Mobius Bangle

Mobius Bangle

Dark Chronicle Dark Cloud build up from Build up to build up from Build up to

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Mobius Bangle

  • Dark Chronicle

  • Dark Cloud

build up from

Build up to

build up from

Build up to

The Mobius Ring is a ring weapon used by Ruby inDark Cloud, called the Mobius Bangle, and an armband weapon used by Monica Raybrandt inDark Chronicle.

In the second game it is either build up from the Sun Armlet or from the Satan Brassard , and it will come with the ” durable ” ability , which mean that its weapon Hit Points ( Whp ) will go down slow than normally . It may be find in dungeon ‘ chest , however it can not be invent or buy .


Dark Cloud[]

Attr . Min. Attr . Min.
66 (99) 50
70 0
88 0
99 ( 250 ) 0
0 0
35 0
45 0
60 0
50 50

Dark Chronicle[]