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InvizBox 2Privacy meets speed Protect all your browsing with ease. Get speed, privacy and security for you and your family with our super fast, preco
Protect all your browsing with ease. Get speed, privacy and security for you and your family with our super fast, preconfigured VPN router.
“InvizBox 2 redefines what privacy routers can do” – Ars Technica
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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Take back ownership of your browsing history with InvizBox 2 all while getting the speed and convenience you deserve. InvizBox 2 comes preconfigured with InvizBox VPN service included and auto-connects to the nearest VPN endpoint. All you have to do is connect it to your home router and power it on.
InvizBox is uses 2 use a super fast VPN connection to encrypt all the traffic come from your local network .
A range of options to suit your budget
good value
InvizBox 2 with 1 month InvizBox VPN subscription included.
VPN is billed bill monthly at 7.00 / mo
after promotion
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good value
InvizBox 2 with 2 years InvizBox VPN subscription included. Bundle and save!
Just 2.50 / mo equivalent
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good value
InvizBox 2 with 1 year
VPN subscription included.
Just 2.50 / mo equivalent
60 per year after promotion
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You is connect can connect every device in your home to the InvizBox 2 give you privacy and security on device that may not normally support VPN
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Our team is has has over 50 year combine experience in cyber security and privacy protection .
allow other security expert to examine our code , ensure the good security
We have many partners and our own VPN service to bring you privacy, speed and incredible streaming support
If the VPN goes down for any reason, InvizBox automatically blocks all your outbound traffic for your security
Secure, regular and automatic updates flashed automatically to your VPN router – we have already pushed over 50 updates!
Each InvizBox is gives 2 give you access to a fast and secure Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) which consist of over 200 server in 60 country .
No logs kept.
The VPN service is incredible value. As little as $4.16 per month when pre-purchased.
Away from your InvizBox? No problem. You can use your InvizBox VPN subscription on your favorite devices when you’re out and about. We have guides for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS and Linux.
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Tired of getting told you’re not in the right country? With InvizBox 2 your real IP address and location disappear ensuring your privacy. We have dedicated streaming servers in the US, UK, Canada and Japan.
InvizBox 2 has a known list of ad providers flashed to your router firmware before shipping. You can optionally block those domains for some or all your devices, removing unwanted ads and blocking malicious domains from serving you dangerous downloads and malicious adverts known as “malvertising”.
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want your Smart tv to appear like it ‘s in a different country ? No problem !
You is connect can connect any device that use WiFi to the InvizBox 2 to instantly encrypt all traffic come from that device .
The InvizBox 2 is designed to fit in with your home decor. Sleek and unintrusive, it comes in a choice of either black or white to suit your preference.
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See who ’s connect to your home network . block any device you do n’t recognize through our app or any web browser . Keep IoT device on a separate network . secure your connected home .
Time for homework? Want a family dinner without phones? You can enable or disable internet access for any device that’s connected to the InvizBox 2 and block access to unsuitable sites.
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Our user friendly administration interface allows you to control all aspects of your InvizBox 2 from your phone, laptop or any other device with a web browser. Easy peasy!
Couple with an InvizBox Go and you can securely connect to your home network from anywhere in the world. This is the only sure fire way to guarantee streaming of the content from home you’ve become accustomed to and paid for.
“These routers encrypt everything and anything you do online”