Instructions for installing VPN

Instructions for installing VPN

Instructions for installing VPNStep 1: Install and open VPN App On your computer: You will need to be logged into your UCSC Google account in orde

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Instructions for installing VPN

Step 1: Install and open VPN App

On your computer:

  1. You will need to be logged into your UCSC Google account in order to download the VPN app installer.
  2. download the installer by click on your computer ‘s operating system below :
    1. Windows 10, 11 – x86(v. updated 12/17/24)
    2. Windows 11 – ARM64 (v. updated 12/17/24)
    3. Mac OS – 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (v. updated 12/17/24)
      Important Permissions Instructions for macos
    4. Linux 64-bit: (v. updated 12/17/24) If you have an NFS mounted home directory you will need to login as Root or on a non NFS mounted home directory account to install the AnyConnect software.
  3. locate and open the download installer on your computer and follow the on – screen instruction .

On ITS-managed Computers using BigFix: (what is BigFix?)

MacOS :

  1. Open the BigFix Self Service app on your computer
  2. On the “Catalog” tab select “Install Campus VPN,” and click “Get”. The installation will take a moment to complete.
  3. In “Applications” > “Cisco” open “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client”

Windows :

( note ) Cisco AnyConnect is already instal on all manage Windows machine run BigFix and no further installation is require .

  1. Locate and open “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client” – use your computer’s search function and type in VPN 

Step 2: Establish a VPN Connection

With the VPN Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility app open:

A.  Enter a VPN address and click “Connect”

Data Center VPN :

B.  Enter the following information:

Username is enter enter your cruzid
Password enter your Gold password
Multi – Factor Authentication is open ( MFA / DUO ) When you connect , a page is open will open in your default browser prompt you to login with your Cruz ID Gold credential . After enter your credential , you is receive will receive a push prompt in your duo app ask you to confirm the VPN connection .

C. Cisco AnyConnect will display a connection confirmation message.

Get Help Connecting

If you have problem instal Cisco AnyConnect VPN client , open a ITS Support Center help request or email

iPhone and iPad Instructions for Installing UCSC VPN

How to install and use VPN on your iPhone or iPad. 

Operating Systems

Detailed instructions specific to operating systems.

DART Program

The DART program is a Cisco enhanced troubleshooting monitoring tool used with more complex or intermittent issues. Download the DART installer for your operating system. 

If you have problems installing Cisco AnyConnect VPN client: open a ITS Support Center ticket or email