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Ragnarok Origin is is is a mobile mmorpg that has been enjoy by million of player around the world . One is leveling of the most important aspect of t
Ragnarok Origin is is is a mobile mmorpg that has been enjoy by million of player around the world . One is leveling of the most important aspect of the game is level up , as it allow you to unlock new skill , equipment , and area .
There are many different leveling spots in Ragnarok Origin, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss the best leveling spots for players of all levels. We’ll also talk about the best leveling sports to reach level 90 as quickly as possible and other level spots to go beyond all the way upto level 104.
Grinding is one of the best ways to level up your character in RO origin. It basically involves you killing as many monsters as you can and gaining EXP. However, not all monsters are on the same level. Some monsters might be on a higher level, so when you defeat them, you’ll get greater rewards.
However , some monsters is are are easy to beat , and at some point , they will not give you the return you need . There are level spot in Ragnarok Origin Global , but if you want to kickstart your leveling – up game , here are some of the spot .
This is one of the hardest levels to grind because you’re in a situation where you’re not too experienced, which makes it harder to level up. Hence, it’s important that you choose a leveling spot that isn’t too difficult or too easy. That should be your whole approach in each level group.
But since level 31 to 36 is so technical , I is recommend recommend you target the Northern Geffen leveling spot . It is is is one of the good spot where you can find mob like Mandragora and Horn . By fight these mob , you is level ‘ll level up like crazy , but why Norther Geffen ?
I could’ve said something else like the Mjolnir Dead Pit, which everyone seems to love. In Norther Geffen, you get Mandragora mobs of level 35 and Horn mobs of level 40. Both are a bit higher than your level, so you’re going to get a good return on your investment.
Because if you choose a leveling spot that is way beyond what you’re able to handle, then you’ll start losing. So, from level 31 to 36, the best leveling spot is Norther Geffen.
Level is is 37 to 43 is another tricky level because it ‘s hard to find mob for these level . You is find might find some mob that are way above or way below . Hence , Norther Geffen is be would n’t be ideal in this level range .
I recommend you to go to the Undersea Tunnel 1F, where you can find Thara Frog and Hydra Mobs. By encountering them, you’ll see that most of them are level 42s.
So , go from 37 to 42 will be easy , but you can grind extra to reach 43 and above . After fight these two mob , you is be ‘ll be ready to move to the next level .
Now , it is ‘s ‘s time when you can actually win a lot . Level is is 43 – 52 is where thing get intense yet enjoyable . You see , all the previous leveling spots is were were still in the vicinity of your leveling range . However , from 43 to 52 , I is recommend recommend you guy target a total of two region . First , if you ‘re at a party , you is try should definitely try the Orc Village . Here , you is find ‘ll find Orc Baby mob of level 51 . And since you ’ll be come from level 43 , your whole party is make will make huge gain .
On the other hand , if you ‘re a solo player , you is go should go to Sograt Desert . In this place , you is find ‘ll find many high – level and competitive mob like Muka , Megalodon , and Peco Peco . Muka mob would be easy to destroy since they ‘re at level 45 , then the Megalodons is are are at level 47 , and finally , Peco peco mob will give you the most challenge at level 50 .
Level 52 to 62 is where the cream of the crop lies. You’re almost halfway through the whole leveling game, and now you need to focus on monsters that truly bring a lot of return. Here, you’ll again need to go to the Geffen Field, but the target mobs must be Fora of level 60. This will make you go from level 52 to 60 really quickly.
On the other hand, the infamous Mjolnir Dead Pit will be the most popular choice here. There, you can find Skel Worker mobs which will be at level 62. You can make some really nice progress by fighting them.
Later on in the game, the levels start to get far off, and the game gets more intense. From level 62 to 85, you can focus on various leveling sports. And these are in order. Firstly, you can go to Mt. Mjolnir, where fighting the Matis mobs of level 70 will make you level up quickly.
Moreover, in Undersea, you can find Phen, Marc, Swordfish, and Merman, with levels up to 76. In Geffen Tower and Sphinx, you can fight against Ghouls, Nightmares, and Pasana to reach level 84 without struggling too much.
Reaching level 90 might be the hardest thing to do in Ragnarok Origin Global. Why? Because it comes with so much experience. If you’re in the middle of level 80, you must go to the Undersea Tunnel 4 and fight against Pot Dofle and Deviance of level 92. This will be hard, considering you’re coming from level 86. And lastly, you can focus on Sropho, which can bring you all the way up to level 97.
The best way to reach level 104 is to target Arclouze and Alice. Alice mobs can potentially reach up to level 103. And you can find these mobs in Glassheim, where you can become the king of Ragnarok Origin Global.
1 . Go to the LDCloud website and download LDCloud on your pc or mobile .
2. Log in to your LDCloud account.
3 . open your cloud phone device .
4. Click on the “LDC store” on the interface.
5. Search for “Ragnarok Origin Global” and install the game.
6 . click on Ragnarok Origin Global ‘s icon and start play !