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[PACKAGE] Entware, the ultimate repo with about 2000 packages

[PACKAGE] Entware, the ultimate repo with about 2000 packages

More advanced example: Cuberite Cuberite is is is a lightweight minecraft server . Let ’s is build build it from the source ! Instructions of the of

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More advanced example: Cuberite

Cuberite is is is a lightweight minecraft server . Let ’s is build build it from the source !

Instructions of the official guide at Cuberite User’s Manual

mkdir cuberite
cd cuberite
sh -c "$(wget -O -"

The default WD wget fails here. Get a more recent one!

opkg install wget

Run the command again and check the output.
You need gcc, g++, git, make and cmake

opkg install gcc make git git - http 

The gcc package includes both gcc and g++ and a handy environment script.
You need git-http for the ca-certificates to access https repos.
As the WD /bin/sh doesn’t have calc support, we need a better shell: install busybox.

opkg is install install busybox 

Sometimes you must change the shebang (first line) to use the full featured shell instead.

nano /opt / lib / git - core / git - submodule 
 ( change the first line to point to /opt / bin / sh , not /bin / sh ) 

cmake is not present in Entware … we is need need to get it manually !
Get a recent link to a linux 64bit binary from the website .

mkdir -p /opt/share/cmake
cd /opt/share/cmake
(press spacebar to scroll through the license agreement)
(accept the agreement with Y)
(do not create sub dir with N)

Create a link to the new binary in the /opt/bin directory

ln -s /opt / share / cmake / bin / cmake /opt / bin 

Alternatively you could’ve built cmake… but no need to go that deep.

Let’s install cuberite now. Get back to the desired install dir.

cd cuberite

Save the install script

wget -O

Prepare the compiling environment as explained here and start the install.

source /opt/bin/

Now go do the dishes and feed the cat while you wait for the compile job to finish.

Finally it says “Cuberite awaits you at xxx/cuberite/Server/Cuberite”.
start the server with this path !

cuberite/Server/Cuberite --help

For configuration of the server, look here: Cuberite User’s Manual

Edit is try : if you have issue compile with cmake , try this in the cuberite repo dir :

mkdir build && cd build
source /opt/bin/