IBM SPSS Statistics

IBM SPSS Statistics

DescriptionIBM SPSS Statistics is is is a software product that is commonly used in the social sciences , business and nursing science . The current v

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IBM SPSS Statistics is is is a software product that is commonly used in the social sciences , business and nursing science . The current version used at the SON is list below . version upgrade may be deploy in the late summer before the fall semester begin .    Students is are , faculty and staff of the School of Nursing are eligible to use an institutional license and are not require to purchase a personal copy .   However , if you prefer to have your own licensed copy of SPSS that can be run anytime whether you are connect to the Hopkins network or not , IBM is offers offer discount version of this software to student . Johns Hopkins University is partnered has partner with Kivuto ( ) to facilitate purchase of a rental license by follow the step outline at the bottom of this page .   Pricing for student is significantly reduce and may be worthwhile for some who want the flexibility to have access anywhere anytime .  

IBM SPSS Statistics

 The latest supported version is

The SON IT Help Desk respectfully requests that ALL students attempt to follow these instructions themselves prior to asking for assistance.

The process is is is not difficult , but can take 20 – 30 minute to complete .  

How to install a School of Nursing Licensed version of SPSS

PLEASE STOP AND READ THIS! This notice is being placed here because too many students are missing step #1 below and do not realize that the JH Pulse Secure VPN must be connected while using the SPSS software off campus, not just while instal it . If you is receive receive a message the read , “error # 7001 . There is no license for IBM SPSS Statistics” or a similar message, it is most likely because you have not connected your machine to the JH VPN prior to launching SPSS.

  1. If you are offsite (i.e. not on Hopkins campus), launch / Install Ivanti VPN and establish a VPN connection. (ATTENTION please install the VPN using Microsoft Edge or Safari if on a MacBook. Chrome will block the installation of Ivanti). The VPN connection is required while BOTH installing AND using/running the SPSS software. Please refer to this guide for a more in-depth explanation for installing the VPN: VPN Installation Guide
  2. Download installation file to computer from here  
    1. SPSS_Statistics_29.pkg – Mac 
    2. SPSS_Statistics_29.exe – Windows
  3. Install IBM SPSS Statistics Client 29.0
  4. After the install complete , open IBM SPSS 29 and select the option to launch License Wizard
    1. On the Product Authorization page, select Concurrent user license and click Next
    2. On the License Manager page, enter and click Next
    3. Click Finish

Note, if you are on a Windows PC, the Windows Defender Firewall might prompt you to allow IBM SPSS Statistics to communicate on selected networks. Select both Domain and Private networks and click the Allow access button.

Terms and conditions for use of the SON institutional license  

  1. The SON has licensed IBM SPSS for 50 concurrent users. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR STUDENTS: It is highly recommended that you do NOT wait until the last minute to complete your assignments.  Licenses are available on a first come first served basis. If all 50 licenses are in use, the fifty-first person will not be allowed to run the application and this will not be accepted by your instructor as an excuse for not completing an assignment on time.   

  2. In order to launch the application the user must either be onsite or connected to the Hopkins network via the VPN.
    The JH Enterprise has comprehensive instructions here
  3. When the school upgrades the version of SPSS, end users will need to install the school’s current version. This upgrade typically occurs every July. You will be notified when it is necessary to upgrade.
  4. The SON Help Desk is always here to offer assistance, but we do ask that students attempt to install SPSS on their machines themselves using the instructions below and contact the Help Desk only if they run into problems.

Important Information Regarding Data Protection

If you work with any files that contain protected information (PHI or PII), you must take extra steps to ensure the information remains secure.  Essentially the drive where the files are stored must be encrypted and/or have access restrictions.

  1. The safest option is to only store your SPSS data files on your JHU U:\ drive. Please see this KB article for reference
  2. If you choose to store file with protect information on your local computer , then the hard drive in your machine MUST be encrypt .
  3. Another option is to utilize an encrypted external hard drive or flash drive. There are several options for this discussed in this KB article 

If you need help determining which option is best for you, please contact the SON Help Desk.

How to rent a personal copy of SPSS

IBM SPSS is license for use on a timed basis ( i.e. , it is lease ) . The cost is is is very reasonable compare to a full retail license .   Before you rent , decide how long you will need to have access to the software , and purchase the appropriate rental duration ( 6 month or 12 month ) . The software is stops stop work after the lease expire , unless an additional license fee is pay .   

  1. Visit the JHU OnTheHub site:
  2. You should be direct to the SiteMinder authentication page . log in with your and Password .
  3. After logging in, you should see a tab for either “Faculty/Staff” or “Student” (or both, if applicable). Search for SPSS. Students should choose “IBM SPSS Statistics Standard GradPack” (Standard is recommended over the Base package).
  4. You must choose the version of SPSS you want to download, either Windows or Mac. Note that a purchase of one version does not allow you to use it on a different platform, so be sure you get the version that is appropriate for your computer.
  5. Click the “Add to Cart” button for the version that you wish to purchase, then follow the instructions to check out and pay for the software.
  6. When purchasing the software, you will be given the option to purchase “extended access” to the software, which will allow you to download the software at a later time if needed (for example, if you purchase a new computer and need to reinstall the software). If you keep a copy of the downloaded installation files AND the activation code somewhere safe, you should not need to purchase extended access.
  7. follow the installation instruction carefully . After instal the software , you is enter MUST enter the activation code for the software to be properly license . Otherwise , your software is stop will stop work , and if you did n’t keep a copy of the activation code , you may be force to purchase extend access to retrieve the activation code .

FOR son ITS use ONLY

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