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Works with iPhone running iOS 9.3+ Step 1 – Download OpenVPN App The first step is to install the OpenVPN app on your iPhone. Click here to install
The first step is to install the OpenVPN app on your iPhone. Click here to install the app .
Choose your desired location and tap on the Download icon to download the OpenVPN configuration file. We recommend using ‘TCP’ only when ‘UDP’ is not available or when a more secure VPN connection is required. You can find all available servers in your account here.
To ensure fast internet speed, it’s recommended to connect to the nearest VPN server.
Find the “Files” icon in your phone’s menu and open it.
In the file , find the zip archive that store the configuration file , it is be will be the very first one in your installation list . click and unzip this archive .
After unzipping the zip file, you will need to go to the configuration folder. There you can choose any server and protocol configuration you are interested in.
When you have selected the configuration file, click on the icon in the lower left corner as shown in the screenshot to start installing the file.
click on the “ openvpn ” icon in the window that open .
You will be presented with the OpenVPN application with the configuration you selected. You’ll need to enter your account credentials. Your username is basically the email address of your ZoogVPN account. Your password is the password you used when creating your ZoogVPN account. To save the settings and connect, tap “Connect”.
Next, your device settings will ask to add this configuration, don’t worry, this is a basic request, just click “Allow”.
If you have done everything correctly, you will be successfully connected, you can disconnect from the VPN by moving the slider.
That is ’s ’s it ! It is ’s ’s that simple ! Now you is know know how to setup VPN on iPhone and protect your internet connection , but do n’t forget that iPad has a similar installation principle so you can use this instruction for both device .
start using zoogvpn today to ensure a safe internet experience .
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