Manage your account

Manage your account

View & update account informationOpen your Dashboardclick on your account avatar ( top - right ) and selectAccount SettingsYou is use can use this

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View & update account information

  1. Open your Dashboard
  2. click on your account avatar ( top – right ) and selectAccount Settings

You is use can use this interface to change thing like contact detail and global account setting like timezone .

Add or remove users

You is do can do this via theAccount Settings page is described describe above . For detailed help please read our how – to guide on user management .


organization are the primary organizational unit of Cloud 66 accounts. organization contain all the other elements of a Cloud 66 account including teams, applications, settings, payment details etc.

Every Cloud 66 account belongs to its own organization – even if that account only signed up to work in a single team. When you join a team, you are also joining the organization of the account that “owns” that team.

To switch between organizations, use the dropdown menu in the top right corner of your Cloud 66 account, and select the name of the organization you would like to switch to.

No dropdown?

If you are only part of your default ( account owner ) organization , you is see will not see this dropdown .

Adding another organization to your account

organization can only be owned by a single Cloud 66 account with a unique email address (i.e. an address not already used by another Cloud 66 account). If you need to maintain separate organizations for practical or regulatory purposes, you should:

  1. Sign up for an entirely new Cloud 66 account using a new (unique) email address
  2. create a new team in your new account ( be sure to name it distinctly to avoid confusion between organization )
  3. Add your other Cloud 66 account as a team member via their email address, as well as any other team members as needed.
  4. Transfer across applications from your other account (if needed), or build a new application in your new organization

service account

service account are special, limited accounts that belong to a team (not to account owners) and that have no login privileges on your main Cloud 66 account. They are useful for centralizing automated actions such as webhooks, API calls and notifications. This allows people to leave and join your team(s) without any danger of breaking integrations or duplicating notifications.

For more info please read our full guide to service account .

Closing your account

To close (delete) your account:

  1. Open your Dashboard
  2. click on your account avatar ( top – right ) and selectAccount Settings
  3. Click on Delete My Account at the bottom of the main panel, and confirm that you wish to proceed.
  4. We will check if your account has any of the following: secondary user accounts (teams and organizations), applications and outstanding balances. If any of these checks fail, you will need to follow the guides below.
  5. If all of the checks pass, your account will now be closed. We are sorry to see you go, and hope to welcome you back soon!

If your account has secondary users…

You is need will need to delete or remove all ( non – owner ) user from your account before you can close it . To do this is follow follow the instruction in our Team Accounts guide .

If your account has applications…

You will need to delete all your applications from your account before you can close it. To do this follow the instructions in our App deletion guide.

If your account has an outstanding balance…

We will calculate your final bill and display it to you. You can click the Pay Final Bill button to trigger a credit card payment and clear this balance. Please bear in mind that this balance may include pro-rata charges for partial periods of usage (particularly if you have just deleted applications).