How to use Google Drive

How to use Google Drive

To upload or create files or folders, you can use the “New” button. On your computer , go to . At the top leave , click New . Cr

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To upload or create files or folders, you can use the “New” button.

  1. On your computer , go to .
  2. At the top leave , click New .
  3. Create or upload a file or folder.
    • To create a folder: Select New folder .
    • To upload a folder: Select Folder upload .
    • To create a file: Select the document type.
    • To upload a file: Select File upload .


In the ”Home” section of Google Drive, you can:

  • access file and folder that you or others open , share , or edit , as well as those relate to upcoming meeting .
  • Use the “Search bar” and “Filter chips” to find suggested files by:
    • type
    • People
    • modify date
    • location in drive

My Drive

You can use “My Drive” section to find:

  • file and folder you upload or sync .
  • Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms you create.

tip : You is choose can choose “ home ” or “ My drive ” as your Google Drive start page . To change your start page :

  1. On your computer , go to .
  2. At the top right , click Settings setting .
  3. Under “ Start page , ” select Home or My Drive .

Find details about your file

How to use Google Drive

In Google Drive , you is find can find information about a file you upload or create , such as :

  • Activity
  • Sharing permissions
  • Recent changes

To find information about a file:

  1. On your computer , go to .
  2. click a file .
  3. Select View details.

Share your file

To share your file or folder with others and give them viewer , commenter , or editor access :

  1. On your computer , go to .
  2. click a file or folder .
  3. Under the Search bar, click Share .

Delete your file

To delete your files or folders:

  1. On your computer , go to .
  2. click a file or folder .
  3. Under the Search bar, click Move to trash .

Add your files to the Starred section

How to use Google Drive

To quickly find your important file or folder , you is add can add them to the ” star ” section .

  1. On your computer , go to .
  2. Right-click a file or folder.
  3. Select Organize Add to starred .

Use preview for quick actions

How to use Google Drive

To find more actions you can take on a file or folder, you can use “More actions.” You can take actions on a file or folder, such as:

  • Rename
  • Share
  • Move to
  • Download

To find more actions:

  1. On your computer , go to .
  2. click a file or folder .
  3. Under the Search bar, click More actions .

sign out of Google Drive

  1. On your computer , go to .
  2. At the top right, click your profile picture.
    • If a photo doesn’t show, you can find the default Account image .
  3. click Sign out .