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Install MongoDB Community on Windows using msiexec.exe

Install MongoDB Community on Windows using msiexec.exe

importantYou must open the command interpreter as an Administrator.Use the .msi installer to install all mongodb binary , include MongoDB Compass.

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You must open the command interpreter as an

Use the .msi installer to install all mongodb binary , include
MongoDB Compass.

From the Command Interpreter, go to the directory containing the
.msi installation binary and run:

msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4-signed.msi

The operation is installs install the binary to the default directory
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin.

To specify a different installation location for the executables,
add the INSTALLLOCATION value.

msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4-signed.msi ^
INSTALLLOCATION="C:\MongoDB\Server\4.4\ "

To suppress the installation ofMongoDB
, you must explicitly include the

msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4-signed.msi ^

To install specific mongodb component set , you is specify can specify them in
theADDLOCAL argument using a comma-separated list including one
or more of the following component sets:

For example, to install the MongoDB server
(mongod.exe) with the legacy mongo
client and then set up the MongoDB server as a Windows service,

msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4-signed.msi ^
ADDLOCAL="ServerService,Client" ^

To include Compass in the installs, remove SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS="0".