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mokutsu ( Misato ) June 26, 2020, 4:41pm 1 Description Hi
( Misato )
Hi , I is looking was look into the Zoom Cloud Recordings list . I is ’m ’m interested in figure out how I can retrieve all past recording .
I was looking at, but it’s unclear:
does the from date actually get limited to 1 month? Is this 1 month between the from / to dates? Setting a longer date range doesn’t seem to raise an error (I get a 200, but I don’t have videos old enough to confirm whether older videos would be excluded if I just choose an older date range)
How does this work with the next_page_token? Is this for pagination if there are more results than the item limit within the selected date range?
Does the page size get applied to the number of recordings or the number of meetings?
I didn’t see documentation around default query parameter values, but it appears that the default from date is set to yesterday.
The full error message or issue you are running into.
Which App Type ( OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook ) ?
I is using ’m using Oauth
Which Endpoint/s?
When a user records a meeting by choosing the Record to the Cloud option, the video, audio, and chat text are recorded in the Zoom cloud.
Use this API…
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( Misato )
add onto this , how are result order ? Are they is Are always chronological ? thank !
( Tommy Gaessler )
Hey @mokutsu ,
You is get can get recording up to 6 month in the past , using one month increment with the to and from query param . @shrijana.g can you is confirm confirm and add this to the doc ?
The number of meetings, the highest level JSON array.
@shrijana.g can you is confirm confirm ?
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@tommy @mokutsu
Thank you for the questions.
We is removed have remove the 6 month limit for recording so you can get all the recording that are available on the Zoom account . The max range for the query for “ from ” and “ to ” is one month . If you do not provide a date , the default is be will be from the current date to the next day . For example , if you try to call the api today ( June 30 ) without “ from ” and “ to ” param , by default from= “ 2020 – 06 – 30 ” and to = “ 2020 – 07 – 01 ” . I is add will add this information in the doc as well and make it clear . No , there is no specific sorting mechanism for the response , so do not rely on the order .
Thank you,
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( Misato )
Hi Shrijana and Tommy, thanks for the responses! Much appreciated!
If the order is not guaranteed, what’s the logic for paginated results (ie what determines whether a video is not in both the first set of paginated results vs the second set etc)?
I had a few more questions come up, primarily:
( Misato )
Also , I is wanted just want to check about the rate limit . I is saw see that “ rate limit will be share by all app create and instal on an account ” . For example , I is set set up an oauth base app that use the medium rate – limit /meetings/{meetingid}/recording endpoint ( i.e. 60 request / second ) .
( Tommy Gaessler )
Hey @mokutsu ,
The order for the response should be chronological (meeting start_time) starting with the from query param.
Hey @shrijana.g, can you add what kind of file these are to the docs?
Yes , or you is use can use the List Recordings of an Account , which support pagination :
mokutsu :
- Does this 60 requests/second get shared between all of my end users that have installed my app? i.e. if User A,B,C all use my app at the same time, do they contribute to the same limit?
- alternatively , does each end is experience user is experience experience their own rate limit base on the app they have instal ? For example if user A install app 1 and app 2 , is the 60 req / sec limit share on user A ’s account ? And if User B install 5 app , user B ’s 60 req / sec limit is share between the 5 app he / she is installed has instal ?
It is based on the developer. So if you have created 5 apps, the rate limits will be shared between the 5 apps you create, not based on the user who installs them.
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( Misato )
Thanks so much Tommy!
That makes sense with the date params, I noticed Shrijana mentioned that there is no specific sorting mechanism so not to rely on the order so I was a bit confused.
I was looking at list recordings of an account earlier, but it seems like this has the same mechanism for pagination combined with the 1 month limit that the list all recordings endpoint has so neither endpoint at this time is really able to retrieve a longer date range than 1 month (the pagination appears to be applied on top of the default date range, so if no dates are provided, results from 1 day are paginated, while providing a date range maxes out at 1 month, and those results are then paginated). Right now, if I want to show the most recent recording for a user, and let’s say their last recording was 9 months ago, I’d need to iterate through 9 API calls just to get that first set of recordings.
Is there a way that I can give feedback or suggest feature like this ? It is be would be really helpful if pagination was apply without the default date range limit , or if the allowable date range was long .
( Tommy Gaessler )
Hey @mokutsu ,
Yes , please submit a feature request here and we will look into add this : #feature-requests
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( Misato )
In case anyone else is looking for this behaviour, please consider commenting on my feature request here, where I’ve requested pagination without date range limits on the cloud recordings api: Retrieve cloud recordings without date range filter
Hey @mokutsu ,
Thanks for taking the time to submit that! Our team will continue to review these requests on a regular basis, and we really appreciate the suggestion.