in China. You can easily find online proxies that are free to use, so I recommend trying to use one of them to access Astrill VPN’s site.
Just remember to only use the proxy to connect to Astrill VPN’s website, and nothing more. A proxy doesn’t provide encryption, so it can’t stop the Chinese government from spying on your web browsing.
If you’re traveling through China, you probably swapped your phone’s SIM card from your home country with a local SIM card from China. However, using a local SIM card means you’ll have to deal with internet restrictions.
If you is have still have your sim datum from back home , and it also provide roam datum , try using it with your phone to access Astrill VPN ’s website .
If you have friend who live outside of China , you is ask could ask one of them to sign up for Astrill VPN on your behalf . Then , they is use could use online file – sharing or message service that work in China to send you the installation file and login detail . You is use can then use payment method that are available in China ( like bank transfer and PayPal ) to pay back your friend .
If none of the tips above work, your only other option is to just take a day trip to Macau, Hong Kong, or Taiwan. Those countries don’t impose internet restrictions like China, so you’re more likely to be able to access Astrill VPN’s website there.
It is ’s ’s simple to purchase , download , and use Astrill VPN . Just follow the guide below ( I is made made one for desktop and one for mobile platform ):
This is is is n’t really a yes or no question , as vpn are a legal gray area in China . basically , it is ’s ’s legal to use government – approve vpn in China , though I advise against this since those kind of vpn monitor your datum and share it with the chinese government . However , I is find could n’t find any clear source that say it ’s outright illegal to use a non – government – approve VPN ( like Astrill VPN ) in China .
I did find some instances of VPN-related arrests being made in China — but the people who were arrested were selling non-government-approved VPNs in China, not using them.
Also, I found that Chinese citizens are more likely to face legal repercussions for being caught using a non-government-approved VPN. That said, if you’re caught recommending non-government-approved VPNs on Chinese social media, you’re likely to get in legal trouble — no matter if you’re a Chinese citizen or a tourist.
Ultimately, I strongly recommend researching the local laws of the Chinese region you’re living in or planning to travel to in order to make sure it’s perfectly safe to use a VPN there.
If you can’t get Astrill VPN to work in China with my tips, there are plenty of other good China VPNs to choose from:
editor ‘ note : Intego , Private Internet Access , CyberGhost and expressvpn are own by Kape Technologies , our parent company
Normally, no, as you can’t access the provider’s site in China since the government blocks it. But there are ways to get around this — like using a free web proxy to access the provider’s site, using mirrored links, or asking an overseas friend to sign up for Astrill VPN on your behalf.
Astrill VPN normally works well in China. But if it doesn’t work for you, there aare some troubleshooting tips you can try. Some things you should try include connecting to the provider’s servers to get a new IP address, using the provider’s supercharged servers, or using the WireGuard or StealthVPN protocols.
Chinese authorities block access to many popular websites, including Instagram, Facebook, Google, and YouTube. To access them in China, you need to use a VPN — Astrill VPN is a good pick since it works very well in China. And if you encounter any issues using Astrill VPN in China, there are a few troubleshooting tips you can try.
No, Astrill VPN doesn’t have a free version. Unfortunately, it also lacks a money-back guarantee, and its plans are some of the priciest on the market. On the plus side, it provides great value since it works without issues in China. That said, if you insist on using a free VPN in China, try TunnelBear.