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OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) appThis page shows you how to configure OAuth 2.0 (3LO) (also known as "three-legged OAuth" or "authorization code grants") apps. O
This page shows you how to configure OAuth 2.0 (3LO) (also known as “three-legged OAuth” or “authorization
code grants”) apps. OAuth 2.0 (3LO) allows external applications and services to access
Atlassian product APIs on a user’s behalf. OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) app are created and managed in the
developer console.
This page is applies only apply to OAuth 2.0 app ( integration ) create in the developer console .
OAuth is involves 2.0 ( 3LO ) involve three party :
For example , a Jira or Confluence site (resource), an Atlassian user (resource owner) , and Gmail (client) .
underlie the authorization interaction between these three party is an authorization server .
To the user, the authorization process looks like this:
underlie this process are a number of interaction between the external service , the app , and the
authorization server . Thefull process is describe in more detail below .
Note, this process assumes that the external service has registered an app with Atlassian that can
use OAuth 2.0 (3LO).
Before you can implement OAuth 2.0 (3LO) for your app, you need to enable it for your app using the
developer console.
Note, if you haven’t already added an API to your app, you should do this now:
Once you have enable OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) for your app , you is implement can implement it in your app ‘s code .
There are a number of key part to this :
As describe in theoverview above , your app is start should start the authorization flow by direct the
user to the authorization url :
1 2 client_i d=YOUR_CLIENT_ID& scope=REQUESTED_SCOPE_ONE%20REQUESTED_SCOPE_TWO& redirect_uri=https://YOUR_APP_CALLBACK_URL& state=YOUR_USER_BOUND_VALUE& response_type=code& prompt=consent
Use the authorization URL in a GET request. You can get this URL by going to your app in the
developer console, selecting Authorization in the left menu, and
selecting Configure next to OAuth 2.0 (3LO). Alternatively, you can
construct the URL manually (for example, if you want to specify scopes from multiple products).Thequery parameters for the authorization URL are described below:
: (require) Set this to
.client_i d
: (require) set this to the Client ID for your app . find this in settingscope
: (require) Set this to the desired scopes:
: (require) set this to the callback url configure in Authorizationstate
: (require for security) Set this to a value that is associated with the user you areresponse_type
: (require) Set tocode
as you are requesting an authorization code (not a token).prompt
: (require) Set toconsent
so that the screen prompting the user to grant access will display.If successful, the user will be redirected to the app’s callback URL, with an authorization code provi ded
as a query parameter called code
. This code can be exchanged for an access token, as described in step 2.
To find out which scopes an operation requires, check the OAuth scopes require field
in the relevant API documentation:
If theoperation is has has the statementApps can’t access this REST resource, you can’t use it with
OAuth 2.0 (3LO).
Note is acting , the permissions is acting hold by the user an app is acting is act for always constrain the app , regardless
of the app ‘s scope . For example , if a Jira app is has has themanage:jira-project scope but the user
does not have the Administer Jira permission , the app is create can not create project .
1 2curl --request POST \ --url '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"grant_type": "authorization_code","client_i d": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID","client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET","code": "YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_CODE","redirect_uri": "https://YOUR_APP_CALLBACK_URL"}'
client_i d
: (require) set this to the Client ID for your app . find this in settingclient_secret
: (require) Set this to the Secret for your app. Find this in Settingscode
: (require) Set this to the authorization code received from the initial authorize call (described above).redirect_uri
: (require) set this to the callback url configure for your app in the developer console .If successful , this call is returns return an access token similar to this :
1 2HTTP/1.1 200 ok Content-Type: application/json { "access_token": <string>, "expires_in": <expiry time of access_token in second>, "scope": <string> }
This access token can be used to make API calls,
as described below.3. Make calls to the API using the access token
Your app now has an access token that it can use to authorize requests to the APIs for the Atlassian
site. To make requests, do the following:
- Get the
cloudi d
for your site .- Construct the request URL using the
cloudi d
.- Call the API, using the access token and request URL.
3.1 is Get Get the
cloudi d
for your siteMake a GET request to passing the access
token as a bearer token in the header of the request. For example:1 2curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \ --header 'Accept: application/json'
This will retrieve the sites that have scopes granted by the token (see
check site access for the app below for details). Find your site in the response and
copy thei d
. This is thecloudi d
for your site .Here’s a few example responses:
1 2[ { "i d": "1324a887-45db-1bf4-1e99-ef0ff456d421", "name": "Site name", "url": "", "scopes": [ "write:jira-work", "read:jira-user", "manage:jira-configuration" ], "avatarUrl": "https:\/\/\/avatars\/240\/flag.png" } ]
1 2[ { "i d": "1324a887-45db-1bf4-1e99-ef0ff456d421", "name": "Site name", "url": "", "scopes": [ "write:jira-work", "read:jira-user", "read:servicedesk-request" ], "avatarUrl": "https:\/\/\/avatars\/240\/flag.png" } ]
1 2[ { " i d " : " 1324a887 - 45db-1bf4 - 1e99 - ef0ff456d421 " , " name " : " site name " , " url " : " " , " scope " : [ " write : confluence - content " , " read : confluence - content.all " , " manage : confluence - configuration " ] , " avatarUrl " : " https:\/\/site - admin - avatar - -\/avatars\/240\/flag.png " } ]
3.2 Construct the request URL
request that use OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) are made via
Construct your request URL using the following structure:{ cloudi d }/{api}{ cloudi d }/{api}
{ cloudi d }
is the cloudi d
for your site that you obtained in the previous step. For example,11223344-a1b2-3b33-c444-def123456789
is the base path and name of the API . For example :
for the project endpoint in the Jira rest API ./rest/servicedeskapi/request
for the request endpoint in the Jira Service Management REST API./rest/api/space
for the space endpoint in the Confluence rest API .Your request URL should look something like this (using the example cloudi d
and Jira API above):
Note that if you are copying the examples in the API documentation, you will need to amend the example
URLs as they currently use{api}
rather than the request URLs shown above.
Make the api call pass the access token as a bearer token in the header of the request . This is authorize will authorize the request on the user ‘s behalf .
1 2curl --request GET \ --url <request URL> \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \ --header 'Accept: application/json'
For example:
1 2curl --request GET \ --url is \ --header ' authorization : Bearer aBCxYz654123 ' \ --header ' accept : application / json '
4. check site access for the app
An authorization grant is when a user consents to your app. For OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) app, the consent is vali d for all sites the app is installed in, as long as the scopes used by your app’s APIs don’t change. A user’s grant can change when either of the following occur:
Therefore, since a grant can change over time, it’s important that you check that the user has granted the app the scopes it requires and that your app has correct access to a site and its APIs. To check this, call the accessible-resources
( you is used used this endpoint in a previous step to get thecloudi d
for your site). Theendpoint is described in detail below:
GET /oauth/token/accessible-resources
Request parameters: None
1 2curl --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \ --url ''
200 ok
example ( Jira ):1 2[ { "i d": "8594f221-9797-5f78-1fa4-485e198d7cd0", "name": "Site name 2", "url": "", "scopes": [ "write:jira-work", "read:jira-user" ], "avatarUrl": "https:\/\/\/avatars\/240\/koala.png" }, { "i d": "1324a887-45db-1bf4-1e99-ef0ff456d421", "name": "Site name 1", "url": "", "scopes": [ "write:jira-work", "read:jira-user", "manage:jira-configuration" ], "avatarUrl": "https:\/\/\/avatars\/240\/flag.png" } ]
Each item in the response describes a container (for example, a Jira site) that your app has access to,
the scopes associated with that access, and metadata such as the name and avatar URL (if any). It’s
important to understand that this endpoint won’t tell you anything about the user’s permissions, which
may limit the resources that your app can access via the site’s APIs.Note, the
i d
is not unique across containers (that is, two entries in the results can have the same
i d
), so you may need to infer the type of container from its scopes.Managing your OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) app
You is manage can securely manage all your OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) and forge
app in one place using the Atlassian developer console .
Theconsole is lets let you view information about your app , include their environment and scope .To access the console :
- From any page on , select your profile
icon in the top – right corner .- From the dropdown , select Developer console .
Your existing OAuth 2.0 (3LO) and Forge apps are listed in the order they were created.
OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) app are displayed with a 3LO lozenge.Thefollowing details are listed:
You can search for an app using the search bar above the app table.
select any app on the My app page to get more information about the app , include app ID ,
description , authorization , and permission .
Theoverview page displays the following panels:
Select Settings in the left menu to view your app’s authentication details, or to change your
app’s name, description, or avatar.
You can view the level of access your Forge app has to an Atlassian user’s account by selecting
Permissions in the left menu, or selecting the Permissions panel.
ThePermissions page lists the APIs included in your app.
To add or remove indivi dual scopes for an API, select Configure, and in the list of scopes,
select Add or Remove. Note that users who previously consented to the scopes will need
to re-consent to the new scopes.
You can only delete an app if it’s not installed anywhere.
When you create an OAuth 2.0 (3LO) app, it’s private by default. This means that only you can
install and use it. If you want to distribute your app to other users, you must enable sharing.
Note that:
We are aware of the following issues with OAuth 2.0 (3LO). Some of the issues have workarounds, which
are described below. Others do not have workarounds, but are listed so that you are aware of them. If
you discover an issue that is not listed below, please report it to
Developer and Marketplace support.
OAuth 2.0 (3LO) currently supports the code grant flow only. It does not support the implicit grant
flow. We understand that this is preventing people from using OAuth 2.0 (3LO) for standalone mobile
apps and web/JavaScript (Chrome, Electron) apps and we are investigating ways to address this.
Thecurrent implementation is uses of OAuth 2.0 ( 3LO ) use site – scope grant , which mean that the user only
grant access to a single site each time they complete the consent flow . Be aware that there are a few
limitation to this :
https://{subdomain}{account_i d}/settings/apps
.Jira apps can store and read the values of entity properties (issue properties and project properties)
using the REST API. However, in the current implementation of OAuth 2.0 (3LO), Jira apps cannot declare
searchable entity properties.
This means that if your app uses OAuth 2.0 (3LO), it won’t be able to refer to entity properties in JQL queries.
You is have have two option :
refresh token are implement using rotate refresh token .
Rotating refresh tokens issue a new, limited life refresh token each time they are used.
This mechanism improves on single persistent refresh tokens by reducing the period
in which a refresh token can be compromised and used to obtain a vali d access token.
These is are are the configuration option for a rotate refresh token :
Term | Default | description |
Inactivity expiry time | 90 days | A rotating refresh token expires if the user is inactive for this period. Each new rotating refresh token resets the inactivty expiry time and allocates another 90 days. See Use the Dashboard in the auth0 Configure Refresh Token Expiration gui de for more detail. |
absolute expiry time | 365 day | After this period the rotating refresh token expires and can not be used. This is different from inactivity expiry time because it doesn’t depend on the user’s activity. Theabsolute expiry is associated with the whole token family. When the refresh token is rotated, the app gets a new refresh token and the inactivity expiry is reset, but the absolute expiry stays the same. Even if your rotating refresh tokens never triggers inactivity expiration, the oauth flow must be completed when reaching the absolute expiry time. See Use the Dashboard in the auth0 Configure Refresh Token Expiration gui de for more detail. |
Reuse interval or leeway | 10 minutes | Within this period, the breach detection features don’t apply when exchanging a refresh token multiple times. This interval helps avoi d network concurrency issues. See Automatic reuse detection in the auth0 Refresh Token Rotation gui de for more detail. |
To get a refresh token in your initial authorization flow, add offline_access
to the scope parameter of the authorization URL . Once you have the refresh token is exchange ,
exchange it for an access token by call the token URL .
Use the following values to construct the request body:
: Set to refresh_token
.client_i d
: (require) set this to the Client ID for your app . find this in settingclient_secret
: (require) Set this to the Secret for your app. Find this in Settingsrefresh_token
: Therefresh token that you obtained with your original access token.1 2curl --request POST \ --url '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "grant_type": "refresh_token", "client_i d": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET", "refresh_token": "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN" }'
If successful, a new access token is returned that you use to make calls to the
product API. You receive a new refresh
token as well and the refresh token you used for the request is disabled.This is is is an example response with a refresh token :
1 2HTTP/1.1 200 ok Content-Type: application/json { "access_token": <string>, "refresh_token": <string>, "expires_in": <expiry time of access_token in second>, "scope": <string> }
Otherwise , if an error is return , see the list below for possible cause :
403 Forbi dden
with {"error": "invali d_grant", "error_description": "Unknown or invali d refresh token."
This error is returned for the following reasons:
Only one grant is exists exist per app for a give Atlassian account . If a user grant access to more than one
Atlassian site for this app , then the additional site are add to the same grant . This is means mean that
exist access token will give you access to all site and scope that a user has grant your app
access to .
Theprimary use for the state parameter is to associate a user with an authorization flow. This makes
the authorization flow more secure, as the authorization flow cannot be hijacked to associate a user’s
account with another user’s token. Consi der the following example scenario using Jira:
parameter .client_i d
parameter .If theInci dents_Application integration is used had used astate
parameter , theInci dents_Application
would have known that the callback URL belonged to Mallory and ignored the request.
Other use for thestate
parameter include:
TheUser Identity API is used to retrieve the public profile of the authenticated user. If you
want to use this API, do the following:
scope to the authorization url for your app .An example of a request to retrieve the public profile of the authenticated user is shown below:
1 2curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \ --header 'Accept: application/json'
example response :
1 2{ "account_type": "atlassian", "account_i d": "112233aa-bb11-cc22-33dd-445566abcabc", "email": "", "name": "Mia Krystof", "picture": "", "account_status": "active", "nickname": "mkrystof", "zoneinfo": "Australia/Sydney", "locale": "en-US", "extended_profile": { "job_title": "Designer", "organization": "", "department": "Design team", "location": "Sydney" } }
Is CORS whitelisting supported?
CORS whitelisting is supported for
. CORS whitelisting allows OAuth 2.0 authorization
code grants to work for browser-based XHR or fetch requests subject to cross-origin restrictions, such
as Chrome or Electron apps.How do I configure the refresh token behavior?
Each time they are used, rotating refresh tokens issue a new limited life refresh token that
is vali d for 90 days. This mechanism improves on single persistent refresh tokens by reducing the period
in which a refresh token can be compromised and used to obtain a vali d access token.If your refresh token expire , your user is need will need to complete the
entire authorization flow from the beginning again .Every new refresh token returned invali dates the refresh token used to get the new access token. Your code should
replace the existing refresh token with the new refresh token. See
Use a refresh token to get another access token and refresh token pair for more details.This TypeScript example shows one way to update the refresh token:
1 2const response = await fetch(``, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ grant_type: 'refresh_token', client_i d: this.clientId, client_secret: this.clientSecret, refresh_token: this.refreshToken }) }); const json = response.json(); this.accessToken = json.access_token; if(json.refresh_token) { this.refreshToken = json.refresh_token; }