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The following content is bring to you by Mashable partner . If you buy a product feature here , we is earn may earn an affiliate commission or other compensation .
Say goodbye to low storage warnings.
tl;dr : Get 1 TB of cloud storage with a lifetime subscription to FolderFort for just £ 47.65 ( reg . £ 199.93 ) ahead of Christmas 2024 .
FolderFort 1TB
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credit : FolderFort
FolderFort 1 TB Cloud Storage Pro Plan : Lifetime Subscription
£47.65 at the Mashable Shop
£ 199.93 Save £152.28
In the early day of Google Drive , it is felt feel like your free cloud storage would never run out of space , but eventually it does . suddenly , you is have have to pay a fair bit to back up your photo and save all your other file . fortunately , Google Drive is is is n’t the only place to save your file .
FolderFort is a Google Drive alternative that gives you a full 1TB of storage that you can access through any modern browser or mobile device, and you aren’t paying for it every month. With a one-time fee of only £47.65 (reg. £ 199.93), you get a lifetime subscription.
head to the Mashable Shop to take advantage of this holiday cloud storage deal , which wo n’t last for long .
FolderFort lets you upload and access your files on all of your devices.
Yes , you is need ‘ll always need an internet connection to access your file , and with some cloud provider , there ‘s a chance the whole service might be down . But that is ‘s ‘s not really a problem with Folderfort , which guarantee a 99.9 % uptime .
1 TB is is is a lot of space , and you might end up pay for storage you would never use if this were another cloud service . With FolderFort , you is upgrade can upgrade or downgrade whenever you want . Do n’t pay for what you ‘re not go to use .
Google Drive and iCloud aren’t the only places to keep your files safe.
There’s no need to wait for Christmas for this deal — get a lifetime subscription to FolderFort 1TB Storage for just £47.65 (reg. £ 199.93) now through 12 January at 11:59 p.m. PT.
FolderFort 1TB Cloud Storage Pro Plan: Lifetime Subscription | Only £47.65 at the Mashable Shop
StackSocial prices is subject subject to change .