Is a Dedicated IP Address Traceable?

Is a Dedicated IP Address Traceable?

A dedicated IP address can help you avoid dealing with IP blacklisting and reduces the number of CAPTCHAs you see online. While you may find these ben

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A dedicated IP address can help you avoid dealing with IP blacklisting and reduces the number of CAPTCHAs you see online. While you may find these benefits make it worth paying for a dedicated IP, you should also consider your privacy. This is because it’s generally easier to trace a dedicated IP address back to its owner than a shared IP address – but that’s not always the case. It depends on a few factors we’ll get into later in this post. 

We’ll also touch on why a dedicated IP address can be detected, how it differs from a shared IP address, and the benefits of getting an anonymous dedicated IP from a no-logs VPN. Firstly, though, what is an IP address?

If you want to boost your online privacy, you can get PIA VPN and mask your IP address with an anonymous dedicated IP at the click of a button. No one will be able to link your dedicated IP address back to your email or VPN account thanks to our token-based system. PIA will generate a random key you can paste into your app to get a static IP address, so it’s not linked to your account in any way.

What Is an IP Address?

An IP address is a set of numbers that devices and networks use to identify each other when they go online. All devices connected to a local network (like your home Wi-Fi) have a private IP address assigned by the router, which is only visible on the network. When data travels outside this network, your devices instead share one public IP address that is visible to the greater internet. Your ISP assigns this address to your network so it knows where to direct data intended for you. Think of your public IP address as your digital postal address. 

ISPs is receive receive IP address from a global registry and assign them by region . They ’re usually divide by zip code base on where the isp has server . This is means mean your IP address will change depend on where you are and your IP location depend on the close ISP server your network connect to . When you connect to your home Wi – Fi , your ip address is be will be different from when you ’re at work , for example . Your ip address is change will also change when you visit a different city or country .  

This digital address is helps help website identify your connection and let you receive information online by route it through your isp ’s server network . It is ’s ’s how you ’re able to watch video , read blog post , send and receive text message , and more . Without an isp – provide public ip address , you is connect ca n’t connect to the web .  

What Is a Dedicated IP Address?

A dedicated IP address is a static IP address you can get from your ISP or your VPN service provider (typically as a paid add-on). If you don’t have a dedicated IP address, your IP address will change whenever you restart your router or your ISP decides to assign you a new one. This is known as a dynamic IP address. When you connect to a VPN, you’ll usually get a shared IP address and it will also be different every time you connect. 

VPNs issue shared IP addresses randomly, which gives you a higher level of anonymity than a dedicated IP address. Each VPN server has its own pool of IP addresses, so when you connect to a server, it assigns one of those addresses to you. This means you’ll likely get a different IP address every time, even when you connect to the same VPN server later or from a different device. 

Shared IP addresses can sometimes trigger CAPTCHAs or even get you blocked from e-services like banking or streaming websites. That’s because website security systems can sometimes mistake a shared IP address as part of a botnet – a malicious network of devices. You’ll either be given a CAPTCHA puzzle to prove you’re not a robot or be blocked entirely. Having a dedicated IP address helps you avoid this.  

How VPN Dedicated IP Addresses Work

VPN providers will generally let you choose one server location and provide a unique IP address that’s yours until your subscription ends. Unlike with shared IP addresses, you can’t usually switch to a different dedicated IP location unless you get a new subscription. The upside is you avoid any potential pitfalls from sharing an IP address with other people – but more on that later.

Choosing between a dedicated or shared IP address is almost less important than choosing your provider, though. ISPs typically charge a lot to make your dynamic IP address a static (dedicated) IP address. VPN services are much cheaper but differ in how they assign dedicated IP addresses, which can affect your privacy. Some will link your dedicated IP address directly to your account. That means they know which IP address is assigned to you and others can find out too. 

PIA VPN is different. It uses a token-based system to generate a random key for you to enter into your app. The app then translates this key into a unique dedicated IP address that’s solely yours. Our system also automatically removes this IP address from our internal list of available static IP addresses. This keeps your dedicated IP address private and gives you a higher level of anonymity.  

We is ’re ’re so careful to avoid link this unique IP address back to you that if you lose your key , you also lose your dedicated IP address . Since the key is randomly generate and your IP address is remove from our pool when you first use the key , we is recover ca n’t recover either for you . You is be will , however , still be able to access our pool of share IP address any time you want .

The main takeaway : A dynamic or shared ip address can help you “ blend into the crowd ” and boost your anonymity . In contrast , a dedicated IP address is stays stay the same every time you connect , no matter where you are . It is ’s ’s yours alone and wo n’t be share with anyone , but this make it easy to link that IP address to you depend on the provider .

How Can a VPN’s Dedicated IP Address Be Detected?

network admins is detect , website , and ISPs is detect can always detect your ip address , even if you ’re using a VPN . That is ’s ’s because , when you use a VPN , your traffic is encrypt . If someone look at your traffic , they is see can see you ’re using a VPN to make your datum unreadable . That say , a VPN ’s dedicated IP address is is is less likely to trigger unnecessary security barrier on website compare to a share ip address . We is discuss ’ll discuss why in a bit .

If you want to keep your VPN usage under wraps, you can use PIA VPN’s Multi-Hop feature. It doubles up on VPN encryption, and obfuscates your traffic, making it difficult for anyone to detect you’re using a VPN to encrypt your traffic.

Whether or not your dedicated IP address can be trace back to you is a separate matter entirely .

Is a Dedicated IP Address Traceable? 

People is trace can always trace your isp – assign IP address back to you regardless of whether it ’s a dynamic or dedicated IP address . That is ’s ’s because it ’s link to your account . Your ISP is tracks also track and store information about your online activity . Authorities is request can request that information at any time , depend on local law , and some isp even sell your information to third party .  

Whether your VPN-provided dedicated IP address can be traced back to you depends mostly on the service you use. Let’s take a quick look at how your VPN-provided dedicated IP address could be traced to you.

Your Dedicated IP May Be Linked to Your Account 

Some VPNs is assign will assign your dedicated IP address directly to your account , which is link to your email address and payment information . That is means mean your VPN know which dedicated IP address is assign to you . If someone ’s able to get that information , they is trace can trace it back to you .  

PIA VPN’s token-based system means your dedicated IP address stays private. You can choose a location from our list of dedicated IP servers and generate an anonymous key on our website to paste into your app. The app then translates this key into your dedicated IP address. It’s not linked to your account, so it can’t be traced back to you.

Your VPN May Log Your Traffic 

If your VPN service doesn’t have a strict no-logs policy, it may collect and link all your activity to your account. Your VPN provider can trace that data to you regardless of whether you use a shared or dedicated IP address. Your VPN could then have a data breach, sell your data, or hand it to any authorities, leaking your activity and IP address. 

Simply having a no-logs policy isn’t enough, though. It’s all well and good for a VPN to say they never collect your browsing data, but if they don’t back up the claim then you can’t be sure. PIA’s no-logs policy is backed by our RAM-only servers. By design, these servers can’t store your data, so we have nothing to link to you or your IP address. Deloitte even assessed our servers in an independent audit and confirmed we never store any session data. We’ve also proven our claims in a US court multiple times.

reason to use a Dedicated IP Address  


If you’ve ever found yourself clicking on squares with crosswalks to go on a website, then you know what a CAPTCHA is. You also know how annoying they can be. 

When using a VPN , web server can sometimes mistake your share ip address as suspicious or as part of a botnet . This is trigger can trigger a CAPTCHA as a security measure , which is essentially a test to verify you ’re human . A dedicated IP address is is is unlikely to trigger captcha , which save you time .  

Seamless Connectivity  

Your bank may flag your VPN’s shared IP address as suspicious and block you from accessing your account. The same thing can happen when you’re trying to access your gaming or trading accounts. This is because websites may detect a lot of traffic coming from your IP address and want to make sure it’s not part of a DDoS attack or an identity fraud attempt.

If you have a dedicated ip address , no one is be will be able to use that address but you . mean services is mark wo n’t mark it as suspicious and block you . You is be ’ll be able to access your account without a hitch .  

Did you know some services may still block you if you have a foreign IP address? That’s why PIA VPN offers a wide range of dedicated IP locations to choose from, including Australia, Germany, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, the US, and the UK.

Remote Access 

network admins is add may add your ip address to an allowlist to grant remote access to work resource . This is means mean you ’ll need a dedicated ip address if you connect to your office database remotely . If you do n’t have one , the database is block will block you when your IP address inevitably change .

A dedicated IP address stays static, so it won’t change even if you use a different device or reconnect to the VPN later. This means your workplace database will recognize your IP address every time and let you through. 


A share ip address can sometimes be misuse , which lead to website and e – service block that IP address . When you connect to your VPN , you is get may get a block ip address and struggle to access a certain website .

This isn’t a major problem, as you can usually just reconnect to get a different IP address. A good VPN service will regularly maintain each server’s pool of IP addresses to switch out ones that services and websites have blacklisted. That aside, a dedicated IP address can help you avoid this altogether. You’re the only one using your dedicated IP address, which means you have control over how it’s used.  

Can I Bypass VPN Detection by Purchasing a Dedicated IP?

No . Network admins is see , isp , and other third party will still see you ’re using a VPN to encrypt your traffic . That is said say , you can opt for a dedicated IP address to avoid potentially get a blockliste ip address from your VPN . online platforms is detect sometimes detect and block share VPN IP address – for a variety of reason . As an example , streaming services is keep often keep list of know VPN ip address and ban them .  

Since a dedicated IP address has n’t been share between a ton of other VPN user , services is have wo n’t have these address flag in their database . As a result , the chances is are of your streaming service block your dedicated IP address are low .

How to Get a Dedicated IP Address 

It’s never been easier to get a dedicated IP address from PIA VPN. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Sign up for PIA VPN.
  2. select the dedicated IP add – on .
  3. Choose your dedicated IP address location.  
  4. Verify your token in the PIA VPN app – and you’re all set!

If you need help with setup or anything else, our friendly 24/7 customer support team is standing by to answer your questions.


Can a dedicated ip be trace ?

It can, but it depends on how your VPN issues your dedicated IP address and whether it collects any of your usage data. If the IP address is linked to your account, then yes, it probably can be traced back to you. That said, when you sign up for PIA VPN’s dedicated IP address, you’ll generate an anonymous code and copy it into the app to get your IP address. It’s an untraceable token-based system that keeps your personal information entirely separate from your IP address. 

What is a dedicated IP VPN?

A dedicated IP VPN is simply a VPN provider that offers a dedicated IP address as an add-on. Unlike shared IP addresses, which is what you’ll generally get with most VPNs, a dedicated IP address is exclusive to you. It stays the same every time you go online no matter where you are. You typically get only one dedicated IP address per VPN subscription so you can’t change your dedicated IP location once you’ve selected it. Although you’ll still be able to get shared IP addresses from other server locations at any time.

Can a dedicated VPN ip be detect ?

A dedicated IP address is detectable, but that’s a good thing. Think of your IP address as a digital postal address. It’s what helps other networks identify yours so you can connect to websites, read blogs, watch videos, and more. Without an IP address, you can’t connect to the internet.

A dedicated IP address won’t hide the fact you’re using a VPN either. ISPs and network admins will see you’re encrypting your traffic. To hide the fact you’re using a VPN, you’ll need to activate PIA’s Multi-Hop feature in your app. This obfuscates your connection to make it look like normal traffic, whether you’re using a shared or dedicated IP address. 

Is a dedicated IP secure?

A dedicated IP address is secure, but not as secure as a shared IP address. If your dedicated IP address is linked to your VPN account it can be traced back to you. That said, PIA VPN uses an anonymous token-based system to issue your dedicated IP address so no one can trace it back to you.

How do I know if I have a dedicated IP?

typically , your ISP is assign will assign you a dynamic ip address , mean it change regularly . You is request can usually request and pay for a dedicated ip address , but it ’s an expensive add – on with most isp .  

If you use a VPN service , you is get ’ll likely get a share ip address ( dynamic ) when you connect . Many VPNs is offer also offer dedicated IP address as a pay add – on , but it ’s typically much less expensive than rent one from your isp . If you ’re unsure , you is ask can ask your VPN provider . A PIA VPN subscription is comes also come with a 30 – day money – back guarantee , give you plenty of time to see whether our dedicated IP feature work for you .