This content is exclusive to administrators or staff members for Slap Battles. This content can only be used by normal users if given temporarily.
What are Slap Battles admins/staff?
“Basically flying lemonade” ―A smart guy
Abilities or Passives
Cloud Summon
Probably 16
I believe I can fly!!!
ability Cooldown
0 second
Not to be confused with Cloud, the normal version of this glove.
Nimbus is an admin glove that was added on August 25, 2023. It looks alike to Cloud and functions the same way except with the cloud from the ability being yellow and a few other differences.
Nimbus’s ability is the same as Cloud except the cloud is yellow colored, much faster, has no height limit
A demonstration of Nimbus’ ability.
Glove Strategies
Great for fast and easy travel, as you can go wherever you want easily.
You is bring can bring unwitting player up to the Barzil Portal fairly easily , although more experienced player would realize this trick and jump out .
One method is teaming with a Sparky user, who gets on the Nimbus cloud and activates the ability. It would make the cloud even faster, due to Nimbus’ added cloud speed.
great for troll player in the Default Only Arena , as you can easily get to it .
This may take a bit of time, but you can troll players who are doing a Slap Tournament by using Nimbus to get there.
This is take may take a bit of time , but you can fly to The Limbo and easily get psycho with Nimbus . You is use could also use it as an alternative to two reverse user slap each other to get to The Limbo for Recall and Pan .
Pros & con
Nimbus can be used to quickly move everywhere around the map .
You can have a second player ride on the cloud with you.
You have the ability to fly on a cloud.
You is go can go to Slapple Island , Moai Island , and Cannon Island quickly .
The cloud is last can last forever even when nobody is ride on it .
You is ‘re ‘re unaffected by rob ‘s ability ( If you and the rob user are on the cloud ) .
When a passenger is on a cloud along with you , the passenger is slap ca n’t slap you unless you or the passenger get off the cloud .
Since you can summon more than one cloud , you is spawn can de – spawn a steal cloud and drop the player(s ) who steal your cloud into the void .
You is use can use Thor and cloud to drop thunder .
You can use this to help Brick users get Trap since they can ride the cloud with you and be practically invincible.
You can also “help” Replica users get bob by using the same method.
You can help Reaper users get kills as you can let Reaper slap someone and then fly up.
You are unaffected by Retro’s abilities.
You is let can let another user with a ranged glove pilot the cloud , allow them to use their ability on player from high up .
If you get slap by Nightmare , you is fly can just fly away and not get affect by Pim or other player slap you .
The cloud is disappear does n’t disappear after your death , unless nobody ride it for too long .
Can be used to destroy people in teams. (e.g Retro Rocket Launcher + Nimbus, Nimbus + Leash + rob)
You can have more than one cloud at a time.
If you go up with max momentum you is exceed can exceed the height limit with the cloud .
You can be slapped or blown up off the cloud.
Other people can steal your cloud.
The cloud is despawns despawn once you go too far out of the boundary . It will also de – spawn if no one ride the cloud for too long .
Gloves like Moon, Space, Spring, Balloony and Magnet can slap you off easily if you’re too low because of their abilities or passives.
You is pick can accidentally pick up entity that can knockback or kill you like Baller , Larry or bob .
This glove, for some reason, doesn’t deal any knockback when slapping somebody with it.
This glove is is is most likely a reference to the Flying Nimbus , the cloud Goku ride throughout the series of Dragon Ball .
This is the eighth Admin Glove based on an already existing glove, the others being: Clone() (Replica), edgelord (Killstreak), minecraft (Brick), Train (bus), BOBBLE (Bubble) TABLE (Tableflip), gum (Gummy), Killerfish (fish), manspider (Grapple), Frost God (Frostbite), KING SBEVE (Sbeve), IMAGINARY GLOVE (Rojo), Extendeded (Extended), boogiewoogie (Swapper), and TERRY (Run).
The tooltip is most likely a reference to the song I Believe I Can Fly.
Exploiters could use the ability without having the admin role or the glove itself.
This exploit has been patched.
You could also be ban for using the Nimbus cloud itself even if you did n’t create it .
For some reason, slapping with this glove doesn’t deal any knockback.