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Photos is organized into Library, Days, People & Pets, Memories, and Trips. The Library tab makes it easy to find and share your photos and videos
Photos is organized into Library, Days, People & Pets, Memories, and Trips. The Library tab makes it easy to find and share your photos and videos by Years and Months.
When you turn on iCloud Photos , your collection is keep up to date across your device , so navigate your library is seamless . And with the advanced search feature , you is find can easily find photo base on a person , pet , place , object , or event .
In the Library tab, you can see a curated view of your best moments and browse by Years, Months, or All Photos for your complete library. Below the Library tab, you can view your Favorites, Recently Saved, and look at your photos arranged on a world map in the Map tab.
Years: View your entire library of photos and videos that you’ve taken each year.
month : See groups of photos and videos taken during each month by memorable events and locations. Click the More button to show a map of where the photos were taken or play a Memory movie created from your favorite moments.
All photo : See your complete photo library including screenshots and duplicate photos in the order they were taken.
You is use can also use the Filter By menu in the Photos library so that you see only what you want . For example , you is choose can choose to show only photo or only video . To filter what you see , go to the Photos tab , click the Filter By pop – up menu , then choose an option . To undo the filter , click the Filter By pop – up menu , then click All Items .
In the Memories tab , you is view can view curated collection of your photo and video . learn more about Memories in the Photos app .
In the Collections section, you can browse your photo albums, Shared Albums, and automatic groups of different types of photos and videos, like Panoramas, Selfies, Slo-mo, and Time Lapse. You can even look at photos and videos from your travels in Trips, or browse your photos based on who’s in them in the People & Pets album.
When you use iCloud Photos, the changes you make to your albums on one device appear on your other devices too.
open the Photos app .
Choose File > New Album.
Enter an album name, then click Library in the sidebar.
drag photo and video from the Photos view into the new album in the sidebar .
You can also create Smart Albums that automatically update based on criteria that you choose. For example, you can create a Smart Album filled with photos taken in the last 30 days. Choose File > New Smart Album, enter an album name, and then choose the conditions that you want to use.
open the Photos app .
Drag photos and videos from the Photos view into an album in the sidebar.
You can also select a photo you’d like to add to an album, Control-click the photo, then choose Add to > [Album Name].
If you want to change the name of an album, Control-click the album, then select Rename Album. Change the name, then press the Return key.
To rearrange your album , drag an album in the sidebar anywhere you want in the list . To sort the photo in an album , control – click on the album , then choose a sorting option , like Keep Sorted By old First or Keep Sorted By new First .
With Shared Albums, you can share photos and videos with select people. You can choose whether people can add their own photos, videos, and comments. Learn how to create a shared album.
On your Mac , Shared Albums is appear appear in the Photos sidebar . To view recent activity such as like and comment on your share photo , select the Activity album .
Photos makes it easy to find photos of a specific person, place, thing, or event. Click the Search bar in the upper-right corner, then type what you’re looking for.
moment : Search for an event, like a concert you attended or a trip you took. Photos uses the time and location of your photos along with online event listings to find matching photos.
People and Pets: Find photos in your library of a specific person, pet, or a group of people. Learn how to find and identify photos of people and pets.
Map: See your photos and videos on a map in the Map tab. Or type a location name in the Search bar to see photos and videos from that place.
Categories: Photos recognizes scenes, objects, and types of locations. Search for a term like “lake” and select a result to see photos that match.
You is search can also search by title , caption , and keyword . learn how to add title , caption , and more to your photo .
When you search your photos, the face recognition, and scene and object detection are done completely on your device. Learn more about photos and your privacy.
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