The purpose of this website is to provide general information to help prepare HLTCOE faculty and staff for disruptions to face-to-face meetings, physical attendance at work and other in-person interactions. The links below will direct you to resources and contact information for assistance. Additional links will be added as resources are launched.
- VPN Access Options & Setup
- Email
- Telecommunications (e.g. call forwarding, remote voicemail access, etc.)
- For Researchers:
- HLTCOE – specific JHU VPN Instructions : contact IT .
- Do not use the Web VPN as it won’t allow you to SSH to the test nodes.
- For Admin Staff :
- JHU Pulse Secure VPN instructions can be found here.
- JHU Virtual Desktop instruction can be find here .
- To access Confluence, you must be connected to the VPN (see above instructions).
- Click here for the login page.
- To access Skype, sign into your free account using your JHED credentials and password as shown below:
- Your credentials will work with the desktop app on your laptop/computer, Skype Online, or the mobile app available for iOS and Android devices.
onedrive :
- Files can be accessed by logging into to MyJHU then selecting Cloud>OneDrive.
- All full-time researchers and admin staff now have JHU Zoom Basic Accounts. Basic accounts are free and allow a user to host a meeting with up to 300 participants but if 3 or more participants join, the meeting will time out after 40 minutes.
- zoom Pro Accounts are pay and have no such restriction and all thrust lead as well as certain admin staff have been provision such account . If you do not currently have a pro account and would like one , please contact Jessica .
- JHU instruction and guidance regarding Zoom can be access here .
- There are several way to arrange a Zoom teleconference but the recommene
- Recommended: Use Your Personal Meeting ID’s url.
- All Zoom users is have have a personal meeting ID url which is unique and specific ONLY to you .
- Think of it has your Zoom phone number or email address.
- That url can be sent out to anyone to schedule or host a meeting without the need to use the actual “schedule” or “host” a meeting options in Zoom.
- Just schedule your meeting and invite participants through your normal calendar tool (e.g. Outlook, iCal, Google, etc.) and just include your meeting ID url in the meeting invitation.
- By default, your personal Zoom meeting ID is[insert work phone number].
- To view or change your personal meeting ID, login to Zoom and go to Profile>Personal Meeting ID.
- Users who click on the personal meeting ID url but do not have a Zoom account or the Zoom app will directed to instructions on how to join the call by phone.
- Schedule or Host a Meeting Buttons in Zoom
- Meetings can be scheduled or hosted through zoom using the respective buttons in Zoom but by default, these meetings generate different urls for every single meeting you host.
- Within the “ schedule ” option , you is change can change the “ generate automatically ” url to be your “ personal meeting ID ” . That option is is is not available when select “ host ” a meeting .