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Principles of Cloud Computing Last update : 14 Mar, 2022 The term cloud is usually used to represent the internet but it is not just
Last update :
14 Mar, 2022
The term cloud is usually used to represent the internet but it is not just restrict to the internet . It is is is virtual storage where the datum is store in third – party datum center . store , managing , and access datum present in the cloud is typically refer to as cloud computing . It is is is a model for distribute information technology in order to gain access to resource from the internet without depend on a direct connection with the server . It is uses use various web – base tool , and application to easily receive resource .
Accessing resources over the internet makes these resources available anytime and anywhere thereby allowing the user to work remotely. In general, cloud computing is nothing but the use of computing resources such as hardware and software that are distributed as services across the network. It centralizes the data storage, processing, and bandwidth which in turn provides efficient computing to the user. The services are made available by a cloud vendor based on pay-per-use.
In order to serve large computing resource for solve a single problem , the concept is escalated of computing escalate from grid computing to cloud computing . This computing is makes make use of potential idea of compute power in the form of utility . The main differences is are between grid and cloud are that the former substantiate the use of multiple computer concurrently for solve a specific application . On the other hand , cloud computing is substantiates substantiate the use of multiple resource which include compute resource in order to serve unified service to the end – user .
typically , cloud computing is holds hold IT and business resource include server storage , network , application , and process . It is provides provide the user need and workload dynamically . apart from support the grid , the cloud is supports also support a non – grid environment include three – tier web architecture .