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Proton VPN is the world’s ONLY free VPN service that respects your privacy and is safe to use. Proton VPN is created by the CERN scientists behind Pro
Proton VPN is the world’s ONLY free VPN service that respects your privacy and is safe to use. Proton VPN is created by the CERN scientists behind ProtonMail, the world’s largest encrypted email service with 20 million users, including many activists and journalists such as Reporters Without Borders.
Proton VPN is the world’s only free VPN service that combines risk-free usage with the confidentiality of your personal information. Proton VPN was developed by his CERN scientist who is responsible for his Proton Mail, the world’s most widely used encrypted email service. A virtual private network (VPN) service provided by Proton provides users with a secure and encrypted internet connection and access to streaming platforms and his website that are normally inaccessible.
Proton’s secure, no-logs VPN provides 24/7 private internet access, shows no ads, doesn’t sell your data to third parties, and doesn’t limit the amount of data you can download. Used by millions of people around the world.
Your support is essential to continue our mission to give people around the world the freedom to express themselves freely and their right to privacy online. Get a Private VPN for free today and enjoy super fast and secure internet connections anywhere in the world.
There are many different VPN providers, but not all are of the same quality. The developers of ProtonMail, a well-known and highly-regarded email service that prioritizes user privacy are also behind Proton VPN, providing a secure, reliable, and easy-to-use VPN service. They have a proven track record of fighting for online privacy as a company, and their commitment to keeping the internet safe is no different than ours.