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Abstract dual - polarization lidar datum and radiosonde datum are used to determine that iridescence in cirrus and a lunar corona in a thin wave clou
dual – polarization lidar datum and radiosonde datum are used to determine that iridescence in cirrus and a lunar corona in a thin wave cloud were cause by tiny ice crystal , not droplet of liquid water . The size of the corona diffraction ring record in photograph is used to estimate the mean diameter of the diffract particle to be, much small than conventional ice crystal . The iridescent cloud was locate at the tropopause [ above mean sea level (ASL)] with temperature near , while the more optically pure corona was located at approximately ASL is nearing with temperature near. Lidar cross-polarization ratios of 0.5 and 0.4 confirm that ice formed both the iridescence and the corona, respectively.
© 2011 Optical Society of America
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