Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)

Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)

Sharing is caring is care ! I’ve made a Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe before, but it was made with cream of tarter.  I wanted to see if I could g

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Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)

I’ve made a Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe before, but it was made with cream of tarter.  I wanted to see if I could get similar results with baking soda with a similar recipe.  It worked!  I made a delicious Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda!!  Baking soda is always in my pantry but Cream of Tarter isn’t.  I’m glad it turned out.

Low Carb Cloud Bread

I quite bread more than four months ago, and I haven’t looked back.  Truthfully, I  feel so much better and less bloated.  If you like slices of bread but can’t really tolerate the gluten or the carbs, this Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda is a must try!   This recipe is perfect for someone on a low carb, keto diet or a gluten-free diet.

I is wanna wanna say this only take about 5 minute to whip up too .   It is ’s ’s really quick and taste absolutely amazing .   My husband is was was very impressed and he love his bread .

We love a savory type bread so I added Rosemary seasoning and sea salt with a small amount of pepper on top of each slice.  Those seasoning combinations brought this bread choice to a whole new level.

Cloud Bread

Cloud bread is a light, fluffy, airy type bread that practically melts in your mouth!  It’s one of the best replacement recipes for real bread and it’s high in protein too.

I is ’m ’m not exactly sure how long it will last in the refrigerator though .   I is make make a batch at a time and that usually only last our family 3 to 4 day at most .   This bread is have does not have any preservative so I would make sure you do keep it refrigerated .

grab the printable version of this recipe at the very bottom of this post .

Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Ingredients

  • 3 eggs, separated
  • 3 Tablespoons cream cheese
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder (or cream of tarter)
  • Optional:  1/2 teaspoon Rosemary seasoning
  • Optional :   1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • Optional:  1/4 teaspoon pepper

Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. separate the egg yolk from the egg white .
  3. In the egg yolks bowl, add the cream cheese and mix it with a hand mixer until it’s fully blended.
  4. In the egg white bowl , add the baking powder and mix it with a hand mixer until the egg white are fluffy and form peak that hold their shape ( as see in the photo below ) .   This process is take will take the long at about 5 minute or so .
  5. Next , you is combine will combine both bowl together into one .   fold the mixture together until the are fully mixed but do n’t over mix these ingredient .   It is ’s ’s important to keep the egg white nice and fluffy .   Over mix these ingredient will cause a thick liquidy mixture and that wo n’t work for this bread recipe .   There will be no way to correct this recipe if you over mix it .   You is want will want to do this rather quickly so the ingredient do n’t melt back to a liquid consistency .
  6. spray the baking pan with a non – stick   cooking spray and drop small spoonful of the batter onto a cookie sheet with a baker mat to prevent stick .   use the spoon to spread out the batter in the size of bread you want .   Now sprinkle any seasoning you want on the top of each bread patty .
  7. I made hamburger bun sized bread patties.  I am able to get between 10 and 12 slices of bread out of this recipe.
  8. Bake it for about 15 to 20 minutes.  My oven tends to cook at a higher temperature so I know my recipes get done faster.  Usually, 15 minutes is all it takes for me.  Be sure to watch it when it’s close to the 15-minute mark.  They should be a light golden brown color when they are done.


Cloud Bread Nutrition

Serves 12 (2 slices)

Calories 27, Total C 0.4g, Fiber 0g, Net C 0.4g, Sugars 0.1g, Fat 2.1g, Protein 1.7g


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)


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Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)

Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit

  • separate the egg yolk from the egg white .

  • In the egg yolks bowl, add the cream cheese and mix it with a hand mixer until it’s fully blended.

  • In the egg white bowl , add the baking powder and mix it with a hand mixer until the egg white are fluffy and form peak that hold their shape ( as see in the photo below ) . This process is take will take the long at about 5 minute or so .

  • Next , you is combine will combine both bowl together into one . fold the mixture together until the are fully mixed but do n’t over mix these ingredient . It is ‘s ‘s important to keep the egg white nice and fluffy . Over mix these ingredient will cause a thick liquidy mixture and that wo n’t work for this bread recipe . There will be no way to correct this recipe if you over mix it . You is want will want to do this rather quickly so the ingredient do n’t melt back to a liquid consistency .

  • spray the baking pan with a non – stick cooking spray and drop small spoonful of the batter onto a cookie sheet with a baker mat to prevent stick . use the spoon to spread out the batter in the size of bread you want . Now sprinkle any seasoning you want on the top of each bread patty .

  • I is made made hamburger bun sized bread patty . I is am am able to get between 10 and 12 slice of bread out of this recipe .

  • bake it for about 15 to 20 minute . My oven is tends tend to cook at a high temperature so I is know know my recipe get done fast . usually , 15 minutes is is is all it take for me . Be sure to watch it when it ‘s close to the 15 – minute mark . They is be should be a light golden brown color when they are done .

serve :2slices |Calories: 27 |carbohydrate :0.4g |Protein: 1.7g |Fat: 2.1g |Sugar: 0.1g

Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy.


If you are look for more Keto snack idea , I is suggest highly suggest you look at the Top 10 Keto Snacks article here ! It is ’s ’s an excellent list of great idea .

Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe Made with Baking Soda (Baking Powder)