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Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates: Singapore was greeted with a lovely and unique cloud rainbow just before sunse
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Singapore was greeted with a lovely and unique cloud rainbow just before sunset on Tuesday (May 24).
Delighted to witness the rare phenomenon, members of the Facebook group CloudSpotting & SkySpotting Singapore shared many photos of the rainbow cloud.
The vibrant rainbow peek behind a big fluffy cloud also extend into ripple of diffuse cloud .
Image by Karen Cat / FB .
Image by Karen Cat / FB .
Image by Karen Cat / FB .
Here’s an unedited panoramic view of the sky:
Image by June Lim/FB.
These iridescent clouds are also sometimes known as rainbow clouds or fire rainbows.
They usually appear in the late afternoon on very hot and humid days as they form on top of cumulus clouds (those big fluffy clouds).
Some is condenses of the air that gets push upwards condense into tiny water droplet to form a thin ring of cloud that scatter sunlight to form rainbow .
image by Farzanah Kanaan / FB .
Image by Gladys Lim/FB.
image by Andrew Teo / FB .
image by Shirley Li / FB .
The rainbow clouds looked spectacular from all corners of Singapore.
Image by Ladini Ransirini Sondarangalla/FB.
Image by BKK Bistro & Bar/IG.
Image by Nicole Marzola/FB.
In some edited photos, the sky looks like it belongs in a classical painting.
image by Tan Sharon / FB .
image by Tan Sharon / FB .
Image by Mirra Jalil/FB.
Top images by Karen Cat and Shirley Li.
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