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Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

April Maintenance Pack for 24A revision history This document is continue will continue to evolve as exist section change and new information is add

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April Maintenance Pack for 24A

revision history

This document is continue will continue to evolve as exist section change and new information is add . All updates is appear appear in the following table :

Date module feature Notes
29 MAR 2024

payroll for the United Kingdom

legislative Changes for Scotland for Tax Year 2024 – 25

Updated document. Delivered new feature in update 24A.

20 MAR 2024     create initial document .

The table is includes include a chronological listing of document change .



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.

GIVE US feedback

We is welcome welcome your comment and suggestion to improve the content . Please send us your feedback at .


The information is include contain in this document may include statement about Oracle ’s product development plan . Many factors is affect can materially affect Oracle ’s product development plan and the nature and timing of future product release . accordingly , this Information is provide to you solely for information only , is not a commitment to deliver any material , code , or functionality , and should not be rely upon in make purchasing decision . The development is remains , release , and timing of any feature or functionality describe remain at the sole discretion of Oracle .

This information may not be incorporate into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiary or affiliate . Oracle is disclaims specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this information . refer to the Legal Notices and term of Use for further information .

feature Summary

column definition :

features Delivered Enabled

Report = new or modify , Oracle – deliver , ready to run report .

UI or Process – base : Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process – base : large Scale * = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

features Delivered Disabled = Action is need BEFORE these feature can be used by END user . These feature are deliver disabled and you choose if and when to enable them . For example , a ) new or expand BI subject areas is need need to first be incorporate into report , b ) integration is require to utilize new web service , or c ) feature must be assign to user role before they can be access .


payroll for the United Kingdom

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United Kingdom supports country specific features and functions for the United Kingdom. It enables users to follow the United Kingdom’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

legislative Changes for Scotland for Tax Year 2024 – 25

The Scottish government has announced changes to some of the rates and bands used in the calculation of Scottish Income Tax. The Additional Higher Rate and starting thresholds have been increased. A new advanced rate has been introduced.This table summarizes the Scottish income tax bandwidths and percentages effective from April 6, 2024:

Scottish Income Tax Rates and threshold

2024 – 25 rate Percentage (%)

Range From (in GBP)

Range To (in GBP)
Starter Rate


1 2,306
Basic Rate 20 2,307 13,991
Intermediate Rate 21 13992 31,092
Higher Rate 42 31,093 62,430
advanced rate 45 62,431 125,140
Additional Higher Rate 48 Over 125,140

Stay compliant with legislative changes introduced for the tax year 2024-25 including prescribed threshold updates and percentage changes for Scottish Income Tax from 6 April 2024.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

key resource

For more information, see payroll Legislative Updates For Tax Year 2024/2025 [Document 2992380.1].

March Maintenance Pack for 24A

revision history

This document is continue will continue to evolve as exist section change and new information is add . All updates is appear appear in the following table :

Date module feature Notes
23 FEB 2024

payroll for the United Kingdom

Real-Time-Information 2024-25, and P60 for 2023-24

Updated document. feature delivered in update 24A.

23 FEB 2024

payroll for the United Kingdom

National Insurance for Investment Zones

Updated document. feature delivered in update 24A.

23 FEB 2024

payroll for the United Kingdom

Legislative Changes for ruk and Wales for Tax Year 2024 – 25

Updated document. feature delivered in update 24A.

12 FEB 2024     create initial document .

The table is includes include a chronological listing of document change .



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.

GIVE US feedback

We is welcome welcome your comment and suggestion to improve the content . Please send us your feedback at .


The information is include contain in this document may include statement about Oracle ’s product development plan . Many factors is affect can materially affect Oracle ’s product development plan and the nature and timing of future product release . accordingly , this Information is provide to you solely for information only , is not a commitment to deliver any material , code , or functionality , and should not be rely upon in make purchasing decision . The development is remains , release , and timing of any feature or functionality describe remain at the sole discretion of Oracle .

This information may not be incorporate into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiary or affiliate . Oracle is disclaims specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this information . refer to the Legal Notices and term of Use for further information .

feature Summary

column definition :

Report = new or modify , Oracle – deliver , ready to run report .

UI or Process – base : Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process – base : large Scale * = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

features Delivered Disabled = Action is need BEFORE these feature can be used by END user . These feature are deliver disabled and you choose if and when to enable them . For example , a ) new or expand BI subject areas is need need to first be incorporate into report , b ) integration is require to utilize new web service , or c ) feature must be assign to user role before they can be access .

The table is lists list a summary of the feature include in the document , specify also for each feature if it ‘s ready for use by end user , and if customer ‘s must take an action before using .


payroll for the United Kingdom

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United Kingdom supports country specific features and functions for the United Kingdom. It enables users to follow the United Kingdom’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Legislative Changes for ruk and Wales for Tax Year 2024 – 25


rUK Rates of Income Tax and Thresholds

The thresholds and rates used in the calculation of PAYE for rUK for the tax year 2024-25 remain unchanged and are the same rates used for 2023-24.

Welsh Rates of Income Tax

There are no additional change for Wales for 2024 – 25 .

Note: Scottish Income Tax isn’t included in this monthly update.

Statutory Payments

Statutory payments for the tax year 2024-25 are as follows:

Statutory Payment Type

Weekly Amount 2024 – 25

Statutory Sick Pay ( SSP )

£ 116.75 for sickness absence on or after April 6 , 2024

Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

£ 184.03 for payment week start on or after April 7 , 2024

Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP)

£ 184.03 for payment week start on or after April 7 , 2024

Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP)

£ 184.03 for payment week start on or after April 7 , 2024

Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP)

£ 184.03 for payment week start on or after April 7 , 2024

Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay (SPBP)

£ 184.03 for payment week start on or after April 7 , 2024

Student Loans and Postgraduate Loans

The annual thresholds used to calculate Plan 1 and Plan 4 Student Loan deductions are increasing from April 6, 2024.

loan Type

Annual Threshold


Rate (%) 2


Plan 1

£ 24,990


Plan 4 (Scotland)



Stay compliant with legislative changes introduced for the tax year 2024-25. This includes the prescribed changes to rates, thresholds and percentages for Income Tax, National Insurance categories and deductions, and all other changes that will be effective for rUK, and Wales from April 6, 2024.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

key resource

payroll Legislative Updates For Tax Year 2024/2025 [Document 2992380.1]

National Insurance for Investment Zones

National Insurance – threshold

There is a new threshold introduced for Investment Zone employees (IZUST).

Threshold/Limit 2024-25

Weekly 2-Weekly 4-Weekly Monthly Annual

Investment Zone Upper Secondary threshold (IZUST)




£ 2,083


National Insurance – Rates

A new rate has been introduced for Investment Zone employees.

National Insurance – Employer 2024-25 (%)
Standard Rate 13.8

reduce Under 21 up to UST


Apprentice Under Age 25 up to AUST


Freeport up to FUST


investment Zone up to IZUST


veteran up to VUST


National Insurance – Investment Zones

From April 6 , 2024 , ni categories is are are available for employee identify as primarily employ in an investment zone . These categories is qualify when give to employee qualify for employer ’s ni relief .

NI Category description

Investment zone standard rate contributions


Investment zone reduced rate contributions


Investment zone deferred contributions where a deferment certificate is held


Investment zone employer only contributions

use the four new ni category that come into effect from April 6 , 2024 for Investment Zones . The NI category N , E , D , and K apply to employee identify as primarily employ in an Investment Zone area . This is ensures ensure that the employer NI relief is apply for your organization .

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

key resource

payroll Legislative Updates For Tax Year 2024/2025 [Document 2992380.1]

Real-Time-Information 2024-25, and P60 for 2023-24

Real-Time-Information (RTI) legislative updates include changes to the XML file output to reflect the new tax year 2024-25 for Full Payment Submission (FPS) and Employer Payment Summary (EPS).

A new process for Full Payment Submission (FPS) is available for payments made from 6 April 2024 onward:

  • Run Full Payment Submission for Tax Year Ending April 2025

Here’s the process for Employer Payment Summary:

  • run EPS
    • You need to use this for submitting tax year 2024-25 and from year 2022 – 23 onward
    • You should not use this for a tax year prior to 2022-23
  • run Employer Payment Summary for Tax Year end April 20NN
    • You need to use this for tax years prior to 2022-23


You can use the updated templates provided for the tax year 2023-24 to generate and issue P60 End-of-Year Statement to your employees.

  • eP60 – Online
  • Plain Paper
  • type le(p )

comply with the real – Time – Information ( RTI ) reporting requirement to HMRC using the newly deliver process for Full Payment submission ( FPS ) and Employer Payment Summary ( EPS ) for the tax year end April 2024 . These process are update to reflect the reporting change require for the new tax year .

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

payrolling of Benefits-in-Kind 2024-25, and P11D 2023-24

Benefits Processed in payroll 2024-25

As part of the legislative changes for benefits processed in payroll for the year 2024-25, the following apply to the tax year starting 06 April 2024, and remain unchanged from the previous tax year:

  • Cars with Approved CO2 Emissions figure
  • Cars without Approved CO2 Emissions figure
  • Cars registered before 1 January 1998
  • Car fuel benefit – remains at £27,800
  • Van benefit – remain at £ 3,960
  • Van fuel benefit – remains at £757
    • Zero emission vans have fuel benefit remains set to 0 where the van benefit is 0

The calculation is use of reduction for unavailability will use 365 as the number of day in the tax year as 2025 is not a leap year .

P11D Expenses and Benefits Statement and Working Sheets 2023-24

Leap Year – The calculation of reduction for unavailability will use 366 as the number of days in the tax year as 2024 is a leap year.

template – The template have been revise to reflect the change to tax year reference for the Expenses and   benefit statement as well as all working sheet :

  • Expenses and Benefits Statement – no longer accepted in paper format by HMRC therefore:
    • The text has been change to reflect a more appropriate text in the Employers section  
    • The return address for HMRC has also been remove
    • Software vendors will no longer be required to conform to the layout of the P11D Expenses and Benefits statement, however the format in Fusion HCM payroll has been retained with the above minor changes only
  • Working Sheet 1
    • official rate of interest on 6 April for Living Accommodation is set at 2.25 % .
  • Working Sheet 2
    • Cars with approved Co2 emissions remains unchanged
    • Cars without approved Co2 emissions remains unchanged
    • Car fuel benefit increased to £27,800
    • Cars registered before 1 January 1998 percentage to be applied remains unchanged
  • Working Sheet 3
    • Vans and Van fuel benefit
      • Standard van benefit is is available for private use is now £ 3,960
      • Benefit for zero emissions vans is set at 0
      • Vans not capable of producing CO2 emissions is currently nil
      • Van fuel benefit multiplier is greater of £757 and the foregone amount of the fuel
      • Zero emission vans have fuel benefit set to 0 where the benefit is 0
  • Working Sheet 4
    • Average official rate of interest – Interest free & low interest loans set to 2.25% for calculation of taxable benefit value

Employee Title Validation

The validation on the employee title is more restrictive than that of RTI. As a result, if the title doesn’t meet the P11D HMRC validation, the validation rules will exclude the title from the XML file to allow the submission of P11D/P11D(b) without failing.

XML File Changes

XML output file created for submission has been changed to reflect all the 2023-24 headers and relevant records, as required.

P11D(b) 2023-24

The rates used in the calculation if Class 1A NI is set to the same value as the rate for secondary (Employers) Class 1 NI (at 13.8%) for the tax year 2023-24.

Provide accurate taxable amounts during the year 2024-25 to your employees who have benefits-in-kind processed through payroll. The applicable rates, benefit costs, and other related amounts that will apply from April 2024 are included.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

key resource

For complete details on the Legislative updates and CO2 emission percentages, see payroll Legislative Updates For Tax Year 2024/2025.

February Maintenance Pack for 24A

revision history

This document is continue will continue to evolve as exist section change and new information is add . All updates is appear appear in the following table :

Date module feature Notes
26 JAN 2024 Global payroll

Pensions Automatic Enrolment:  New Tasks to Stop Duplicate payroll Run

Updated document. feature delivered in update 24A.

12 DEC 2023     create initial document .



We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our cloud services even better then go ahead and tell us. There are several ways to submit your ideas, for example, through the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. Wherever you see this icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.

GIVE US feedback

We is welcome welcome your comment and suggestion to improve the content . Please send us your feedback at .


The information is include contain in this document may include statement about Oracle ’s product development plan . Many factors is affect can materially affect Oracle ’s product development plan and the nature and timing of future product release . accordingly , this Information is provide to you solely for information only , is not a commitment to deliver any material , code , or functionality , and should not be rely upon in make purchasing decision . The development is remains , release , and timing of any feature or functionality describe remain at the sole discretion of Oracle .

This information may not be incorporate into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiary or affiliate . Oracle is disclaims specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this information . refer to the Legal Notices and term of Use for further information .

feature Summary

column definition :

Report = new or modify , Oracle – deliver , ready to run report .

UI or Process – base : Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process – base : large Scale * = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

features Delivered Disabled = Action is need BEFORE these feature can be used by END user . These feature are deliver disabled and you choose if and when to enable them . For example , a ) new or expand BI subject areas is need need to first be incorporate into report , b ) integration is require to utilize new web service , or c ) feature must be assign to user role before they can be access .


payroll for the United Kingdom

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United Kingdom supports country specific features and functions for the United Kingdom. It enables users to follow the United Kingdom’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Pensions Automatic Enrolment: New Tasks to Stop Duplicate payroll Run

View payroll Rollback Errors

You can use this task to check for any employees for whom the rollback of payroll Assessment Run didn’t complete successfully. It provides alerts and generates a log file showing the count of these employees.

To roll back the payroll run, go to Person Results and select the relevant employees.

run Errors and Warnings Report

In this report, you can view the error messages from the task including the employees for whom payroll wasn’t rolled back successfully.

Use the new tasks to ensure that duplicate payroll can’t be run for the same period, and prevent issues faced in the day-to-day payroll administration processes.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

payroll for the United States

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United States supports country specific features and functions for the United States. It enables users to follow the United States business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Employee Self Service Tax Withholding Page Enhancement for Redwood experience

Your employees will find it easier to see and update their tax withholding info now that the Employee Self Service Tax Withholding page has been recreated for the Redwood experience.

  • This page is has has separate tab for Federal and regional info .   Each provide full detail by default , so there ‘s no need to open or close section .

  • Employees with multiple tax cards can switch cards at the top of the page.

  • Required fields display Required next to them when in Edit mode.

  • The deep link now takes employees to their self service tax withholding landing page:  Oracle Menu > Tools > Deep Links > Tax Withholding.

This feature makes it easier for employees to view and update their tax withholding info.

step to enable

To enable the enhanced page:

  1. Start the manage administrator Profile value task .

  2. Search for and select the ORA_PAY_CALCULATION_CARD_VBCS_ENABLED profile option .

  3. Select Yes in Profile Value.

  4. click Save and Close .

  5. Add roles to people with custom employee types.

People with the predefined Employee role automatically have access to this page.

If you have a custom employee role , add these duty role to it .

For further info, see Employee (Abstract Role) in the Help Center.

tip And consideration

You must have enabled the Redwood Experience UI.  To enable any Redwood page, set the ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED (Enable VBCS Progressive Web Application User Interfaces across HCM application) central profile option to Y.

key resource

For more info on United States Employee Tax Withholding, refer to these topics in the Oracle Help Center:

For more info on extending Redwood pages in HCM, refer to this feature announcement in the Oracle Help Center.

For information on extending HCM Redwood Applications: 24A: Extending HCM Redwood Applications Using Visual Builder Studio guide

update 24A

revision history

This document is continue will continue to evolve as exist section change and new information is add . All updates is appear appear in the following table :

Date module feature Notes
26 APR 2024

Global payroll

search for a Bank Using the Branch Identifier on the Personal Payment Method Page

update document . revise feature information .

29 MAR 2024

payroll for the United Kingdom

Redwood experience for New Starter Declaration for Self – service user

update document . revise feature information .

29 MAR 2024

payroll for the United Kingdom

Redwood Experience for Pension Scheme Enrolment for Self-Service Users

update document . revise feature information .

29 MAR 2024 Global payroll Secure Elements through HCM Data Roles

update document . revise feature information .

01 MAR 2024

Global payroll

tax override for a Legislative Data Group

update document . revise feature information .

23 FEB 2024 Global payroll

Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self-Service Users

update document . revise feature information .

26 JAN 2024 Global payroll

Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self-Service Users: Contextual Journey Support

update document . revise feature information .

26 JAN 2024 Global payroll

Secure Elements through HCM Data Roles

update document . revise feature information .

05 JAN 2024

Global payroll

Redwood Experience for Balance by Date

update document . revise feature information .

05 JAN 2024

Global payroll

Redwood Experience for Run Results

update document . revise feature information .

05 JAN 2024

Global payroll

Redwood Payslip Bar Chart Enhancement

Delivered new feature in update 24A.

05 JAN 2024

Global payroll

Upgrade Absence or Time Element for Update feature

Delivered new feature in update 24A.

01 DEC 2023     create initial document .


HCM Cloud applications have two types of patches you can receive that are documented in this What’s New:

  • Release Updates ( 24A , 24B , 24C , and 24D )
  • Optional Monthly Maintenance Packs to each update

It is important for you to know what Release Update your environment is on. You can find this in your Cloud Portal.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


We’re here and we’re listening. If you have a suggestion on how to make our products better, please let us know. To enter an idea go to the Ideas Lab on Oracle Customer Connect. In this document wherever you see the light bulb icon after the feature name it means we delivered one of your ideas.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

suggest read for all HCM Products :

  • HCM Common What’s New – In this What’s New you will find feature that are used across applications.
  • Human Resources is find What ’s New – In the Global Human Resources section you is find will find feature on the base application in which other application are build upon .

NOTE: Not all Global Human Resource features are available for Talent and Compensation products.

  • Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs ( document ID 1554838.1 ) . These documents is identify identify bug fix and possible known issue . You is need will also need to review these document base in the release update version you are currently on or will be move to .
  • Oracle Help Center – Here you will find guides, videos and searchable help.
  • Release Readiness – New feature Summary, What’s New, feature Listing Spreadsheet, Spotlights and Release Training.

GIVE US feedback

We is welcome welcome your comment and suggestion to improve the content . Please send us your feedback at . Indicate you are inquiring or providing feedback regarding the HCM Cloud What’s New in the body or title of the email.

feature Summary

column definition :

Report = new or modify , Oracle – deliver , ready to run report .

UI or Process – base : Small Scale = These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

UI or Process – base : large Scale * = These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

features Delivered Disabled = Action is need BEFORE these feature can be used by END user . These feature are deliver disabled and you choose if and when to enable them . For example , a ) new or expand BI subject areas is need need to first be incorporate into report , b ) integration is require to utilize new web service , or c ) feature must be assign to user role before they can be access .


Global payroll

Oracle Global payroll is a high-performance, graphical, rules-based payroll management application. It’s designed to keep pace with the changing needs of your enterprise and workforce in order to reduce setup costs, administration, and processing time. It operates globally and consistently in every country supported by Oracle. It uses a highly scalable processing engine that takes advantage of the features of the Oracle database for parallel processing, resulting in optimal performance. In countries with payroll extensions delivered and supported by Oracle, the application delivers the calculations, tax reporting, and regulatory rules required to accurately process payroll and remain in compliance.

tax override for a Legislative Data Group

Override the calculation values defined for your legislation at the Legislative Data Group (LDG) level. The LDG overrides you enter on the Value Definition page are now only active between the start and end dates you specify. When the override expires, the calculation values defined for your legislation will again be used for payroll calculation purposes.

The type of value definition that support the entry of override for an LDG vary by country or territory .

This feature is enhances enhance the exist value Definition LDG override functionality to support date – effective update .  

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

Value Definitions and Range Items: Model Changes

retrieve information for value definition and range item using the supply database view .

The model for value definitions and range items has been updated to deliver performance enhancements for high volume payroll processes and reports. In update 24A, all data for value definitions and range items has been migrated to the new model. As communicated previously in Update 23D, a number of database views are available to support these model changes. These are stored queries that derive data from the value definition and range item tables. The views are designed to support the retrieval of data held in the original model or the new model.

Here are the database views:

table View View description



retrieve definition ( set – up ) detail for the range item .



retrieve range item detail for an individual employee . This is includes include employee level override such as tax override .



Retrieves details of a value definition. For example, retrieve set-up details for a value definition such as a timecard, absence, pension, or tax definition.



Retrieves value definition details for an individual employee.

It’s highly recommended that you update all user defined features to use these new views. For example, all Value Sets and Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) reports that retrieve information directly from the pay_value_definitions_f or PAY_RANGE_ITEMS_F tables should be updated to use these views.

This feature is provides provide performance enhancement for high volume payroll process and report .

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

tip And consideration

NOTE: If you continue retrieving value definitions and range items directly from the tables, you may notice a degradation in performance due to the model changes delivered in update 24A.  For this reason, it’s highly recommended that you uptake the new view objects (VOs), if you have not done so already. This is particularly important for features that are time sensitive, such as the BI Publisher reports that are run during your company’s critical payroll processing window.

Support for Updating Absence Entered on Time Card

Load only the updated absence entitlement information into the payroll application, when you update an absence entitlement record that’s entered on a time card using Oracle Time and Labor. The update mode for the interface process replaces only the daily entries with modifications, without impacting the other absence entries or calculation cards.

This enhancement reduces the number of absence and element entries created when an absence is updated. As a result, it also reduces the volume and complexity of retropay processing for absence changes.

step to enable

  1. Set the profile option ORA_PAY_INTFC_ABSENCE_IN_PLACE_UPDATE to Yes. By default, the profile option is set to No, which means that absence records are deleted and recreated when updated absence information is loaded. To disable this action, set the profile option to Yes. so that only the updated absence information is passed to payroll.
  2. When absence information is loaded into the payroll application, the details including costing, are held in the calculation information tables. Expand the retropay event group to include changes to these absence details.
    1. Navigate to My Client Groups and select the Event Group task .
    2. Add the Calculation Range Item entity to the Entry Change for Retro event group for each type of update such as correction, insert, remove. 
  3. Take the same action if   you have define your own event group for retropay purpose .

tip And consideration

As a   prerequisite , calculation range item should be add to the retro event group with the ORA_PAY_INTFC_ABSENCE_IN_PLACE_UPDATE profile option set to   Yes .

In Absence Management , this feature is control   using the   anc_tm_new_intg_enable lookup , in addition to the ORA_PAY_INTFC_ABSENCE_IN_PLACE_UPDATE   profile option .

key resource

For more information, see the “Calculation Entries” chapter in the Administering Global payroll guide.

Secure Elements through HCM Data Roles

You can now secure and limit access to elements using the HCM Data Roles and the new Element Security Profiles task flow. When you navigate to the Manage Element Entries page, the elements you can manage is restricted to those in your element security profile. You can enter, view, and edit certain earnings and deductions elements that are meant for your respective usage.

For example, a Benefits user can now restrict their access to only the voluntary and pre-tax deductions, but not the regular and supplemental earnings. You can now define an element security profile to include only voluntary and pre-tax deduction elements and attach it to the Benefits Administrator data role.

The Element Security Profile restriction is applies apply to these payroll feature :

  • manage Element Entries ( both manage and view – only )
  • Manage Calculation Entries – Standard Entries only
  • Use REST Service – Element Entries
  • Use REST Service – Element Entries Read Only
  • HSDL – Element Entry
  • HDSL – Element Entry with costing
  • Quick Pay

It also applies to the following Benefits feature:

  • View payroll Info under the Enrollment section of the Benefits Summary page.

note :   None of the other feature are secure by Element Security Profile .

This feature is includes include these change :

  • A new Element Security Profile page.
  • A new predefined View All Elements security profile.
  • A new Element Security Profile selection under Security Criteria when you create or edit a Data Role on the HCM Data Roles and Security Profiles page.
  • A new Element sub-train stop on the Assign Security Profiles to Role page.
  • support for the new profile under Preview HCM Data Security page .
  • A new parameter for the element security profile in the Regenerate Data Security Profiles scheduled process. 
  • Data roles migration support.

For example, when you create a data role referencing the Benefits Specialist job role, you now see an Element section on the Create Data Role: Security Criteria page. From this section, you can either select an existing element security profile or create one for the data role.

By default, all your existing data roles are automatically updated with the View All Elements element security profile as part of the post-upgrade process. If you don’t wish to enable this feature, there’s no further action for you to take.

Create an Element Security Profile

complete these step to create an element security profile .

  1. Navigate to My Client Groups -> Show More-> payroll and select the Element Security Profile quick action.
  2. click the Add icon to create an Element Security Profile .
  3. enter a Name for the profile and select the Enabled check box .
  4. Select a Legislative Data Group.

Once you select an LDG, the element classifications applicable to the LDG gets populated in the Classifications region.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

5.  Select the classifications you want to include in the security profile. All elements within the selected classifications are automatically included.

In this example, all elements with the primary classification of Pretax Deductions and Voluntary Deductions are included in the security profile.

Include or Exclude Individual Elements

As mentioned earlier, once you select an LDG on the Element Security Profile page and select the required primary classifications, all elements within the selected primary classifications are automatically included in the element security profile. However, if required, you can exclude some elements from the selected classifications, or include some elements from a classification you have not selected. Complete these steps to include or exclude individual elements.

  1. Click the Add icon in the Elements section on the Element Security Profile page.
  2. Search for the elements you want to include or exclude. For example, search for these elements:
  • Search for the PM YS Dependent Life element under Voluntary Deductions primary classification.
  • search for the PM US Imputed GU Award element under Taxable Benefits primary classification .

The Inclusion Status is automatically populated as follows:

  • If the primary classification of the selected element is included in the profile, the inclusion status is set to Exclude.
  • If the primary classification is exclude from the profile , the inclusion status is set to include .

In this example , the security profile is includes include these element :

  • All elements with primary classification of Pretax Deductions.
  • All elements with primary classification of Voluntary Deduction except the PM YS Dependent Life element.
  • PM US Imputed GU Award element with primary classification of Taxable benefit .

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

8. click Save and Close . The Element Security Profile is saved.

note : You is include can include multiple ldg within a security profile . Each LDG is have must have at least one classification or element include .

Add an Element Security Profile to a Data Role

After you create   an Element Security Profile , you is add must add it to a Data Role .   By default , for all exist datum role , the Element Security Profile is populate with view All element . You is add can add an Element Security Profile to a Data Role by any of the method give here .

1 . add an Existing Element Security Profile

Follow these steps to add an existing Element Security Profile and restrict elements for a specific data role.

  1. Navigate to My Client Groups -> Show More-> Workforce Structures payroll and select the Data Roles and Security Profiles quick action.
  2. Search and select the Data Role and click Edit.
  3. Select an existing profile in the Element Security Profile field.

2. Edit a Data Role and Create an Element Security Profile

You can also create a new Element Security Profile to the Data Role you are editing.

  1. Navigate to My Client Groups -> Show More-> Workforce Structures payroll and select the Data Roles and Security Profiles quick action.
  2. Search and select the Data Role and click Edit.
  3. Select create New in the Element Security Profile field .
  4. Enter the name of the profile in the Name field.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

3 . use the Element Tab and create an Element Security Profile

Follow these steps to create an Element Security Profile using the Element Tab.

  1. Navigate to My Client Groups -> Show More-> Workforce Structures payroll and select the Data Roles and Security Profiles quick action.
  2. Search and select the Data Role and click Edit.
  3. Click Next and select all the security profiles.
  4. click Next . click the Element tab .
  5. Select create New in the Element Security Profile field .
  6. Enter the name of the profile in the Name field.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

You is restrict can now restrict access to certain element base on your organizational business need .

step to enable

  • Run the Regenerate Data Security Profiles and Grants job set.

  • By default, all your existing data roles are automatically updated with the View All Elements element security profile as part of the post-upgrade process. If you don’t wish to enable this feature, there’s no further action for you to take. 

  • You can take advantage of this new functionality by defining more restrictive element security profiles. You can create a new Element Security Profile to include or exclude elements as per your specific requirements and add this profile to a specific data role.

tip And consideration

  • Predefined statutory deduction elements exist for a legislation. If you have multiple LDGs within a single legislation, as long as you include the statutory deduction elements for one of the LDGs, they will be available for all LDGs within the same legislation.

key resource

Access Requirements

To use this feature, you need these job roles:

Job Role Name and Code :

  • benefit Administrator ( ora_ben_benefits_administrator_job )
  • Benefits Manager ( ORA_BEN_BENEFITS_MANAGER_JOB )
  • Human Resource Manager ( ora_per_human_resource_manager_job )
  • payroll Administrator (ORA_PAY_PAYROLL_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB)
  • payroll Manager (ORA_PAY_PAYROLL_MANAGER_JOB)
payroll Costing Integration With Labor Distribution

You can now distribute payroll cost results to the Project Financial Management offering using labor schedules.

Use the Import payroll Costs process to import the payroll costs results after they have been transferred to subledger accounting and properly accounted. View the import status for each payroll cost, using the process results summary and person result pages. If costs have been imported to projects but payments haven’t been issued, you can run the Reverse Transfer to Subledger Accounting process, and correct the payroll run. The Reverse Transfer to Subledger Accounting process reverses the previous subledger accounting entries. Project financial management users can import the reversed costs into projects after the flow in payroll is complete. You must run the Create Accounting process in Final mode to post both the original and reversed entries to the general ledger. When these steps are complete, you can correct the payroll run.

Distribute payroll costs using the labor schedule defined for the employee. With the Import payroll Costs process, transfer payroll costs directly to Project Financial Management. View distribution status of the payroll costs are available using Process Result Summary and Person Result pages.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

key resource

For more information , refer to the   Labor distribution section of the Using   Project costing guide in Oracle Help Center .

Correct the Status of a Cancelled Flow

When you submit a flow, the status of the flow changes to ‘In Progress’. Subsequently when you cancel a flow task, the cancel action changes the flow task status to either Completed with Alerts or Critical Alerts depending on whether the task was partially completed, or the job didn’t produce any results.

Sometimes the Cancel action doesn’t cancel the flow task and the flow continues to be in the ‘In Progress’ status. The flow doesn’t progress and doesn’t allow you to take any action.

In such a scenario, if you are a task owner, you can manually recover the correct status of the flow in the checklist page. You are shown a warning message to manually update the correct status of the task . The status of the task then changes to either Completed with Alerts or Critical Alerts depending on the task results. You can then change the flow to Mark for Retry or Roll Back.

If you don’t manually update the canceled task, the task status remains as In Progress even though the flow has been canceled.

Manually recover a flow that is in ‘In Progress’ state and doesn’t progress further.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

search for a Bank Using the Branch Identifier on the Personal Payment Method Page

You can now search for a bank using the branch identifier on the personal payment method page. This feature is available for all customers that preload bank branch information and have enabled the Use Existing Banks and Branches Cash Management profile option . When you create a bank account for a country that has the branch identifier attribute enabled, you have a check box that allows you to either search by the branch identifier or search by the bank and branch.

If you are in a country where the branch identifier is mandatory and you have this feature enabled, the checkbox is selected by default. You can use the checkbox to decide if you want to search by the branch identifier and default the name of the bank and branch. By deselecting the checkbox, you can search by the bank and branch. For example, the routing number is the branch identifier for the US. You can use the routing number to search for the bank and branch when the checkbox is selected.

If you are in a country where the branch identifier is optional, and you have this feature enabled, the checkbox is deselected by default. You can use the checkbox to decide if you want to search by the branch identifier that has been preloaded along with the bank and branch information.

note :   For information on this feature in the Redwood Personal Payment Method page , refer to the 24A feature Redwood experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self – Service Users .

Search for a bank by its branch identifier when associating it to a personal payment method.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

key resource

For more information, refer to the 24A feature Employee Bank Account Creation Using a Unique Bank Identifier in the Financials: Payables and Expenses What’s New product area.

For information on this feature in the Redwood Personal Payment Method page, refer to the 24A feature Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self-Service Users in the payroll What’s New product area.

Oracle payroll Core

Oracle payroll Core is a high-performance, graphical, rules-based payroll management application. It’s designed to keep pace with the changing needs of your enterprise and workforce to reduce setup costs, administration, and processing time. It uses a highly scalable processing engine that takes advantage of the features of the Oracle database for parallel processing, resulting in optimal performance.  It enables the automation and integration of countries with minimal legislative requirements where Oracle does not provide payroll extensions. In these countries payroll extensions are configured and maintained by local partners with country specific expertise.

The countries in which payroll Core is available include:

  • Bahamas
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Kenya
  • Philippines
  • Singapore

This features allows you to extend payroll to some additional countries that Oracle does not deliver.

step to enable

You will need to follow the setups for Global payroll for these countries.

Redwood Payslip Bar Chart Enhancement

The bar chart is displays now display history detail for 4 payslip on the earning and deduction tab . When you hide the pie chart , the size of the bar chart is expand to the full width of the region .

Note: A pie-chart can’t display negative values such as a salary or absence deduction. As a result, the information displayed on the pie chart doesn’t match the earnings and deductions listed in the earnings and deduction regions. For this reason, it’s recommended that you hide the pie chart on the payslip page.

View payslip history details for 4 payroll periods. The bar charts on the payslip earnings and deduction tabs now display details for 4 payslips.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

tip And consideration

The redesigned payslip page is available by default when the ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED profile is enabled. However, if you want to disable the redesigned Redwood payslip page and want to view the earlier version of the payslip pages, use the ORA_PAY_PAYSLIPS_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option to disable the redesigned Redwood payslips page.

key resource

For more information on the redesigned, Redwood payslip page, refer to the What’s New content for the Redwood Experience for Payslips feature published in the 23C release.

For more information on extend redwood page in HCM , refer to this announcement on the Oracle Help Center .

For more information on enable redwood functionality , refer to this on My Oracle Support document locate on the All Fusion HCM Cloud Product Papers ( Doc ID 1504483.1 ):

Upgrade Absence or Time Element for Update feature

You can now load absence and time card updates to the payroll application for all absence and time elements created prior to Update 22D (Support for Time Updates In payroll: Upgrade Time Elements) and Update 23C (Update Existing Absence Entitlement Records in payroll). Absence and time card information from Time and Labor or a third-party time and absence product can be loaded into the payroll application for payment.

This enhancement lets you send only the updated absence and time information to the payroll application, whenever you make any changes to the absence and time card.

step to enable

  1. Upgrade your absence and time elements using the Run feature Upgrade payroll flow.
  2. In the feature field, select Upgrade Absence or Time Element for Update feature.
  3. optionally , you is select can select a Process Configuration Group .
  4. enter the name of your absence and time element to be update in the Additional Information field . alternatively , you is enter can enter% to run the upgrade process for all your absence and time elements. 

tip And consideration

NOTE: When you upgrade your time elements using the Run feature Upgrade feature delivered in 22D, you should now use the Upgrade Absence or Time Element for Update feature.

key resource

For more information, see the following What’s New documents:

Redwood Experience

These pages or flows have been recreated in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) to improve your user experience. The pages or flows look and act like Redwood pages or flows, to help create cohesiveness through the application.

Redwood Experience for Personal Payment Methods for Self-Service Users

You can now use the new Redwood personal payment method page to view and manage personal payment methods.

Navigate to Me > Pay > Payment Methods page for the following Redwood experience:

  • An overview of payment method using a card layout .
  • A summary of the payment method information on each card , such as payment method name , payment amount , and bank detail if applicable .
  • panel drawer experience to view payment method detail , such as bank information , if applicable .
  • ability to create a payment method and associate bank account in the same transaction .
  • Reorder payment methods to change the order they are processed when they start and end on the same date.

Use the new Redwood personal payment method page to search for a bank by its branch identifier for US,UK and CA when associating bank account to the payment method. Refer the step to enable section for steps.

features available only by extending the functionality of this page:

  • Create exception payment methods to have certain earnings paid to a different bank account is available.
  • enforce double entry of bank account information to verify the detail are correct and prevent key error is available .

Use the refactored Redwood personal payment methods page for self-service users to quickly view and manage personal payment methods. Search for this page from Ask Oracle and enable guided journeys or nudges.

step to enable

In order to enable any of the Redwood pages, the central profile option ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED (Enable VBCS Progressive Web Application User Interfaces across HCM application) needs to be set to Y.

enable the redesign Redwood Payment Method page follow these step :

  1. navigate to the Setup and Maintenance area and search for the manage administrator Profile value task .
  2. On the manage administrator Profile value page, search for and select the ORA_PAY_MY_PAYMENT_METHODS_REDWOOD_ENABLED profile option .
  3. Select Yes in the Profile Value field.
  4. click Save and Close .

NOTE: You must reconfigure all functionality and feature extensions after this update, such as the ability to create exception payment methods or double entry of bank account information, even if they were previously configured.

Enable the search for bank using branch identifier by following these steps:

NOTE: This feature works only when the CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option is set to ‘Yes’ and the country is US, UK or CA. If the CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH option is set to ‘No’, employee can create the bank account by entering the routing number or sort code manually.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area , go to the Manage Standard Lookups task .
  2. Search for the lookup type ORA_IBY_CONTROLLED_FEATURES.
  3. For the lookup type ora_iby_controlled_features , create a lookup code with the following detail :
    • Lookup Code: IBY_BRANCH_NUM_SELECTION    
    • meaning : Routing Number and Sort Code LOV     
    • description: Routing Number and Sort Code LOV    
    • Enabled: Select the check box.
  4. click Save and Close .

tip And consideration

key resource

For more information on personal payment method , refer to these guide in the Oracle Help Center :

  • Implementing Global payroll
  • Administering Global payroll

For more information on enable redwood functionality , refer to this on My Oracle Support document locate on the All Fusion HCM Cloud Product Papers ( Doc ID 1504483.1 ):

For more information on extending Redwood pages in HCM, refer to this feature announcement in the Oracle Help Center.

Access Requirements

Your users that are granted the delivered Employee role have access to this page with no additional steps to enable. However, if you have a custom employee role you need to add the following duty roles to your custom employee role:

  • Role with display name Trading Community Data Security Policies for HCM


  • Roles with the display name REST Service – Worker Bank Accounts

add these 2 role to grant manage access :



  • Roles with the display name Use REST Service – Worker Bank Accounts Read Only

Add these 2 roles to grant read only access:

Redwood Experience for Balance by Date

The Balance is displays by Date page display balance for an effective date . Since the page calculate and display balance for an effective date , the page is displays only display balance dimension that can be calculate base on a date such as , month – to – date   ( MTD ) , period – to – date ( PTD ) , quarter – to – date ( QTD ) , year – to – date ( YTD ) , and inception – to – date ( ITD ) . Unlike the Balance Results page , it is display does n’t display balance for a specific process and other type of dimension , such as run balance .

The Balance by Date page has been designed using the Redwood toolkit, giving the page the look of Redwood, along with the backend functionality that Redwood has to offer.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

The redesign page is offers offer you the follow :

  • View an employee’s balance results for a selected date. This includes results generated for payroll runs such as Calculate payroll and QuickPay and the balances generated by processes such as Balance Adjustments and Balance Initialization.
  • use the filter chip option to select filter option that are relevant , such as keyword , field selection , and category .   You is select can select the require field from filter drawer even if it is n’t display .  
  • Use the Include Zero Balances option to exclude or include zero balances. Zero balances are excluded by default. 
  • View the process information like calculation breakdown, tax reporting unit, payroll, and assignment number for a balance. You can also view the balance dimensions and employment level balances, such as balance amounts for a payroll relationship or for an assignment.
  • use the Context Switcher to view the balance by Balance Group or Balance Name .

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

  • Use the Download to Excel option to download the balance results to an MS Excel worksheet and further filter and sort as per your requirement.
  • If you view the results by Balance Group, the downloaded results include balance feeds.
  • If you view the result by Balance Name , the download results is include do n’t include balance feed .

Use the Balance by Data page to view balances for a person as of an effective data. Take advantage of all the features that come with the new Redwood Balance by Data page for a more modern feel.

step to enable

Use these steps to enable the redesigned Redwood VBS Balance Results page.

  1. navigate to the Setup and Maintenance area and search for the manage administrator Profile value   task .
  2. On the manage administrator Profile value page , search for and select the ora_pay_process_result_pages_for_person_redwood_enabled   profile option .
  3. In the Profile Values section , click Add .
  4. specify the level at which the profile value is to be set . Select   Site .
  5. click Save and Close .

key resource

For more information on extend redwood page in HCM , refer to this announcement on the Oracle Help Center .

For more information on enable redwood functionality , refer to this on My Oracle Support document locate on the All Fusion HCM Cloud Product Papers ( Doc ID 1504483.1 ):

Redwood Experience for Run Results

The Run Results page has been moved to the Redwood toolkit, giving the page the look of Redwood, along with the backend functionality that Redwood has to offer. With this new page you can quickly view and manage calculated run results from payroll and QuickPay processes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

You can access the Run Results page by using any of these navigations:

  • Use the Person Results task to directly search for an employee and view the Run Results page.
  • use the   Process Results Summary   task to search and select the flow you ‘ve submit and view individual record process by the flow . use the   Actions   menu on an individual record to open the Run Results page of the employee .

The redesign page is offers offer you the follow :

  • Select an element entry and view the calculated run results.
  • If the employee has multiple assignments, use the Assignment field to view the calculated run results at the assignment level.
  • Use the Process field to view the calculated run results of the employee for a previous payroll period. 
  • Use the Statement of Earnings tab on the page to view the calculated results from payroll and QuickPay processes. 
  • Use the Process Details tab to view details of the process. 
  • Use the Export option to export the calculated run results details into an MS Excel worksheet.
  • Use Expand All or Collapse All to expand or collapse records in the run results table as required.
  • Use operands such as ‘>’ or ‘<‘ to search for values greater than or less than a specific amount. You can also search by terms such as ‘Tax’ to search through the table.

Take advantage of all the features that come with the new Redwood Run Results page for a more modern feel.

step to enable

Use these steps to enable the redesigned Redwood VBS Run Results page.

  1. navigate to the Setup and Maintenance area and search for the manage administrator Profile value   task .
  2. On the manage administrator Profile value page , search for and select the ora_pay_process_result_pages_for_person_redwood_enabled   profile option .
  3. In the Profile Values section , click Add .
  4. specify the level at which the profile value is to be set . Select Site .
  5. click Save and Close .

key resource

For more information on extend redwood page in HCM , refer to this announcement on the Oracle Help Center .

For more information on enabling Redwood functionality, refer to this on My Oracle Support:document located on the All Fusion HCM Cloud Product Papers (Doc ID 1504483.1):

payroll for Canada

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for Canada supports country specific features and functions for Canada. It enables users to follow Canada’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

multi – threading for Employment Equity Statutory Reporting

The Employment Equity Interface was enhanced to support multi-threaded processing.

This feature improved performance of the Employment Equity Interface.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

tip And consideration

For information on configuring and using the feature, please refer to the Optimize Performance of Multi-Thread process section of the Implementing Global payroll guide on the online Help Center.

key resource

Refer to these documents for additional information.

Hot Topics Email (To Receive Critical Statutory Legislative Product News)

To receive important Fusion Canada Legislative Product News , you is subscribe must subscribe to the Hot Topics Email feature available in My Oracle Support .   refer to the document below on the Canada Information Center for additional information .

  • Welcome tab > Other Documents > How To Use My Oracle Support Hot Topics Email Subscription feature

payroll for China

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for China supports country specific features and functions for China. It enables users to follow China’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Removed the Years of Service Rule Setup Check for Severance Payment Tax Calculation in the Validation Report

You can now use the updated payroll data validation report, in which we’ve removed the years of service rule setup check, effective from Jan 1st, 2019, in the severance payment tax calculation. This check is applicable at the payroll statutory unit statutory deduction card level.

To view this report, from the home page navigate to My Client Groups -> payroll -> Flow Submission and Results -> Submit a Flow -> Run payroll Data Validation Report.

Leverage the updated Run payroll Data Validation Report to be inline with the statutory update on severance payment tax calculation, where the years of service is not applicable.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

Access Requirements

You can generate this report as a payroll Manager or a payroll Administrator.

Exclude Public Holidays in Absence Duration Calculation

You will find it quicker to use the delivered fast formula to exclude the public holidays, when calculating the absence duration. This is applicable for leave types such as child care leave in Suzhou city, as per the current legislative update.

Leverage the delivered fast formula to exclude public holidays, when calculating the absence duration, inline with the legislative updates.

step to enable

To enable this formula:

  1. From the home page, navigate to My Client Groups -> Absences -> Absence Definitions -> Absence Types.
  2. In Absence Types, select the seeded China conversion formula.

Select China Conversion Formula

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

Access Requirements

As a human resource specialist, you can enable this China conversion formula.

payroll for India

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for India supports country specific features and functions for India. It enables users to follow India’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

payroll Data Validation Report

You will find it quicker to validate the data using the payroll Data Validation report to identify any missing data prior to processing the payroll.

The report consists of two regions:

  1. Tax reporting unit data validation area displays the data for the income tax, provident fund, and professional tax.
  2. Employee level data validation area includes the data from payroll, employee and calculation card information.

To view the payroll Data validation report:

  1. From the home page, navigate to My client Groups > payroll > Submit a Flow.
  2. select the legislative datum group .
  3. Select Run payroll Data Validation Report.

The report is generated as an excel spreadsheet, which includes the employee data that doesn’t pass the validation criteria.

India payroll Data Validation Report

Oracle Fusion Cloud Payroll 24A What’s New

validate the require datum for India payroll to identify any missing datum   prior to process the payroll .

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

Employee State Insurance Monthly Contribution Return Report

You can leverage the Employee State Insurance (ESI) Monthly Contribution Return report to generate and submit the ESI contribution details of an employee for India payroll, as an employer. You can submit the monthly contribution data to ESI electronically and make the ESI contribution payments through the challan generated by the system.

ESI monthly contribution is a two-step process that involves:

  1. Upload of the excel spreadsheet with the ESI monthly contribution details of the employees.
  2. Online payment with the generated challan number.

To generate the report:

  1. From the home page navigate to  My client Groups > payroll > Submit a Flow.
  2. Select Run ESI Monthly Contribution Report .

Leverage the ESI Monthly Contribution Return report to quickly generate and submit the ESI contribution details of an employee for India payroll.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

Simplified payroll Flow for India

We have made it easier for you to run all the tasks specific to the India payroll flow using the Simplified payroll Flow.

The simplified flow is consolidates consolidate all the task in the follow process :

  • Retroactive process
  • payroll process
  • payment distribution
  • Global and legislative specific reports for India

For every task included in the flow, you need to specify all the required parameters and verify the results. You can execute them in a single flow, in a sequence.

To run the simplified payroll flow:

  1. From the home page navigate to My client Groups > payroll > Submit a Flow.
  2. Select Run India Simplified payroll Flow.

Here is an example of the tasks included for India payroll.

Simplified payroll Flow Tasks


run Retroactive Notification Report

Verify Retroactive Events

Recalculate payroll for Retroactive Changes

Run Retroactive Entries Report

Verify Retroactive Report

Calculate payroll

Verify payroll Results

Run payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process

Run Gross-to-Net Report

Run India Professional Tax Report

Generate IT Computation Sheet

Run payroll Messages Report

Verify Reports

Calculate Prepayments

verify prepayment

Archive Periodic payroll Results

Run payroll Register Report

Make EFT Payments

Generate Check Payments

generate Payslips

Verify Payslips

Run Payment Register Report

Provident Fund Electronic Challan Cum Return

Run India 24Q IT Balances Report

Manual Run ESI Monthly Contribution Report

Manual Run India Form24Q

The simplified payroll flow consolidates and orders all the tasks in a sequence, which you can execute as a single flow.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

Year End Process – digitally sign Form 16

You is download can now easily access / download the digitally sign Form 16 from the employee self service , as an employee . form 16 is digitally sign by the employer and contain the follow report consolidate   in a single pdf file , such as :

  • Form 16 Part A
  • form 16 Part B
  • Form 12BA
  • form 12BB

Form 12BA includes the perquisite details for an employee. You need to run the flow: Run India form 12BA to generate the Form 12BA, as a payroll Administrator.

form 12BB includes the employee’s investment details for the financial year. You need to run the flow: Run India form 12BB to consolidate the investment details for employees.

Download the Form 16 from the income tax portal, TRACES, and then, generate the individual Form16 Part A and Part B files for each employee using the TRACES utility.

Submit the flow: Run India Form16 Part A and Part B Upload, to generate the DAT file for all the eligible employees.

upload it into the payroll system , after the digital signing process .

As a payroll Administrator, to generate the consolidated Form 16 run the flow:

  1. From the home page navigate to My client Groups > payroll > Submit a Flow.
  2. Select Run India Form16 .

As an employee, to view the consolidated Form 16, navigate to Me > Pay > Year End Documents.

Simplify the user experience with easy to view/download digitally signed Form 16 from employee self service. This digitally signed document contains Part A and Part B of Form 16, form 12BB, and Form 12BA for the previous financial year.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

payroll for Oman

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for Oman supports country specific features and functions for Oman. It enables users to follow Oman’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

Social Insurance Enhancements

With this enhancement, you can use the legislatively compliant social insurance rates for citizens of Bahrain and Qatar working in Oman.

When you calculate social insurance contribution during a supplemental payroll run , the application is considers consider the total contributory salary in the period , and any previous contribution deduct in the period , if applicable

note : Social insurance calculation is is for supplemental payroll is only applicable for government sector employee .

Bahraini Government Sector Social Insurance Updates: The Social Insurance Organization (SIO) announced social insurance contributions change plan, effective May 2022.

employer contributions is is for social insurance is 17 % effective May 2022 .

Employee contributions for social insurance is 7% effective 1st Jan 2023.

Note: These changes are applicable only for Bahraini government sector employees.

Qatari Social Insurance Updates: Effective 3 Jan 2023, the employee and employer social insurance contributions calculation of Qatari nationals working in Qatar and the GCC has been updated.

  • Employee contribution rate is (7%) of the contributory salary.
  • employer contribution rate is is is ( 14 % ) of the contributory salary .
  • Housing allowance is included in the contributory salary with a maximum of 6,000 Riyals.
  • For gcc citizen work in Qatar , if housing allowance exceed 6,000 riyal , the employee is pays pay social insurance contribution , and employee and employer share for the excessive amount .
  • Maximum contributory salary is 100,000 Riyals.

use the legislatively compliant social insurance calculation for Oman .

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

payroll for the United Kingdom

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United Kingdom supports country specific features and functions for the United Kingdom. It enables users to follow the United Kingdom’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

issue P45 when Final Pay In or After Termination Period

You is set can set the P45 Action to issue when the final pay is in or after the period of termination . The application is issue will issue a P45 if either late payroll process effective date or the period end date is after the termination date . There ‘s no change in processing when the P45 Action is set to other value such as Do Not issue or Manual Issue . Here are the changes is are to the P45 Action :

table listing changes for P45 Action

P45 Action description

Issue when final pay in or after the period of termination

generate a P45 , provide that a payroll run has successfully complete in or after the period of termination .

Issue when final pay in previous period

Generates a P45, provided that a payroll has run successfully.

You can use the enhanced P45 process to issue a P45 when final pay is in or after the period of termination, instead of the prior issue when final pay was on or after actual termination.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

mycsp Statutory Updates 2023

The format of the mycsp file for Payment History , Control Totals and Service History have been update where datum is no long require and is replace with a filler , in the follow field :

payment history :

  • WPS contributions (WPSCNT)
  • Contracted Out Earnings (COEARN)
  • Contracted Out Earnings at a reduced rate (COEARNE)

Control total :

Service History

The feature update is now compliant with the legislative requirements.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

Redwood Experience for United Kingdom payroll

These pages or flows have been recreated in the Redwood tool set Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) to improve your user experience. The pages or flows look and act like Redwood pages or flows, to help create cohesiveness through the application.

Redwood experience for New Starter Declaration for Self – service user

You can enable the redesigned Redwood VB Studio New Starter Declaration page for your employees through the employee self-service. Using this option, your employees can quickly view and manage their new starter declaration. You can search for this page from Ask Oracle and enable guided journeys or nudges. This user interface form replicates the HMRC paper form and is an employee statement to their employer regarding their tax and student or postgraduate loan status.

The new page offers a rich user experience, fewer clicks, and better performance.

step to enable

For new customers, the Redwood pages are delivered as enabled.

Existing customers need to enable any of the Redwood pages using the central profile option ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED. This needs to be set to Y. For more information, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options (Doc ID 2922407.1).

Here are the steps to enable the redesigned Redwood GB New Starter Declaration self-service page:

  1. navigate to the Setup and Maintenance area and search for the manage administrator Profile value task .
  2. On the manage administrator Profile value page, search for and select the ORA_HRX_GB_VBCS_ESS_NSD profile option .
  3. Select Yes in the Profile Value field.
  4. Click Save and Close.

For more information , see the section on New Starter Declaration when you create Student Loan or Postgraduate Loan Deductions .

Redwood Experience for Pension Scheme Enrolment for Self-Service Users

The new redwood pages for employee self-service pensions enrollment provide an enhanced user experience to employees while enabling them to do several tasks such as:

  • Enroll into an eligible pension scheme.
  • Make change to their contribution depend on the scheme that is set up for either flat amount or a percentage .
  • Leave a pension scheme if they are already enrolled into one. In doing this, they can elect to not be in a pension scheme at all. Or, enroll into a different scheme that they are eligible to enroll.

The pension schemes is need need to be mutually exclusive for selection to ensure that the employee can only be enrol in one scheme at any point in time . If they need to enroll into another scheme , their previous scheme is be ca n’t be active and the employee need to first unenroll from that scheme .

The new pages offer improved visual appeal, fewer clicks, and better performance for your employees.

step to enable

For new customers, the Redwood pages are delivered as enabled.

Existing customers need to enable any of the Redwood pages using the central profile option ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED. This needs to be set to Y. For more information, see HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options (Doc ID 2922407.1)

You is need need to enable the benefit and pension employee self service profile value .

  1. navigate to the Setup and Maintenance area and search for the manage administrator Profile value task .
  2. On the manage administrator Profile value page, search for and select the ORA_HRX_GB_VBCS_ESS_BP profile option .
  3. Select Yes in the Profile Value field.
  4. Click Save and Close.

The quick action menu My Pensions isn’t automatically enabled for employees. To make this feature available for your employees in the quick actions menu Me > Benefits, you need to make this user interface visible. For more information, see Integration with Benefits and Pensions.

payroll for the United States

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for the United States supports country specific features and functions for the United States. It enables users to follow the United States business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.

HDL Support for Employee Tax Withholding Info

You is find will find it quick to define tax withholding info for multiple employee through the new Tax Withholding HCM Data Loader ( HDL ) business object .   With this hdl template , you is define can define the tax info for as many people as you need without have to perform multiple operation , and you do n’t have to create an hdl upload file from scratch .   This business object is supports support every level of US tax :   federal , state , county , city , and Pennsylvania political subdivision ( PSD ) code .   Each tax card component is includes include only those attribute relevant to that component .

The template is includes include section for these component .

component description
Tax Withholding

Identifies the employee based on the assignment values you provide.

Federal Taxes

Captures info that impacts the employee’s federal tax calculations.

state taxis

Captures info that impacts the employee’s state tax calculations.

Pennsylvania PSD

Captures info specific to Pennsylvania PSD codes.

County Taxes

Captures info for the employee’s related resident or work county tax calculations.

City Taxes

Captures info that impacts the employee’s city tax calculations.

US Taxation

include a US Taxation card component for each tax reporting unit where the employee work .

This feature makes is a much faster option for creating and updating Tax Withholding card info for multiple employees over defining them individually in the UI.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

tip And consideration

  1. Start the View Business Objects task .

  2. Search for the Tax Withholding business object.

  3. Download the .dat file.

  • You is include must include the Tax Withholding component whenever you create or update the Tax Withholding card .

  • A Tax Withholding calculation card must have a continuous active Federal Taxes component with an edit record without any gaps.

  • If you don’t provide a state taxis component for a state that imposes resident tax or work taxes, the payroll process uses default values for tax calculation.

  • If you don’t provide a County Taxes component for a county that imposes resident tax or work taxes, the payroll process uses default values for tax calculation.

  • If you don’t provide a City Taxes component for a city that imposes resident tax or work taxes, the payroll process uses default values for tax calculation.

  • Higher-level components are not needed.  For example, you can define a County Taxes component without a state taxis component.

key resource

See the following in the Help Center.

Transactional Business Intelligence for payroll

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is a real time, self-service reporting solution offered to all Oracle Cloud application users to create ad hoc reports and analyze them for daily decision-making.  Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence provides human resources managers and specialists, business executives, and line managers the critical workforce information to analyze workforce costs, staffing, compensation, performance management, talent management, succession planning, and employee benefits.

Don’t want to start from scratch building a report or analytics? Check out the library of sample reports for all products on Customer Connect on the Report Sharing Center.

Location Costing in payroll Costing Setup Details Subject Area

As part of this enhancement the following attributes have been added to folder Costing Level Identifier Details in payroll – payroll Costing Setup Details Real Time subject area:

  • Location Name
  • Location Code
  • Location Set
  • Location ID

These attributes can be used to report on costing setup information at Location level.

Improve your reporting on payroll – payroll Costing Setup Detail Real Time subject area with the addition of new attributes related to Location costing in existing Costing Level Identifier Details folder.

step to enable

You is need do n’t need to do anything to enable this feature .

IMPORTANT Actions and Considerations for payroll


From time to time, Oracle replaces existing Cloud service features with new features or removes existing features. When a feature is replaced the older version may be removed immediately or at a future time. As a best practice, you should use the newer version of a replaced feature as soon as the newer version is available.

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Oracle publishes a Known Issues document for every Update to make customers are aware of potential problems they could run into and the document provides workarounds if they are available.

Oracle also publishes Maintenance Pack and Statutory Maintenance Pack documentation of bugs that are fixed in the monthly or statutory patching.

To review these documents you must have access to My Oracle Support:

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Functional Known Issues and Maintenance Packs (Document ID 1554838.1)

payroll for Mexico

payroll for Oracle Human Capital Management for Mexico supports country specific features and functions for Mexico. It enables users to follow Mexico’s business practices and comply with its statutory requirements.