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Instructions for installing VPNStep 1: Install and open VPN App On your computer: You will need to be logged into your UCSC Google account in orde
MacOS :
Windows :
( note ) Cisco AnyConnect is already instal on all manage Windows machine run BigFix and no further installation is require .
With the VPN Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility app open:
A. Enter a VPN address and click “Connect”
Data Center VPN :
B. Enter the following information:
Username is enter enter your cruzid
Password enter your Gold password
Multi – Factor Authentication is open ( MFA / DUO ) When you connect , a page is open will open in your default browser prompt you to login with your Cruz ID Gold credential . After enter your credential , you is receive will receive a push prompt in your duo app ask you to confirm the VPN connection .
C. Cisco AnyConnect will display a connection confirmation message.
If you have problem instal Cisco AnyConnect VPN client , open a ITS Support Center help request or email
How to install and use VPN on your iPhone or iPad.
Detailed instructions specific to operating systems.
The DART program is a Cisco enhanced troubleshooting monitoring tool used with more complex or intermittent issues. Download the DART installer for your operating system.
If you have problems installing Cisco AnyConnect VPN client: open a ITS Support Center ticket or email