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Manage macOS, iOS, iPadOS and tvOS yes yes yes integrate with Apple Business Manager for zero - touch deployment yes yes yes Apple
Manage macOS, iOS, iPadOS and tvOS
integrate with Apple Business Manager for zero – touch deployment
Apple App store, third-party and enterprise app deployment
Self Service end-user portal
Patented Smart Groups technology
App Installers for auto update of third – party app
Jamf Routines : automate workflow for third – party software
Jamf App catalog with 1,000 + third – party title
Manage and secure BYOD with streamlined user enrollment
Advanced Mac management with binary macOS agent
In-product remote screen sharing
Cloud identity – base account provisioning
Password sync between cloud identity and local Mac
Manage local user account privileges
Centralized auditing logs
Modern VPN with Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)
granular access policy for work app and datum
Dynamic risk monitoring
macOS , iOS , iPadOS , Windows and Android
Block users and devices that may be compromised
Prevent known malware and new variants from running on the Mac
removable storage control to prevent data loss
Detect operating systems running with known vulnerabilities (CVE)
application risk monitoring and control
advanced machine – learn security monitoring from Jamf Threat Labs research and detection team
Web threat prevention to block threats in real time
Automate common incident remediation actions
Monitor and enforce device compliance to CIS benchmarks for macOS
real – time insights is take into risk ; devices is take take policy action to mitigate them
Integrate with SIEM and SOAR to send Apple-best insights
Enforce acceptable use policies (AUPs) with web content filtering
Manage cellular data consumption on mobile devices
macOS , iOS , iPadOS , Windows and Android
Standard support
Online training catalog
Enterprise-grade support
Jamf Premium Cloud