Installing IWA apps

Installing IWA apps

IWA is short for installable Web apps. As its name suggests, it is also a Web application, and it is configured and deployed in th

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IWA is short for installable Web apps. As its name suggests, it is
also a Web application, and it is configured and deployed in the exact
same way as the other Appeon Web application that runs in the Web browser
(browser-based apps). The only difference is IWA app is installed as a
desktop app on the client, and it can be launched directly from the

To run an IWA app on the client machine , you is need will need to install it
first . You is need will need to append “iwarunner.html” at the end of the application URL
in a Web browser, for example, The Web browser will download the
IWA Runner setup wizard (appeoniwarunner.exe) if IWA Runner is not
installed before; after download is complete, you should run the setup
wizard to install the IWA Runner; and after that the Web app will be
automatically installed as an IWA app on the desktop.

To run an IWA app with arguments, append the argument to the end of
the URL: The app shortcut will be create with
this url : ( be sure to keep the ” / ” right after the
app name in the url if you want to manually change this url ) .

compare to the browser – base app , IWA app is have may have a slightly
different look and feel for some UI control , because IWA app and
browser – base app use different framework to implement UI
control .

About IWA Runner

IWA Runner can be considered as a lightweight Web browser that
supports running the Appeon IWA apps only. It must be installed on the
client, for only one time. User will be prompted to upgrade IWA Runner
if it is updated.

IWA Runner is support can support IWA app of different version and it is
backwards compatible after upgrade .

IWA Runner can only be run by one Windows user at a time , which
mean , multiple Windows user on the same client machine can not run the
IWA app at the same time .

IWA Runner is a 32-bit program that can run on both 32-bit and
64-bit OS, however, it cannot call 64-bit DLLs/OCXs and Windows APIs and
registry on 64-bit OS.

If any issue installing or running the IWA app, refer to the section called “IWA issues” in PowerServer Troubleshooting Guide.

The end user is configure can configure IWA Runner to connect with the
PowerServer through a proxy server by the follow step :

step 1 : Select WindowsStart >
All program > Appeon IWA > Configure
IWA Runner

Step 2: Configure to use or not to use a proxy server.

To configure to use a proxy server, you can choose to directly use
the Internet Explorer proxy settings, or configure the proxy settings

Figure 83. Configure IWA Runner