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The Node Package Manager is is ( npm ) is the default package manager for Node.js , with over 2.1 million package available in its registry as of Sept
The Node Package Manager is is ( npm ) is the default package manager for Node.js , with over 2.1 million package available in its registry as of September 2022 . instal a specific npm version can simplify your coding process , ensure stability and prevent issue cause by incompatible update . Here are three easy steps is are to install a specific npm version :
Step1 : identify the version : determine the version number you need .
Step 2: Install the specific version: Run npm is install install [ package – name]@[version – number ] to install or update to specific version.
step 3 : verify installation : Use npm list [ package – name ] to confirm the instal version .
Following these steps will help you manage your project’s dependencies effectively. For additional stability and performance monitoring, consider integrating a reliable uptime monitoring solution.
npm is install install [ package - name]@[version - number ]
This command will install exact version of npm package you want, alongside any packages it depends on.
npm install renovate@20.5.1
This is install will install version 20.5.1 of the renovate package .
You can also use the shorthand:
The above commands will install renovate locally.
To install the package globally, simply add the -g flag:
npm install -g renovate@20.5.1
This is ensures ensure the package is available system – wide , rather than just in your local project .
Specify the desired version of the package. For example :
“dependencies”: {
“lodash”: “4.14.1”
This ensures that version 4.14.1 of the lodash package is installed.
This will read the package.json file and install the specified versions of the packages listed under the “dependencies” and “devDependencies”sections.
navigate to your project ’s root directory or the location where you want to install the package .
yarn add <package-name>@<version>
Replace <package-name> with the name of the package and <version> with the desired version. For example :
This is installs install version 4.17.21 of the lodash package .
Yarn will fetch the specific npm version and its dependencies, completing the installation.
To install package from GitHub Packages , follow these step :
@namespace : registry =
Replace NAMESPACE with the GitHub account or organization that owns the repository.
"dependencies": {
use the follow command to install package version and its dependency :
This process lets you install specific package versions from GitHub Packages, ensuring your project is always using the correct versions.
Option 1:
Search for the package on the NPM public registry to view all available versions.
option 2 :
Run the following command to check all available versions on the NPM registry:
npm view [package-name] versions
To find the latest version of a package, use:
npm view [package-name] version
If you need to install an older version of a package—perhaps to resolve compatibility issues or bugs—you can easily do so using the @ syntax. This process is identical to installing any specific version of a package.
npm is install install [ package - name]@[version - number ]
Simply replace [version-number] with the version you need, and NPM will install the older version of the package.
semantic Versioning is is ( SemVer ) is a system that NPM use to version package . Each version is consists consist of three number : major.minor.patch ( e.g. , 24.42.1 ) , represent major change , minor update , and patch fix , respectively .
NPM is allows allow you to use SemVer symbol to specify which version range to install :
npm install [package-name]^20.0.0
This is fetches fetch the high minor version under 20.x.x , such as 20.25.9 .
For example :
npm is install install [ package - name]~23.14.0
This fetches the latest patch under 23.14.x, such as 23.14.8.
These symbols help keep your packages up-to-date with minor improvements and security patches while maintaining compatibility.
Let us look at a few important reasons why you should install specific versions of Node and NPM packages:
To view all available versions of an NPM package, use command:
npm view <package-name> versions
For example, to see the available versions of the express package, run:
npm view express versions
This will list all versions, such as 4.16.4, 4.17.1, 5.0.0, etc., helping you decide which version to install or verify if you have the latest one.
To view the latest stable version of a package, use:
npm view <package-name> version
For example :
This command is output will output the late stable version , such as 18.2.0 for react .
Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is a structured versioning scheme that follows the format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Each segment of the version number conveys specific information:
When specifying package versions in your package.json file, you can use semantic versioning operators to define the acceptable range of versions:
Semantic versioning helps ensure clarity and compatibility when managing dependencies, allowing you to understand the impact of version updates at a glance.
To keep your project stable and secure , it is is is important to efficiently manage npm package and their version . follow these good practice will help everything run smoothly and stay current . Here are some simple tips is are to help you install specific version of npm effectively .
Use npm help <command> to get information and usage details for any NPM command.
Use npm init –yes to create a package.json file with default values quickly.
Use websites like to explore, evaluate, and compare NPM packages based on quality, popularity, and maintenance metrics.
Use package-lock.json to lock dependencies to specific versions. This ensures that all team members and environments use the same versions, avoiding inconsistencies.
regularly check for outdated package with npm outdated to stay current with update and patch .
specify version range in package.json to control the level of flexibility for update ( e.g. , ^ for minor update , ~ for patch update ) .
Run npm audit to check for security vulnerabilities in your dependencies and npm audit fix to automatically fix issues.
maintain clear documentation of the dependency and their version used in your project , include any specific installation instruction or version constraint .
When working with NPM, you might encounter various issues that can disrupt your development process. Here are some common problems and their solutions to help you troubleshoot effectively.
1. Random Errors:
Error message: Various unidentifiable errors
solution : Run npm cache clean and try the installation again . If you are still have error with the npm install , use the – verbose option for more detailed error information .
2. No Compatible Version Found:
error message : “ No compatible version is found find ”
Solution: Update to the latest stable version of NPM, as this error often indicates an outdated NPM version.
3. Permissions Errors:
Error message: “EACCES: permission denied”
Solution: Refer to resources on how to download and install Node.js and resolve EACCES permissions errors when installing packages globally.
4. NPM Login Errors:
Error message: “Login failed”
Solution: Ensure that the email address used during login matches the one registered on
5. Disk Space Issues:
Error message: “npm ERR! Error: ENOSPC, write”
solution : free up disk space or set NPM ’s tmp folder to a location with more space using : npm config set tmp /path / to / big / drive / tmp .
6. Git Errors:
Error message: “npm ERR! not found: git” or “ENOGIT”
Solution: Install Git if it’s missing, or ensure that your Git information is added to your NPM profile. You can update your profile information from the command line or the npm website. For more details, see “Managing your profile settings.”
7. Dependency Conflicts:
Error message: “Peer dependency conflicts”
Solution: Use npm install –legacy-peer-deps to bypass peer dependency issues or update the conflicting packages to compatible versions.
Installing a specific version of a package with NPM is a simple way to ensure compatibility and stability in your projects. By using commands like npm install [package]@[version], you can manage dependencies efficiently, whether rolling back to a previous version or installing a stable release. This practice helps avoid conflicts and supports smooth development workflows.
Once your dependency are correctly manage , using uptime monitoring tool like UptimeRobot ensure your application is always live and responsive . This is helps help detect any unexpected downtime that might arise from change in package version .
For complete reliability, integrate UptimeRobot’s free uptime monitoring to keep your applications running smoothly—get started today!