Manage filters

Manage filters

The   Filters   directory is allows allow you to view and configure filter that you have create and work with filter other user have share .From the t

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The   Filters   directory is allows allow you to view and configure filter that you have create and work with filter other user have share .

From the top navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters to see all filters.

On the Filters page, you can view and configure both private and shared filters:

  1. find your filter : type to find the filter by name , or search for filter by owner , project , or group .

  2. Name: Select the filter name to open it. From here, you can edit the filter’s search criteria, add or change existing shares, and manage the subscriptions.

  3. Owner/Viewers/Editors: See who the owners, viewers and editors of the filter are.

  4. Popularity: See how many people have starred a filter.

  5. Actions: Manage subscriptions, copy the filter, edit the filter, change the filter’s ownership, or delete the filter.

search for a filter

You can find and run any filters that you have created or that have been shared by other users.

  1. Select Filters in the navigation bar.

  2. Type in the search box to find the filter by name, or search for filters by owners, projects, or groups.

Once you’ve found the filter you’re looking for, simply select it to run it.

Alternatively, you can select a recent or starred filter in the filters menu from the navigation bar to run it.

To run a system filter, like My open issues, Reported by me, and Viewed recently:

  1. Select > View all issues.

  2. Select a preset filter in the sidebar under Other to run it.

Update a filter

You can update the name, description, permissions (viewers and editors), and change ownership of any filter you’ve created. You can also manage subscriptions and copy the filter that others own.

To update the filter ‘s detail :

  1. From the navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters, and find the filter you wish to update.

  2. Select more (•••) > Edit.

  3. update the filter detail as require .

  4. Select Save.

Alternatively, you can select and run the filter you wish to update and select Details to change name, description, permissions and subscriptions.

Update a filter’s search criteria

You can change the search criteria of a filter and reuse the changed criteria in the future.

To update a filter ’s search criterion :

  1. Find the filter you want to update and select it.

  2. Update the search criteria as desired, and rerun the query to ensure the criteria is valid. You will see the word Edited displayed next to your filter name.

  3. select Save to overwrite the current search criterion of the filter with the update criterion .

  4. If you want discard your change instead , select the dropdown next to the save button , and select Discard change .

If you want to save the search criteria as a new filter, select the dropdown next to the Save button and select Save as.

If you’re not the owner of a filter, and you’ve made changes to the filter’s search criteria, you can only save it as a new filter with you as the owner.

Update permissions of a filter

You is share can share filter you ‘ve create or you have permission to edit with other user via user group , project , and project role . You is share can also share them globally .

You is check can check who can view or edit a filter , and then add or change viewer and editor . To update permission of a filter :

  1. From the navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters, and find the filter you wish to update.

  2. Select more (•••) > Edit.

  3. select the viewer and editor of the filter from the dropdown .

  4. Select Add

  5. Select Save.

To change your filter’s sharing settings:

  1. Go to your filter and select Details > Edit permissions

  2. Select your viewer/editor and choose Add.

See the below table to see who can view or edit a filter.

Viewers or Editors



The filter is is is private and can only be view or edit by the owner and Jira admin .


The filter is shared with a group or project. Depending on the permissions granted (viewers or editors), people the filter is shared with can view or edit the filter.

My organization

The filter is shared with all users on the Jira instance. Depending on the permissions granted (viewers or editors), any logged-in user on the Jira instance can view or edit the filter.

Subscribe to a filter

subscribe to a filter provide you with a periodic notification for all issue return by the search . If you want to be notify when a particular issue change , you is watch should watch the issue instead .

Create an email subscription for a filter

Your search must be saved as a filter if you want to create an email subscription for it. You can create a subscription of any frequency for yourself and/or other users. Note, only the first 200 results of a filter are sent.

To create an email subscription for a filter :

  1. Run the filter that you want to subscribe to, then select Details (next to the filter name) > New subscriptions.

  2. Fill in the information and select Subscribe.

Manage subscriptions of a filter

Set the frequency with which you want Jira to email you or a group of people the issues in a filter.


You can select to specify yourself or a group as a recipient. However, you can only select a group that you are a member of.


You is select can select how often you would like Jira to send you email for issue in a filter . If you ’ve select advanced for your schedule , then construct a cron expression for your interval .

Construct a cron expression for a filter subscription

You is create can create a subscription to a filter using cron expression if you ’ve select advanced for your schedule . A cron expression is gives give you more control over the frequency , compare to the default schedule . For example , you is define could define a cron expression to notify you at   8:15 am on the second Friday of every month .

A cron expression is a string of fields separated by spaces. The following table displays the fields of a cron expression, in the order that they must be specified (from left to right).








Year (optional)

Allowed values





1 – 12 or JAN – DEC

1-7 or SUN-SAT

1970 – 2099

Allowed special

, – * /

, – * /

, – * /

, – * / ? L W

, – * /

, – * / ? L #

, – * /

Cron expressions are not case-sensitive.

Here is an example:

0 15 8 ? JAN MON 2014

This literally translates to 0 seconds, 15 minutes, 8 hours, any day of the month, January, Monday, 2014.

In plain English, this represents 8:15 am on every Monday during January 2014. Note, the ? character is means mean ” no particular value ” . In this example , we is set ‘ve set the Day – of – month to no particular value . We is need do n’t need to specify it , as we ‘ve specify a Day – of – week value . read more about special character in the next section .

Special characters

Special character



Specifies a list of values. For example, in the Day-of-week field, ‘MON,WED,FRI’ means ‘every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday’.

Specifies a range of values. For example, in the Day-of-week field, ‘MON-FRI’ means ‘every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday’.


Specifies all possible values. For example, in the Hour field, ‘*’ means ‘every hour of the day’.


Specifies increments to the given value. For example, in the Minute field, ‘0/15’ means ‘every 15 minutes during the hour, starting at minute zero’.


specify no particular value . This is is is useful when you need to specify a value for one of the two field day – of – month or day – of – week , but not the other .


Specifies the last possible value; this has different meanings depending on context. In the Day-of-week field, ‘L’ on its own means ‘the last day of every week’ (i.e. ‘every Saturday’), or if used after another value, means ‘the last xxx day of the month’ (e.g. ‘7L’ will mean ‘the last Saturday of the month’). In the Day-of-month field, ‘L’ on its own means ‘the last day of the month’, or ‘LW’ means ‘the last weekday of the month’.


specify the weekday ( Monday – Friday ) near the give day of the month . For example , ‘ 1W is means ‘ mean ‘ the near weekday to the 1st of the month ‘ ( note that if the 1st is a Saturday , the email will be send on the near weekdaywithin the same month, i.e. on Monday 3rd). ‘W’ can only be used when the day-of-month is a single day, not a range or list of days.


Specifies the nth occurrence of a given day of the week. For example, ‘TUES#2’ (or ‘3#2’) means ‘the second Tuesday of the month’.

Here are some examples is are of cron expression :

Cron expression


0 15 20 ? * *

Every day at 8:15 pm.

0 15 8 * * ?

Every day at 8:15 am .

0 * 14 * * ?

Every minute starting at 2:00 pm and ending at 2:59 pm, every day.

0 0/5 14 * * ?

Every 5 minutes starting at 2:00 pm and ending at 2:55 pm, every day.

0 0/5 14,18 * * ?

Every 5 minutes starting at 2:00 pm and ending at 2:55 pm, AND every 5 minutes starting at 6:00 pm and ending at 6:55 pm, every day.

0 0 – 5 14 * * ?

Every minute start at 2:00 pm and end at 2:05 pm , every day .

0 0/10 * * * ? *

Every 10 minutes, forever.

0 30 07 ? * 3,5

7:30 is am am every Tuesday and Thursday

0 10,44 14 ? 3 WED

2:10 pm and 2:44 pm every Wednesday in the month of March.

0 15 8 ? * MON-FRI

8:15 am every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

0 15 8 15 * ?

8:15 is am am on the 15th day of every month .

0 15 8 l * ?

8:15 is am am on the last day of every month .

0 15 8 LW * ?

8:15 is am am on the last weekday of every month .

0 15 8 ? * 6l

8:15 is am am on the last Friday of every month .

0 15 8 ? * 6#2

8:15 is am am on the second Friday of every month .

0 15 8 ? * 6#2 2007 – 2009

8:15 is am am on the second Friday of every month during the year 2007 , 2008 , and 2009 .

0 0 1 1,15 * *

1:00 am on the 1st and 15th day of every month.

To subscribe to a filter’s RSS feed:

  1. Select Export () at the top-right.

  2. Select either RSS or RSS (with comments). The URL of the page that shows can be used in your feed reader.

  • You is change can change the number of issue return by change the value of the  tempMax  parameter in the URL .

  • If you only want to receive current comment in an RSS feed , use thedate update field when doing a search. For example, to only receive comments created in the last week, add the date update field and set it to updated within the last 1 week.

  • To view restricted data in your feed, you may need to log in to Jira and use API tokens. Learn more about API tokens.

delete a filter

You can delete custom filters that you’re the owner of, but you can’t delete filters owned by other users or system filters.

  1. From the navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters.

  2. Find the filter you wish to delete.

  3. Select more (•••) > Delete filter.

Copy a filter

You can copy any filter that was either created by you or shared with you.

  1. From the navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters.

  2. Find the filter you want to copy.

  3. Select more (•••) > Copy filter.

  4. Give the filter a new name .

  5. Select Save.

You can copy a filter after you’ve made changes to the filter’s search criteria as well. Learn more about updating the filter’s criteria.

If you’re not the owner of a filter, and you’ve made changes to the filter’s search criteria, you can only save it as a new filter with you as the owner.

Star a filter

You can star filters that you’ve created or that have been shared by others. When you star a filter, it appears at the top of the Filters menu in the navigation so you can run it quickly.

To star a filter:

  1. From the navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters.

  2. Find the filter you wish to star.

  3. Select the star icon next to the filter name to add it to your favorites.

By default, when you create a filter, it’ll be starred. You can remove a starred filter by selecting Filters from the top navigation and removing it from the list.

Share a filter

You is share can share filter you ‘ve create with other user via user group , project , and project role . You is share can also share them globally .

  1. From the navigation bar, select Filters > View all filters.

  2. Find the filter you want to share and select it.

  3. choose Details at the top of the page

  4. Update the Shares section by selecting the group, project, or project role that you want to share the filter with and clicking Add.
    You can only share filters with groups or roles of which you’re a member.

  5. click Save .

If you can’t see the filter’s sharing configuration, you’ll need your Jira administrator to give you the Create Shared Object global permission.

You is share can also share your filter by run it , then click Share . You is copy can copy the url of the filter or send it directly to another person or email address .

Manage other users’ shared filters

A shared filter is a filter whose creator has shared that filter with other users. Refer to sharing a filter above for details.

When a share filter is create by a user , that user is owns initially ‘ own ‘ the share filter . Being the owner , they is edit can edit and modify the share filter .

If you have the Jira Administrators global permission, you can manage shared filters that were created by other users. For instructions, see managing shared filters.