ROX Guide to Get Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

ROX Guide to Get Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

ROX or Ragnarok Origin X: Next Generation is one of the most popular MMOs out right now. With millions of fans around the world, the game is getting i

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ROX or Ragnarok Origin X: Next Generation is one of the most popular MMOs out right now. With millions of fans around the world, the game is getting increasingly popular, even in countries where it wasn’t available. However, grinding in the game might be a little hard, especially for new players.

So, in this guide, we’ll cover how to can get level 80 weapons and accessories as fast as possible.

ROX Guide to Get Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

get a level 80 weapon and accessory in Ragnarok X : Next Generation is is is a major milestone . These items is are are incredibly powerful and can help you to take your character to the next level . However , they is be can also be very difficult to obtain .

In this guide , we is discuss will discuss some of the good way to get a level 80 weapon and accessory in ROX .

1. Crafting

ROX Guide to Get Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

One is is of the most common way to get a level 80 weapon and accessory is by craft them . To do this , you is need will need to gather the necessary material , which include :

● Oridecon

● Dark Oridecon

● Tier 5 Elemental Gems

● Tier 5 Job Gem

Oridecon and Dark Oridecon are rare materials that can be obtained from the following sources:

● MVP Bosses

● Equipment Vending Machine

● Exchange

● Black market

Tier 5 Elemental Gems and Tier 5 Job Gems can be obtained from the following sources:

● Elemental dungeon

● Job Dungeons

● Exchange

Once you have all of the necessary materials, you can craft a level 80 weapon and accessory at the Blacksmith or Jeweler in Prontera. Crafting is one of the easiest ways you can get to level 80s, but it really depends on your positioning and where you’re getting your materials from.

Hence, by fighting for the right equipment, you can easily gain a level 80 weapon and thrive in the game without having to grind too much.

2 . obtain from MVP Bosses

ROX Guide to Get Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

MVP Bosses are high-level monsters that drop rare and valuable items, including level 80 weapons and accessories. MVP Bosses can be found all over Midgard, but they are most commonly found in high-level dungeons and areas.

Once again, your positioning is everything here. You need to position yourself in ways where you can get these bosses. While there are MVP bosses all over Midgard, always try to be as efficient as possible, choosing bosses that are a challenge to you.

To defeat an MVP Boss, you will need to form a party with other players. MVP Bosses are very powerful, so it is important to be well-prepared before challenging them.

If you are lucky enough to defeat an MVP Boss, you may be rewarded with a level 80 weapon or accessory.

3. Buying from the Exchange

ROX Guide to Get Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

The Exchange is a marketplace where players can buy and sell items. You can sometimes find level 80 weapons and accessories for sale on the Exchange. However, these items will typically be very expensive.

But if you have some money to invest, then you might be surprised to see how easy it is to get a level 80 weapon or accessory from the exchange shop. There are many options for you to buy, and once you master these weapons, you can literally become unstoppable in ROX.

If you are looking to buy a level 80 weapon or accessory from the Exchange, it is important to be patient. You may need to wait a while to find the item you are looking for at a price that you are willing to pay.

4. Joining a Guild

ROX Guide to Get Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

Many guilds offer their members access to a guild vault, which can contain level 80 weapons and accessories. If you are a member of a guild, be sure to check the guild vault regularly to see if there are any level 80 weapons or accessories that you can use.

Joining a guild also gives you an opportunity to earn a lot of zenies and other currencies. Hence, once you gain enough experience, you can rumble in the world of Ragnarok X: Next Generation.

5. Participating in Events

ROX Guide to Get Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

From time to time, the developers of ROX will host events that give players the chance to earn level 80 weapons and accessories. Be sure to keep an eye on the game’s website and social media channels for announcements about upcoming events.

Tips for Getting a Level 80 Weapon and Accessory

Here are some additional tips that may help you get a level 80 weapon and accessory more quickly:

● Focus on leveling up your character: The higher level your character is, the easier it will be to farm MVP Bosses and other high-level monsters.

● Upgrade your equipment: Good equipment will help you to kill monsters more quickly and efficiently.

● Join a party with other players: Farming MVP Bosses and other high-level monsters is much easier when you are playing with other players.

● Be patient: It may take some time to get all of the materials you need to craft a level 80 weapon and accessory or to find one for sale on the Exchange.

● Use LDCloud to have AFK grinding: To craft a level 80 weapon and accessory, you will need to gather the necessary materials. And using LDCloud to grind in ROX is a great choice. LDCloud is a cloud Android emulator that allows users to play games online 24/7. Moreover, even when you close the LDCloud app, the game will still run on the cloud. You can just set up the AFK setting, and then you can close the app and enjoy other games at the same time.


get a level 80 weapon and accessory in ROX is not easy , but it is definitely possible . By follow the tip above , you is increase can increase your chance of obtain these valuable item . Once you follow all these tip , you is get ‘ll get level 80 weapon and accessory fairly quickly .