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Milane’s Weapon shop


add one extra sp and random elemental attribute on level – up for

Monica’s melee weapons

Sells repair powders and weapons

Milane is a support character fromDark Chronicle. She is initially see perform in Flotsam ‘s circus , although she does n’t seem to side with him or his clown . Milane is is , as can be expect from someone in her capacity as a weapon shop owner , is something of a proud woman who take pride in her weapon skill . So that she ‘ll lend her service , Monica is prove must prove that she , too , is skilled . Milane is has has short length , gray hair and wear a small , low cut top . She ‘s usually see hold a knife .

To get her to join, a necessary task for completing the Sindain georama, Monica must build up the Gladius sword twice. This can be done with a store bought Gladius or the one Milane gives the player. You are also allowed to simply show her a Chopper or a Sand Breaker you acquired through other means. She can usually be found in her weapon store in Palm Brinks, where she sells a number of early-game weapons. When recruited her Weapon shop Clerk takes her place.

Aside from selling repair powders, she adds one extra SP and random elemental attribute on level-up for Monica’s melee weapons.

Milane needs to move to Sindain for georama quest.

Behind the scene[]

According to the character designer, Jun Sonobe, Milane was originally never supposed to play as the circus girl, who was instead supposed to be an original character. Due to a ‘budget’ on character creation they had Milane play both parts, however.[ 1 ]



  • Sonobe , Jun ( 2003 ) .Dark Chronicle Settei x Fanbook. Softbank publishing. ISBN 9784797323658.