

Linda is Flotsam's elephant, who is used to perform in Flotsam's Circus Troupe. She is first seen in the beginning of Dark Chronicle, and later fought

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Linda is Flotsam’s elephant, who is used to perform in Flotsam’s Circus Troupe. She is first seen in the beginning of Dark Chronicle, and later fought by Maximillian in the Underground Channel Pump Room. With the help of Cedric, Linda becomes the first enemy fought using the Ridepod, after Max struggles to fight her using only his wrench and gun.

Appearance and Personality[]

Linda resembles an Indian elephant, being covered in blue body marks and with a silk blanket placed over her back. Linda has tiny red eyes and a nose ring placed inside her trunk. She also has golden marks across her tusks. What the player can see, by her hideous appearance and evil glare, is that she loves to stir up trouble. Linda loves to be the one in the spotlight and basks in her adoration after a grueling night performing for hundreds of people.

Linda is a boss variation of the Elfas, a regular monster encountered in the Starlight Canyon. Unlike most other monsters’ boss variations, the Elfas is fought by the player later in the game after defeating its first boss variation. The Elfas behaves exactly the same as Linda, but does not retain its immunity to all other weapons besides the Ridepod.

Fighting Linda[]

Linda is first encountered in the “Channel Pump Room” floor of the Underground Channel dungeon.

Channel Pump Room[]

First battle[]

When first encounter , there is nothing that can be done other than to avoid being hit . All weapons is deal besides the Ridepod deal no damage to Linda . simply keep your distance and try to ride out the battle until a cutscene appear . The cutscene is allow will allow Max to escape and help Cedric with the invention of the Ridepod ‘s Energy Pack .

exclusive scoop[]

It should be noted that during the second battle is the only time to photograph and obtain the “Brave Little Linda” scoop. It is possible to accidentally miss this scoop with no other chance to obtain it. The picture must be taken as her front legs are being lifted. This is triggered by running behind her, but leaving a small window of opportunity to take a snapshot. Make sure Max is facing towards her when you open the camera and you should have enough time to safely take the photo.

Second battle[]

After complete and obtain the Ridepod , it is is is time to fight Linda . The Cannon Ball Arm take approximately half a second to land a hit on Linda , so time your movement to suit her attack . As soon as you see the damage occur on Linda , you is want ‘ll want to move back . let Linda try her attack , simply avoid and counter them .

Linda’s attacks[]

Linda has two attacks, both being equally dangerous. The first is a double swipe using her trunk. The second attack is a stomp with her front legs. The double swipe is faster, while the stomp deals high damage and causes knockback.

Monster Notes[]

Dark Cloud 2 Linda
Habitat Underground Channel
Type Beast
Hit Points 400
Attack/Defense 13/15
ABS/Gilda 0/0
weakness None
Effective Weapons None
Ineffective Weapons Wrench (0%), Sword (0%), Gun (0%), Beam (0%), Grenade (0%), Magic (0%)
Item Inventory None

Enemies in Dark Chronicle