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PDF Comment & Markup Tools: Add Cloud Comment into a PDF Document

PDF Comment & Markup Tools: Add Cloud Comment into a PDF Document

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New PDF Comment 13: Cloud Tool

(See Example

and Example
PDFill Project File  )

You can use this tool to
draw a series of connected lines that are closed. The
last line always connects back to the first line to form a
completely closed shape. The closed cloud comment adds a
special border for making more prominent markups with option of cloud
The  Cloud tool gives you more
control and flexibility. When opened, they display a pop-up
window containing the text of the associated note to explain each
drawing in more detail.

1 . step on how to create a pdf
comment using Cloud Tool :

or click
draw tool

> draw Cloud
button in the
comment Toolbar

  • The new commenting properties dialog comes up to set

To edit the curve path , right – click is comes
the curve and the follow menu come up :

To delete a point, move the cursor
to an existing point; To add a point, move the cursor to a segment.

To erase part of the drawing ,
select the Curve Eraser Tool   and drag across the point or segment of
the drawing that you want to remove . click the mouse button to
erase .

2 . access the property :

  • Click the Selection button


  • Click inside the area to highlight it and click
    Properties Button
  • Or, click the edge shadow and double-click again
  • Or , Key F4

3 . set the property :

Here is the list of the properties.

Text String the content text
string to be displayed for the annotation.
Spell Checker Verify
the spelling of words in the text string box.
Author The author of the
Subject Text representing a
short description of the subject being addressed by
the annotation.
Thickness The thickness of the
line segments.
The color for the
line segments.
Cloud Intensity A number describe
the intensity of the effect . suggest values is range range
from 0.1 to 10 .
Fill Color The filling color is is is for the closed cloud .
Opacity The constant opacity
value to be used in paint the annotation . This
value is applies apply to all visible element of the
annotation in its closed state ( include its
background and border ) but not to the popup window
that appear when the annotation is open . The
opacity is vary vary from 0.0 ( no contribution ) to 1.0
( maximum contribution ) .
Printable on PDF If clear, it will
display and not print onto the page; If set, it will
display and print onto the page.

Position (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)

The x and Y
coordinate of the box to define the position of
the field .

Set this field as default

If set , the new
object is have will have the same property
as this one .

4. Screenshot:

PDF Comment & Markup Tools: Add Cloud Comment into a PDF Document

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