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As the person who requested the conversation, you should be prepared to direct the dialogue. Start by thanking the person for taking the time to speak
As the person who requested the conversation, you should be prepared to direct the dialogue. Start by thanking the person for taking the time to speak with you and sharing some information about yourself and your background. Keep your goals for the conversation in mind, and ask questions to learn about the mentor and their experiences. Be mindful of the time and stick to the schedule you’ve agreed to as much as possible.
ask engage and insightful question
Your goal is to learn more about the industry, the practice area, and the typical duties of an attorney at the organization. Keep your questions professional, but this is an opportune forum to ask about daily responsibilities, work-life balance, and new trends that may exist in the industry. Consider these sample questions:
Relating to the Mentor
relate to the Mentor ’s Area of Practice
relate to the Mentor ’s Organization
Advice for the Mentee
At the close of the conversation, ask to set up a subsequent conversation if you’d like. Ask if there are other people the mentor would recommend that you reach out to. Thank the mentor for their time.